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Carpenter Universe —
A Universe from the Mind of Robert McKay
An almost real life Albuquerque, NM, in which Darvin Carpenter, and his family, friends, and acquaintances live and work. If you visit Albuquerque, you'll be able to find ALMOST every place that appears in the Carpenter universe. However, there are differences. :)
Darvin is a PI, and most of the Carpenter universe stories involve him as the narrator. However, some stories only peripherally bring him in, or not at all - but they take place in his Albuquerque.
Someone's killing homeless people in Albuquerque, and because Darvin Carpenter knows people in the police department, and has some abilities that could help the investigation, he and Cecelia become part of the task force looking for the murderer.
The Air Force forbids "fraternization" between officers and enlisted troops. But what happens when a lieutenant and a senior airman come to love each other? Both love the Air Force, both love their careers, and both love each other... and something's got to give.
After the serial murder investigation in Life Is Short, Cecelia Carpenter needs to relax, so the family takes off for her hometown of Leanna, AL. But there are still a few Klansmen about, and relaxation isn't so easy.