Details for ‘Sabrina’ by The Outsider

Size: 184 KB
Word Count: 33,915
Downloads: 826
Weekly: 387
Votes: 37
Score: 7.56
Voted: No
A Knox Family Story (3)
Part of the Enfield Undrowned universe
Your mother is a kick-ass Japanese-American black-belt English teacher. Your father? A combat veteran Army Airborne Ranger paramedic with a penchant for saving lives on and off-duty. So, what are you going to do with your life? Something unexpected, that’s what, and you’re not going to take any shit, either.
Genre: Biography
Tags: Coming of Age, Romance, School, Science, Military, Workplace, Science Fiction, Space, Alternate Timeline, Sports, Hockey
Age Rating: Older than 13
Posted: In progress
Updated: (Added Chapter 5)