Weahtering Heights follows the life of Heathcliff, a mysterious gypsy-like person, from childhood (about seven years old) to his death in his late thirties. Heathcliff rises in his adopted family and then is reduced to the status of a servant, running away when the young woman he loves decides to marry another. He returns later, rich and educated and sets about gaining his revenge on the two families that he believed ruined his life.
Please read part 1 of Volume 2 before starting this novel. The story picks up directly after the events of part 1. While training on the moon of Galsin, Ryan and his friends are beset by mysterious forces under the command of the Fallen. At the same time, Ryan's teacher, Eramar Razor, is on the trail of a death cult known as the Mages who are in league with the Fallen. Revelations abound as our heroes discover truths they would have preferred to remain hidden.
He's a hard headed County Sheriff with one failed marriage. She's a beautiful and mysterious lady with a past that doesn't make sense. It might sound crazy. But he is beginning to suspect that the woman he is falling in love with is the victim of an eighty-year-old murder.
In 1910, Two people realize that they need to renew their love. A story about the nature of true love, and how that love evolves over time. Romantic and spiritual, providing us all hope and a way to look at out relationships.
I post a story every July to honor the folks who've served. I try to focus on obscure people in each, not the heroes. This one is about the Women Air Service Pilots—the WASPs. Those brave women were true American patriots. But their story was hidden from all of us for over thirty years. The plot is a coming-of-age tale for children of the Greatest Generation… sort of a latter-day Pilgrim's Progress—and most of the characters are real. Please enjoy…
The Human Series (2) Scott MacIntyre, the unusual foster kid raised on a boys ranch in West Texas, joined the Marines at the end of Human Phoenix. In the sequel, Human Man, he's all grown up and ready to make a life for himself.
A Barsoom Story (1) John Carter, a Confederate veteran of the American Civil War, goes prospecting in Arizona immediately after the war's end. Having struck a rich vein of gold, he runs afoul of the Apaches. While attempting to evade pursuit by hiding in a sacred cave, he is mysteriously transported to Mars, called "Barsoom" by its inhabitants. Carter finds that he has great strength and superhuman agility in this new environment as a result of its lesser gravity.