Adventurer Allan Quatermain helps his Zulu friend Saduko win 100 cattle to buy his true love Mameena ("Child of Storm"). The mysterious Mameena, however, has other ideas-she wants to marry Allan Quatermain.
How He Was Kidnapped and Cast Away; His Sufferings in a Desert Isle; His Journey in the Wild Highlands; His Acquaintance With Alan Breck Stewart and Other Notorious Highland Jacobites; With All That He Suffered at the Hands of His Uncle, Ebenezer Balfour of Shaws, Falsely So Called.
While Quartermain visits Lord Randall, two foreigners come asking for Allan Quartermain by the name he used among the Africans. Harut and Marut, priests and doctors of the White Kendah People and they have come to ask Allan Quartermain for his help. The White Kendah people are at war with the Black Kendah people who have an evil spirit for a god. And that spirit of the god resides in the largest elephant they have ever seen, an elephant that no man can kill -- save Allan Quartermain.
Adventurer Richard Hannay, just returned from South Africa, is thoroughly bored with London life-until he is accosted by a mysterious American, who warns him of an assassination plot that could completely destabalise the fragile political balance of Europe. Initially sceptical, Hannay nonetheless harbours the man-but one dayreturns home to find him murdered...
November 1915. Richard Hannay is tasked to undertake a top secret mission to investigate a plot to create a holy war throughout the Muslim world and draw troops and resources from the Western Front.
Jimgrim is an American secret service agent employed by the British and stationed in Jerusalem. With him are his faithful friends, all eager for a fight of any kind. The ambitions of the French in Syria arouse the enmity of King Feisal of the Arabs. The Allies promised him the kingship of Syria, Palestine and Trans-Jordania. This promise they have not kept,and the French are out to kill the Arab chieftain. Feisal orders his Arab adherents, of a massacre of the Jews in Jerusalem.
Jamie was a widower living near Orlando, Florida when circumstances resulted in him being the last man alive. Follow along as he struggles to survive and seeks someone, anyone, anywhere...