In 1996, I took a four week sabbatical from work. I spent three of them on the road on a 1995 Honda Gold Wing touring motorcycle. I wrote this travelogue each evening on the road.
A Knox Family Story (3) Part of the Enfield Undrowned universe
Your mother is a kick-ass Japanese-American black-belt English teacher. Your father? A combat veteran Army Airborne Ranger paramedic with a penchant for saving lives on and off-duty. So, what are you going to do with your life? Something unexpected, that’s what, and you’re not going to take any s@!+, either.
An epic adventure in The Great Journey
Extra materials (journal/diary entries, emails, letters, etc.) found in The Great Journey will be posted here first before they are mentioned in stories.
A man is taken then returned. He's not the same or is he? Now with a lot of questions he leaves earth to search for the only other one like himself, so far.
Gary, the brother of Pastor James visits his brother after many years away from him, and gives him advice on how to deal with the Same Sex Marriage Debate. He follows the advice and things happen that upsets a lot of people. Set in Australia.
His eyes were dead. His face flat and expressionless. He moved through life without living. Warning: Do not read if depressed or prone to depression. There is no happy ending in this story.*****TeNderLoin: Powerful. Well worth reading.
a Legend of The Moon Samurai. Hiro is a wandering samurai trying to get along in a erra full of war and death and tryin to find who killed his entire village and more importantly who murdered his mother
Commissioner Sanders is called upon by the British Government "to keep a watchful eye upon some quarter of a million cannibal folk, who ten years before had regarded white men as we regard the unicorn." Written when world powers were vying for colonial honor, Sanders of the River encapsulates the beliefs and assumptions that motivated such quests. There is religious palava, raiding palava, and all the while, Bosambo, magnificent chief of the Ochori, watches on.