This early science fiction story centers around an unnamed narrator living through various engagements between the British military and superior alien attackers. it describes an invasion of the British Islands by an advanced civilization from Mars. While the human defenders were hopelessly outmatched,they were still able to destroy several of the invading Machines. Will humans be able to survive this unusual invasion?
A story in the Winds of Change Universe
Grant Maxwell is sent back to the Colonial period of America to try to thwart the actions of a Scottish professor who hates the United States. Unfortunately, too much damage may have already occurred and it may be up to Grant to try to salvage the Nation. Note - Slavery concerns life in Colonial America. - 119,900 words.
A man is taken then returned. He's not the same or is he? Now with a lot of questions he leaves earth to search for the only other one like himself, so far.
Damsels In Distress
The rebels on Cassandra have tricked the system into sending an important person to Chaos when they didn't want to go. Al is asked to rescue her then return her to Crossroads with two Damsels on the same island off the enemy held coast. To do so he must arrive on Chaos too far from his usual helpers to involve them in his plans to free the islands from his enemies. 27,300 words
Evolution (2) Most of the Connor clan hosting Companions have moved to Texas. It has been a year since the fateful space ship crash. The ethereal alien that survived, opening a portal allowing more Companions into this universe, has been finding ways to protect the hosts. General Branch is still at large. When Branch resurfaces with terrorists, he is focused on revenge. A kidnapping causes a different portal opening, and the beings that enter this universe are not the benign Companions that Caleb knows.
is the second book in the Skylark series and is set a year or so after the events in The Skylark of Space. During that time Marc "Blackie" DuQuesne (pronounced "Du Kane") has used the wealth he was given by the Kondalians of the planet Osnome to buy a controlling interest in World Steel, a large company known for its ruthless attitude, aiming to get what it wants by fair means or foul.
Damsels In Distress
Al is asked to take on another special mission, but this time it's well into the enemy held lands where he can't get any of the Chaos helpers to go with him. He has along a few of his people from Earth who are training to be Heroes or wish to leave the Earth society for a life on Chaos. There are surprises for all on Chaos. 21,100 words - 3 parts
When the Inter-Planetary Corporation's (IPC) crack liner, "IPV Arcturus", took off on a routine flight to Mars, it turned out to be the beginning of an unexpected and long voyage.
The Masters had ruled all space with an unconquerable iron fist. But the Masters were gone. And this new, young race who came now to take their place--could they hope to defeat the ancient Enemy of All?