Jamie was a widower living near Orlando, Florida when circumstances resulted in him being the last man alive. Follow along as he struggles to survive and seeks someone, anyone, anywhere...
Little Girls of Wonder series. Where the little girl is the hero. This is a modern fairytale where love has the power to heal and set you free. For advanced reading preteens to the young at heart grown-ups.
An eleven-part story relating an exchange of messages between a disaffected galactic explorer and an increasingly exasperated staff at home-planet mission control.
Xeuxondra Universe
What do you do in a future where the world does not know of magic but governments try to control the paranormal? Escape, of course. But those who would control wizard Josef Samuelson are close to rearresting him, for good this time. His only hope of escaping a future as a government paranormal thug is to leave this world and dimension, if only he has the time.
Picnicking in a grassy meadow, Prince Karl and Princess Merry meet the Children of the Dragon and join them in hunting voracious predators threatening their flocks of food animals.