Details for ‘Play Ball!’ by Ernest Bywater

Size: 381 KB
Word Count: 77,605
Downloads: 13804
Weekly: 5
Votes: 413
Score: 8.28
Voted: No
Due to family matters a teen boy moves to the USA, where he learns to play, and like playing, baseball. He works hard and enjoys his baseball. To him it's a fun sport, but he can't resist when they offering him good money to play professional baseball. However, there's one problem, few paid ball players are true professionals. He must choose between playing in a situation he doesn't like, or walking away from good money, and playing where he likes to play for the fun. 76,000 words
Genre: Action/Adventure
Tags: Workplace, Rags to Riches, Sports, Baseball
Age Rating: Older than 13
Concluded: (Added Chapter 9 (final))