His eyes were dead. His face flat and expressionless. He moved through life without living. Warning: Do not read if depressed or prone to depression. There is no happy ending in this story.*****TeNderLoin: Powerful. Well worth reading.
Roxie, has had many men. Cal has never been lucky with women. Roxie says his problem is that "he doesn't know how to howl at the moon". She's from wrong side of the tracks and waitressing at the Bluebird Diner. Cal, a farmer's son, is a lawyer and politician. A bachelor, he often takes his meals there, where small town politics are always on the menu. Their lives intersect amid a struggle against political corruption.
A story in the Asteroid Hunters Universe
This is the story of a young man leaving family and friends on Earth for a job. He finds friends, a new family, drama, conflict, and war. He also finds love and a path to a better future.
What if Fairies and Dragons weren't legends, but aliens visiting our planet and inspiring our myths of old. After discovering intergalactic travel, humanity now lives alongside these fairytales and accepts them as a part of everyday life. Legacy is the perfect blend of science fiction and fantasy. It tells the story of Ryan Uruks, a human/dragon hybrid seeking to avenge his family by training in the ancient magic passed down by the Great Golden Dragon. This magic is called Elemency.
This is a story based on a real person and facts about her life. I've embellished, dramatized, and taken literary license to make it more entertaining than a dry biography. I've found the facts in this story and what this woman accomplished amazing. She showed courage that many of us would be hard pressed to duplicate.