A Sailor Steve Costigan Story Steve and a rival pursue the same girl. Mayhem ensues. First appeared in 'Action Stories' October 1931. In the public domain.
An eleven-part story relating an exchange of messages between a disaffected galactic explorer and an increasingly exasperated staff at home-planet mission control.
Little Johnny is growing up to become 'That Johnny'. Miss Symes, teaching enough history that kids know where Latin came from, had been warned about 'That Johnny'. But for teachers, every moment is a teaching moment. Elspeth, the girl next door, who lives across the street, if you climb the fence at Mary's house, could write a note and tape it up and open it tomorrow and it will ALL BE THAT JOHNNY'S FAULT! What could go wrong? Possibly Chapter 3 of the Elspeth Chronicles.
I like it!!! It all goes back to: "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." This makes the general populace helpless against criminals. I say we should REQUIRE gun/weapons training, beginning in Elementary school, with refreshers required as 'summer school' courses, every year. Then we ISSUE every person a gun at High School graduation! That would make for a VERY POLITE society. Might even curb political graft. TeNderLoin