Aztlán Portal - Cover

Aztlán Portal

Copyright© 2021 by Paladin_HGWT

Chapter 10: Firming Up Plans

Cannon Air Force Base, near Clovis, New Mexico
0630 Hours (6:30 AM) MDT Monday March 26th 2018

Colonel Wojciechowski, Lieutenant Colonel Martinez, Lieutenant Commander Ellis, Lieutenant Commander Marshal, Lieutenant Lincoln, Lieutenant Washington, Staff Sergeant Brussels, and Corporal Thomas turned out for voluntary PT. Most were attired in the PT uniform for their particular branch of the armed services, Akira was wearing civilian athletic garb. Due to their different capabilities, Colonel Wojciechowski allowed them to warm up individually in the gym. The Colonel made it clear that he would set an easy pace, their route was selected to review possible locations for Task Force Hidalgo to occupy.

Jogging from the Fitness Center northeast along Air Commando Way, then turning east along North Perimeter Road, then south along East Perimeter Road, Colonel Wojciechowski maintained an easy pace. They then diverted onto a defunct runway, upon arriving at the area near the recreational skeet range, they paused briefly to look at one prospective site, just off of Gunship Road, adjacent to the foundations of some old buildings that had been torn down. None of the new people were any more favorably impressed about this location, than the four who had already seen it.

They continued south along Gunship Road to the tertiary site. Despite new construction here, even some unoccupied new buildings, it was likely they would be occupying CHUs (Containerized Housing Units), modular tents, and other temporary facilities, amongst an area where significant construction was ongoing. It was unlikely the construction in progress would be completed before the Hidalgo Task Force finished its mission, and be disbanded. The slight advantages of apron space adjacent to the AC-130W Stinger IIs of the 16th SOS, and a nearby AAFES Shoppette and a laundromat, made it marginally better than the first location they had checked out.

Taking a different route from Thursday, Colonel Wojciechowski led them around the end of Runway 31, and then south parallel to the runway to the preferred location southwest of the Commissary and the main AAFES Exchange. The area was barren, it would require several tons of gravel, or a hasty paving job; possibly steel matting, or it would be a dusty, and occasionally muddy mess. Yet, there was just enough room for the CHUs, tents, other temporary facilities, a SCIF, there was even an area for a temporary hanger adjacent to a small apron along the taxiway to the end of Runway 13.

Colonel Wojciechowski noticed that the two Sea Bees were a bit winded; he noted that both of the Air Force personnel seemed to be in good shape. They had jogged further than most active duty units commonly did, even if they had done so at a relaxed pace. Officially, the Hidalgo Task Force was assigned to JSOC, however, that was more for OpSec. It would be both rude, and foolish to humiliate the Sea Bees, and other personnel who would only be attached to help set up the facilities.

Colonel Wojciechowski planned to keep PT, physical training, calisthenics, jogging, and other activities more informal than most units. He would leave it up to the NCOs. As long as his personnel could pass an APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test), he would authorize alternative forms of PT, such as swimming, or even playing soccer or basketball; as long as individuals remained fit. Their duties would be primarily intelligence gathering using UAVs, and maintaining those aircraft. If they did get some Operators assigned to the Task Force to conduct ground reconnaissance, well, they have their own rigorous standards.

At the Colonel’s guidance, the small group had ended their run at the prospective site of the new task force. As they walked about, and in some cases performed some calisthenics as part of their warm-down, they also inspected the site. The barren location would require significant work. However, the absence of any significant obstacles, or former construction, did simplify some matters. They did not know how much complication would be imposed by environmental regulations. Colonel Wojciechowski hoped that most issues could be speedily resolved, or waived, especially since all of the buildings would be temporary, and could be removed once the task force was disbanded.

Hands on his hips, Lieutenant Commander Marshal said, “We should be able to put together the facilities you outlined on the drive down here. Availability of CHUs and other pre-fab units shouldn’t be a problem. I want to get started on putting in the rock and gravel bed, then getting it packed tight. I want to minimize any issues of the temporary facilities settling unevenly.”

