Eventually it turns into saving lost spirits. The first part was a college paper I wrote in the summer of 1995. I don't remember where I was going with it. Part two I wrote this week and it fills in where the story goes and who the characters are. There will be some discrepancy between parts one and two. Part three is the actual stories. It ends kind of abruptly as I needed to move on to other stuff. It still needs to be rewritten/edited.
Chronicles of Abrigal Silverlocks
Abrigal "Silverlocks" Crowley had a feeling she needed to leave San Fransisco. When a person of the Magical Percusion got feelings they act on the. Looking around she could see that hundreds of other Practitiners were leaving also. Yeah the Last Train leaving was at 9:00 P.M. and from the mob of people waiting it was not going to be big enough.