The World of Robert MacLeod (9) An outbreak of sightings of little girls. John spreads his wings. Or rather; it is Sarah who spreads her wings. And what is 'eye scream'?
The World of Robert MacLeod (6) The New England Bureau of Investigation Training Academy set in the middle of the Royal Marine base at Quantico should be safe. Robert and Sarah are sent to Quantico; Robert to teach and Sarah to learn. However events move too fast. The chase for the murderer moves North and West, culminating in a sea battle.
The World of Robert MacLeod (5) The bones of a previosly unknown Dinosaur have vanished. Its skull is nineteen feet long, so, how did it disappear? Was magic used? And where is it now? Robert and Sarah explore the desert mountains of New Mechicoe
The World of Robert MacLeod (4) Sir Oliver Plumb has disappeared. Has he been kidnapped? Has he been killed? Is it a political ploy. Robert MacLeod, a Special Investigator of the New England Bureau of Investigationis given the task of investigating the disappearance. What will he find?
The World of Robert MacLeod (7) Robert and Sarah are on holiday; a working holiday. Together with John Buck they solve crimes and complete other investigations, besides visiting their relatives. Along the way they acquire a fourth member of their team, a rebellious lass from New Holland, and settle into an operational base.