The story of Promiseum follows Daniel Knight (Danny) as he accomplishes his dreams, and then creates a new world only to have them, along with the universe, threatened by Walker of the dream (Dream Walker). Danny as to act fast and discover his connection to Dream Walker, so that he can save everything that he loves, and the entire universe from total destruction.
A Story in the Zokia Province Universe
Let it be said that Murphy (as in 'Murphys's Law') is alive and well, in every universe, not just our own. Even a simple pursuit can go utterly wrong for these would-be heroes. Kinda short, I know, but this is a good example of what we, in the gaming world, refer to as a "fumble".
A short story about a blacksmith and some of his misadventures. This is my first fantasy/fiction so i'm very excited about it. Any criticism is not just welcomed, but also encouraged.