Ryan Uruks is steadily on his way to becoming a powerful Elemental. After stopping the war between the Ministries, Ryan, along with his unrequited love interest, Eclair Hamashe, set out to take the Second Level Placement Exams, furthering their careers as Elementals. They'll meet many new friends and rivals along the way, including a flirtatious young Werewolf maiden, as their trials take them to the home of the mysterious Light Monks.
A Story in the Choices Universe
Well life doesn't always go the way we would like it too. But then again it appears that sometimes life has a way of putting things, as they should be. Or maybe there is someone out there with a master plan. This is a weepy romance, so don't say you haven't been warned. Written and set in 2006.
A little wander through the realms of the improbable. Or maybe a wander into the possibility that those who have passed-on might be able to tamper with the lives of the living. No actually ghostly apparitions, more the possible influence or thoughts they might introduce into the unconscious mind.
This is what some people might refer to as a "Seasonal Story." It has undergone some slight modification since it first appeared on the Internet several years ago. I'm afraid that I cannot recall whether those changes have not been proofread, but time waits for no man.
A Story in the Spider and Fly Universe
No good deed goes unpunished! A young man finds that a good-hearted gesture, has come back to bite him many years later. I'm sorry but the wrong file was posted, I will replace it when I discover where the correct one has disappeared to.
A Story in the Spider and Fly Universe
A guy with a questionable reputation, spots a female he doesn't expect to see in a bar that has an even worse reputation.
A Story in the Spider and Fly Universe
The first of a pair of sort-of romance stories that share a major part of the same text. The partner story will be posted very shortly.
BE WARNED! This is a dark story. *** It takes two parents to raise a kid, not one parent and an enabler. He's always been the parent, but that's not enough. It's obvious that his wife lets the kid get away with anything and everything.