“I am concerned about how many generators you are likely to need. Typically, hastily planned operations significantly underestimate how much electrical power will be required. Not to mention the amount of electricity will be used by the personnel for their laptops, DVD players, iPods, and everything else. Don’t forget heating and air conditioning. I would like to tap into the grid, however, I suspect it will be an administrative and regulatory nightmare. We are going to need significant fuel tank capacity for the generators too.” Lieutenant junior grade Lincoln pointed out.

Colonel Wojciechowski asked, “What do you two think about putting up some HESCOs, or maybe T-Walls? It might make it easier to put up some LLS camo nets too.”

Commander Marshal said, “Either of those will enhance your privacy and security. From what you have told me, physical security is not really a concern, but to a certain degree, OpSec is. Both of those will also significantly reduce the noise of the generators. As you mentioned during the drive, it will cut the winds, however you might want some breezes. T-Walls will take up less space, but might be more difficult to obtain quickly. T-Walls can be repositioned easier, if we have a mobile crane available. HESCOs should be cheaper, and easier to obtain quickly.”

“We should use a mix of both. Probably we can obtain HESCOs quicker, use them between the generator farm, and the occupied areas, also we can emplace satellite uplinks and other dishes and antennas upon them. Towers too, if that’s what you want. We might be able to obtain T-Walls from a local contractor cheaper than transporting them. In my experience, no matter how good the plan, you’ll need to make changes, and T-Walls are easier to relocate.” Lieutenant junior grade Lincoln said.

Commander Marshal said, “This is why I wanted her present from the get go! She is correct about the need for electrical power. She has not mentioned that it is better to properly plan how and where we run our electrical cables will prevent unnecessary frustration later. She’s not afraid to confront senior officers about the consequences of being foolishly optimistic.”

“If you aren’t aware of the consequences of failing to ensure everything is properly grounded, I’ll make your life miserable. My Master’s Thesis was based upon Task Force Safe, and the unnecessary loss of life in Afghanistan and Iraq. A friend of my uncle was killed by incompetence because a wet CHU was improperly grounded! He was kind to me when I was a little girl. No compromises!” Lieutenant Lincoln said.

Colonel Wojciechowski said, “Absolutely. I didn’t lose any friends, but I know what you are talking about. I never want to lose anyone unnecessarily! For any reason.”

Lieutenant Colonel Martinez asked, “Will I be responsible for acquiring the construction materials, CHUs, and the vehicles and equipment to set up our cantonment?”

Colonel Wojciechowski said, “As our Executive Officer you will be verifying that those things, among many others get done. I am delegating everything related to construction to Paul, he has the discretion to delegate procurement to others. Edgar, Paul, Akira, and Lieutenant Washington will join me for the meeting with the base commander at 1000 hours. Because of the deteriorating situation, I hope we obtain permission to begin construction ASAP. I would like to begin the site survey, and create a virtual layout of our compound after lunch today. Any questions?”

Casern of the 25/a Batallon de Infanteria, (about 1km south of Zona Militar 5/a) in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua state
0730 Hours (7:30 AM) ZPT (Zona Pacifico) Monday March 26th 2018
(dialogue is spoken in Spanish, but written in English; some Spanish in italics)

Perspiring after morning calisthenics and a five kilometer jog, Teniente Coronel de Ribera Commander of the 25/a Batallon de Infanteria scrutinized the stragglers who had fallen out of formation. An athletic Cabo led the soldiers who failed to keep up an additional lap around the compound, Sargento Primero Torrez had collected them, and kept pace with them. Several of the laggards were vomiting, but it appeared that none had collapsed. Sargento Mayor Dominguez wrote down the names of the deficient soldiers. While conducting their cool-down exercises, the rest of the battalion also watched those who failed to meet the standard.

Muchachos, shower quickly, then eat a hearty breakfast. We have much that must be accomplished today, and the rest of the week will be even busier! Each company will go to the range today to zero our weapons, and get in some target practice. There will also be an inspection of personal equipment, and we will begin loading our vehicles and staging them. Battalion. Fall Out!” Teniente Coronel de Ribera said.

Teniente Coronel de Ribera had kissed his wife, and gazed upon his two slumbering sons, and his precious daughter, before driving to the compound of the 25/a Batallon de Infanteria early this morning. His home was close enough to have gone there to shower, and enjoy one of his wife’s delicious breakfasts, however, he wanted to chat informally with his senior officers. He allowed his Executive Officer to live in the rather nicer, and roomier quarters for the commanding officer. He kept several sets of uniforms, his tactical gear, and the bed was always made up by his orderly in one of the unoccupied quarters for a junior officer.

