A Story in the Zokia Province Universe
A young half-elf girl grows up while traveling the world with her human father, a highly gifted blacksmith. After years abroad, learning forge secrets from the dwarves themselves, father and daughter return home to resume the family business. Later, when the corrupt young duke sets his sights on her, she takes matters into her own hands.
A Story in the Zokia Province Universe
A trip through the mists re-directs the course of a young gladiator's life, and eventually sets him on a new path altogether.
A Story in the Zokia Province Universe
Let it be said that Murphy (as in 'Murphys's Law') is alive and well, in every universe, not just our own. Even a simple pursuit can go utterly wrong for these would-be heroes. Kinda short, I know, but this is a good example of what we, in the gaming world, refer to as a "fumble".
A Story in the Zokia Province Universe
An elven warrior's quest to return to his ancestral home after nearly a century of captivity is detoured into a dark realm twisted by evil.