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CiT book 6 will be on Bookapy until this coming Friday. Then it is being moved to that unmentionable site.
Cast in Time Book 5 is at moderators. This is an ARC.
An updated version that has been heavily edited has been uploaded to Bookapy. Check your bookshelf for a new copy.
Cast in Time Book 2: Baron of the Middle Counties is up on Bookapy as an Advanced Readers copy (which means not been through the final edit yet.) After the final edit will be reloaded and available on your bookshelf.
I have posted the last four chapters of Cast in Time: Baron Book 1 today. The reason is that people will be able to finish the story before it is taken down on July 1st to go into a program that requires exclusivity. Book 2 will be posted on Bookapy when complete but not on SOL or Finestories.
Ed Nelson
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