Was this ill-fated expedition the end of a proud, old race-or the beginning of a new one? There are strange gaps in our records of the past. We find traces of man-like things-but, suddenly, man appears, far too much developed to be the "next step" in a well-linked chain of evolutionary evidence. Perhaps something like the events of this story furnishes the answer to the riddle
Al and Betty have peculiar skills which set them apart, and which leads them to search for others like them. As they discover who they might be, they become alienated from friends, family and humanity in general. They must discover who they are and where they belong, as there no room for them in their world. Between walking into disasters, ungrateful rescues and government agents tracking their every movement, they're searching for a way out and a way home, wherever that might be.
A world of Monoshifters, with humans stuck on it. All the humans want to do is leave. But humans can still easily catch the virus that turns them into one of the shifters. Is it too late for the humans? Is it too late for him?
The product of bio-engineering they search for their place and the man who made them what they are. They search for their humanity and sexuality. What a crappy life!
The World of Robert MacLeod (6) The New England Bureau of Investigation Training Academy set in the middle of the Royal Marine base at Quantico should be safe. Robert and Sarah are sent to Quantico; Robert to teach and Sarah to learn. However events move too fast. The chase for the murderer moves North and West, culminating in a sea battle.
The World of Robert MacLeod (9) An outbreak of sightings of little girls. John spreads his wings. Or rather; it is Sarah who spreads her wings. And what is 'eye scream'?