By the time he got out of the shower, his orderly had laid out a neatly pressed uniform, and a pair of spit-shined boots. Frequently enough to keep the cooks on their toes, Teniente Coronel de Ribera ate some meals in the enlisted Mess. This morning he needed to discuss some matters amongst only the officers. The matters were not so confidential he needed to dismiss the Mess Stewards, so that before lunch most of the Battalion would be aware of what El Jefe had discussed with the Company Commanders. Due to the perversity of human beings, rumors were more likely to prepare his troops for action than an official notice.

Their superiors held most, if not all of the enlisted men, and many of the officers not born into the right families in disdain. He had been cautioned about tipping off his Battalion about their imminent deployment. As if lack of preparation would be beneficial to their deployment. It was not spoken, however, there was concern about desertion reducing their already understrength ranks. Heraldo de Ribera thought Shakespeare’s Saint Crispin’s Day speech in Henry V said it well, “Let he who fears to stand beside me in battle depart now, for I do not want him with us when the going gets tough.” Or something like that. Soldiers usually lived down to low expectations, or lived up to high expectations.

He was among the first to arrive at the Officers Mess, of course the Mess Section had been exempted from PT. Teniente Coronel de Ribera told the junior officers present to be ‘As They Were’ and to enjoy a leisurely breakfast today, for there would not be such opportunities in the immediate future. A crisp and snowy white linen tablecloth was decked out with the regimental china, and silverware instead of the plain china and stainless steel used for most meals. The Senior Mess Steward was pouring a cup of rich dark coffee as The Colonel sat down.

The Senior Mess Steward took The Colonel’s order, and that of his Executive Officer Mayor Jiménez, and Captain Primero Guerrero, who commanded the 1/a Compania Fusileros, or first company of infantry. The other senior officers took their places and placed their orders for breakfast. The junior officers sat at smaller tables around the room, adjacent to walls decorated with military memorabilia. For a variety of reasons there are few Regiments that have any real traditions; all shared in a general national tradition. Most of his officers came from lower middle-class families from Mexico City, or the immediate vicinity; most of their Soldados came from Chihuahua. Only the NCOs had any regional diversity, typically they were reassigned to a different unit after each reenlistment.

Teniente Coronel de Ribera had eaten his fill, yet he occasionally nibbled, or sipped his coffee so that the other officers did not feel compelled to finish before they had eaten their breakfast. There was no rush, and they would all need their energy over the next week. The mood of all of the officers was subdued. An influx of refugees. Rumors of unrest in the western part of the state, and a late afternoon meeting of all of the senior officers in the Zona Militar 5/a caused even the least observant officers and men to be aware that some sort of duty was imminent.

Glancing at his officers before he spoke, Teniente Coronel de Ribera cleared his throat, then said, “Gentlemen, I am displeased. Forty six soldiers fell out of formation during a mere five kilometer jog. I kept us to a moderate pace. Scores more fell out of ranks, but at least kept pace with their Companies. Today every soldier must qualify with their rifle. Time permitting, I want those best skilled with the heavier weapons to fire at least a few rounds for familiarization. I expect better performance.”

He paused to observe the dismayed visages of his key leaders, before continuing, saying, “Anyone who goes to sick call will be escorted by Sargento Segundo Nunez and several Cabos, they will go to the nearby clinic to be examined by a doctor. I want you to send anyone who may be sick, especially if they might be contagious. Shirkers will be dealt with; however, I want those who merely need medication to be fit, to be treated, and those who should not be deployed to the field for a week or two will be assigned to an ad hoc garrison Peloton. Subteniente de Rosales will be in charge of the garrison, his wife is expecting before the end of the month, and I am confident he will manage our rear detachment adequately.”

