Billy Byrne is a thug with almost no morals. He escapes to San-Fransisco where he becomes a pirate of sorts. How will he be affected after he helps kidnap Barbara?
Two men - a boy who grows into early manhood and an old ascetic priest, the lama - are at the center of the novel. A quest faces them both. Born in India, Kim is nevertheless white, a sahib. While he wants to play the Great Game of Imperialism, he is also spiritually bound to the lama. His aim, as he moves chameleon-like through the two cultures, is to reconcile these opposing strands, while the lama searches for redemption from the Wheel of Life.
Derived from the stories of FrankSpeaks in SOL
the beginning of the Day of Destruction series with a possible new name. This will be all new and I will tie it to the rest (I hope). For most, people the world will end with bangs and whimpers. For others, it is only the beginning. As Tolkien wrote, "The tale grew with the telling."
The daughter of a close friend and neighbour is murdered by political activists at a protest march. the activist go on to riot and take control of part of the city near where he lives. The local authorities side with the activists as they cause damage to the properties in the area. Both families decide to fight back, as do many other locals. You need not live in Lexington or Concord to fight aggressive oppressors. Written in US English. 27,400 words.
Damsels In Distress
It was a typical domestic violence call that sent him to the home of Sid Jones. Officer Mike Radford had no idea that there was nothing standard about it until he stepped into an empty closet. Travel along with Mike Radford as he becomes one of the small cadre of Earth Heroes rescuing Damsels in Distress on Chaos.