Set in Blizzard's StarCraft universe, this story is told from the eyes of a terran Valkyrie pilot and a Protoss Templar. A Valkyrie barely escapes from a Protoss all-out attack, only to crash near an off-limits laboratory station. A Protoss Templar is on a personal quest to uncover machinations and treason amongst the Protoss that will shake their very beliefs and foundations. His search leads him to the same installation as the terran pilot, and to a much more horrifying truth..
A series of astounding experiments carried out by the redoubtable 'Sage of Trondheim', with caustic observations from his chief rival, the 'Swedish Savant'.
The coach of a local cricket team feels delighted to have at his disposal a prodigal talent. But, there are other reasons behind this strong attachment. However, in a span of a week, things turn sour