Mayor Jiménez, and Captain Primero Guerrero, and several other officers had notebooks out and pens poised as he continued, “After we see the results of qualifications, we shall reorganize the Battalion. We shall be prepared to field three Compania Fusileros each with two Pelotons, each with two squads each of seven men, each squad will field a FN Minimi light machinegun and an M203 grenade launcher. A third squad also of seven men will have a HK21 machinegun and an RPG-7. I want to form a composite Weapons Peloton with four M2HB heavy machineguns, four Mk19 automatic grenade launchers, each mounted in a DGIM HMMWV, four two-man teams armed with Carl Gustaf recoilless rifles will ride in the heavy machinegun vehicles, the Peloton officers and NCOs will ride with the Mk19s. I believe we can muster two serviceable M2 81mm mortars, and four M1 60mm mortars. The mortars and heavy weapons will be deployed as sections and attached to the Compania Fusileros or infantry Pelotons as dictated by the tactical situation.”

Capitan Segundo Bautista asked, “will General Brigadier Allende be accompanying us on this upcoming exercise? Or will it be members of the General Staff or the Presidential High Command be supervising?”

Teniente Coronel de Ribera chuckled, then said, “I am sure that all of those worthies will be closely monitoring us, however, I don’t expect any of them to be accompanying us to the field. Zona Militar 5/a will be providing us a Surgeon and a Physician’s Assistant, as well as enough medical personnel to bring our battalion Aid Station up to strength, and a Medic for each Peloton. They should also be providing some supply trucks with drivers, perhaps a few more mechanics and technicians, and hopefully a Peloton of Engineers.”

Captain Primero Guerrero, your 1/a Compania Fusileros will go to the range first. The rest of you will be conducting an inventory of each individuals’ uniforms and gear, then your unit equipment, before completing pre combat checks and pre combat inspections. There is a lot to keep track of, so use checklists, apps on your phones or laptops. Don’t try to impress me with how much you can remember. Use every asset to make sure you get things done properly! If your junior officers or NCOs are incompetent, now is the time to replace them. Are there any questions? No? Andale!” Teniente Coronel de Ribera said.

The junior officers had finished their breakfasts, and departed to carry out their duties soon after Teniente Coronel de Ribera started speaking to the senior officers. From the looks on their faces, most of his officers seemed to be uncertain about what was supposed to happen tomorrow. He was surprised that rumors had not tipped off some of his officers. Possibly some of them were better actors than he suspected they were. More likely there was an institutional shying from using the Army to restore order in a major urban area. Perhaps some wondered if this was a scheme to impose Martial Law in the city of Chihuahua, despite the lack of severe disorder.

Walking briskly to his office, Teniente Coronel de Ribera reviewed a mental checklist of his priority tasks. On his laptop he had a Spanish language version of a template used by Yankee Battalion Commander’s to deploy for a rotation at the JRTC (Joint Readiness Training Center). Zona Militar 5/a was supposed to provide him with twenty maps of Cuauhtémoc and the surrounding area, as well as the most recent information about what was going on in that shithole. The attachments from Zona Militar 5/a as well as the ammunition and explosives were due to arrive at fifteen hundred hours. It was going to be a long day.

Outskirts of Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua state (140km northeast of the Barranca del Cobre)
Approximately two hours after dawn Monday March 26th 2018
(dialogue is spoken in the “Common Tongue” or military Lingo; words in Italics are in the Imperial Language aka ‘Polite Speech’ or Spanish)

Drax Ulrich had dismounted from his tired riding horse, and climbed to the top floor of a three-story building to get a better perspective of the various defensive perimeters in the vicinity. Civil war had reduced this city of Kow-tee-mock, the natives made a sort of choking noise saying the name that Drax Ulrich couldn’t quite pronounce. Various Mexican factions had been fighting for control of this city for a couple of decades, according to what the Magi and interrogators discovered. Although most of the severe destruction had been the result of fighting and looting over just the last two weeks.

It was hard to believe that so much of the destruction had occurred so recently. There was much to learn about this world. It seems the King of Mexico, or rather the King of Spain, who lived far away across an ocean, had lost control of these rich lands nearly two hundred years ago to a revolution. The people seemed proud of this revolution against their king, despite the many revolutions and civil wars that had wracked this land in the nearly two centuries since their self-proclaimed independence. Certainly, it was a rich land, with many wonderous things. Not the least of which were the many deadly weapons!

