What does an old man do when confronted with a danger? He remembers what he is, he remembers his oath to "fight all enemies, foreign and domestic." The story title says it all.
The Great Depression devastated the country. The drought, hurricanes and dust storms caused havoc across the land. This is the story of a farm boy and his family and how they coped during those terrible years.
Father's been away 3 years. His young family's meeting him at the airport. --- Bad Fred, said --- It's poignant, and you hit the right notes. If I didn't know it was your story and trust you, I would have drifted away in the first few paragraphs. It moved slowly. It was lovely, but it wasn't hitting my "what happens next?" buttons. Well, until the end when it all comes together. Readers who stick with it will be rewarded. Set in Australia.
The Ghost Reporter of the local newspaper is at the finish line of the 20 km City Fun Run. What he sees and reports moves his column from page three to the front page. Set in Australia.
Five short stories, entries in a contest for stories under 100 words with a twist on the end. See if you can guess the twist before you get to it. / (Reviews)
Edward loves his daughter. Collecting her from school each afternoon and walking home with her is a highlight of his day. Then one day, on the way from work to school, he meets a blind man in the park.
A masters student does some research into the Apollo 11 moon landing and the claimed hoax. He has some startling discoveries to announce when he delivers his final paper.
A Clan Amir of Berant Story 15 Stories about an exceptional person, Gerry Mannheim, a high genius. These short stories cover his life from 10 years of age until 16 years of age. They depict aspects of his character and the events continuing maturing after he joins the Royal Guards to help him get offer the emotional shocks of the deaths during the year before. Mostly these stories cover the events around his military career but also cover personal high lights like meeting and courting his first wife.
Chronicles of Abrigal Silverlocks
Abrigal "Silverlocks" Crowley had a feeling she needed to leave San Fransisco. When a person of the Magical Percusion got feelings they act on the. Looking around she could see that hundreds of other Practitiners were leaving also. Yeah the Last Train leaving was at 9:00 P.M. and from the mob of people waiting it was not going to be big enough.