Gordy and Weena (12) Patrick has received his degree, passed the bar examinations and accepted a first job with NSW Aboriginal Affairs. He's immediately assigned a "problem" in the extreme NW of the State.
Charlie talks about not keeping secrets and not doing dangerous things. For preschool age kids. It is up to the reader to read it with great drama and fun.
What happens when a medical scientist is in a hospital bed rather than looking at the patient in it? Actually, I'm not a patient. I'm an impatient. Herein are some of my true experiences (OK, with humor) at a top cardiology research program and a community hospital. It was agreed that having my heart stop was not desirable.
This tale is based on a personal trip in 1969, when I hitch-hiked from Sydney to Perth, some 3,000 miles. This, in the middle of a very hot Australian summer. The main road, a lot of it unsealed at that time, runs across the Nullarbor Plain, a desolate land inhabited mainly by kangaroos, with a few small settlements along the way. I must have been mad, but I did actually complete the journey, taking only 3-and-a-half days. The latter portion of the story is fiction, but the majority is true.
I think the title says it all. Small town life. This was actually a college English paper from the summer of 1995. {I think} It's only a couple of pages long. Read with a southern accent. I was forced to put one thing under category though none really fit it so I chose true for true life not fact.