Drax Ulrich was careful to remain several paces away from any window. These Mexicans could kill a man from many times the range of a crossbow; further even than a Ballista could shoot! Several of Tacticus Hoth’s officers and men had been killed by, francotiradors; may they be thrice damned. Drax Ulrich had been given a pair of binoculars, much better than a telescope, allowing him to see clearly quite some distance. Even then, one needed to be cautious, sun glinting off of a lens, or a shiny bit of metal would occasionally draw a shot from these Mexican francotiradors. Metal armor was of limited utility, some units were taking it off. The Drax chose to wear hunting leathers over dark wool breaches and a tunic.

(francotiradors Spanish for snipers)

Tacticus Hoth had planned well, and his junior officers had executed the plan as well as could be expected. Using Grenzers who wore only light armor, and for this mission had forsaken all metal armor, had infiltrated the locations occupied by some of this Sinaloa Sicario faction, and killed more than a hundred of them. The Grenzers also captured more than five thousand slaves who had been held captive by these Sinaloa Mexicans. It seems these ‘Sinaloa’ were almost as debauched and ill-disciplined as the bandits and brigands that plagued Infirnium, the most dangerous Vastitus ad Portus (wilderness beyond a Portal) Drax Ulrich had ever ventured into.

As per the arrangement the Magi had negotiated with the Mennonite Mexicans, the forces of Desportes Lazula had established themselves in the ruins of Artae (northern) Kow-tee-mock, preventing the various factions from ravaging the rich farmland to the Arta (north) and Orta (east). There were many factions here, from the primitive Raramuri, the civilized Mennonites, the savage Sinaloa and Los Zetas Sicario factions, and the Federales. There were also smaller gangs of bandits and brigands, as well as sub-factions of known groups. Once the Imperials restored order to this land it would be bountiful, generating great wealth for the Belisarius (Emperor), as well as those granted holdings.

The local peasants seemed to believe that the Chihuahua faction, possibly allied with the Federales faction, would be sending relieving forces from Ortus, the direction the sun rises. Most of the peasants had little faith that these forces would be any more competent than those the Imperials had already defeated. Although these Mexicans had inflicted thousands of casualties upon the soldiers and axillaries of the Imperials, they had demonstrated limited tactical knowledge. Of course, with such powerful weapons, Drax Ulrich could understand why they disdained subtlety.

The weapons and other tools of these Mexicans were not all magical, even if they seemed so. These fusils were mere weapons, although of marvelous craftsmanship. Produced in fabricas, and the ammunition was created by some form of advanced alchemy. Such tools, and the craftsmen who produced them posed a danger. Yet, a land with hundreds of thousands of Magi would have been unconquerable. These Mexicans and their many factions were not so fortunate. It seems there were few if any Magi here. The peasants might be lying, or more likely ignorant. Perhaps the Imperials enjoyed a monopoly of Magic? If so, conquest of these barbarians would be assured.

Because of the fearsome firepower of the various Mexican factions, the Imperials had turned to night attacks, significantly reducing the casualties they were suffering at the muzzles of these fusils. The Imperial Regulars stood sentry duty, or labored for the artificers and engineers during the day. Allowing the Grenzers and other irregulars, especially the inhuman forces to sleep during the day, and conduct operations during the hours of darkness. One of his best Goblin scouts, Mugh had brought him several sets of En-Vee-Gees, wonderous devices that allowed a person to see in the dark better than a Goblin! Fortunately, the Mexicans didn’t seem to have very many of them, nor know how to use those they had; at least not against skilled scouts.

Thousands and thousands of unburied corpses created a nasty stench. Thousands of peasants were lurking in the ruins, scavenging like vermin. Barbarians! Some of these factions, especially the several bands of Sicarios displayed corpses in gruesome spectacles. At first Drax Ulrich had been concerned they were engaging in some form of Necromancy. According to the Magi, there was possibly a religious component to what they did. Apparently, some Mexicans believed in some forms of magic, although they did not seem to be skilled in the effective practice of the various Ars Magica.

Hundreds of refugees were trudging towards Kow-tee-mock from the direction the sun comes up. Some told tales of a massacre committed by the Federales. According to rumor the Lords of Chihuahua were displeased with the flow of refugees fleeing the imperials, and the sacking of Kow-tee-mock. Tacticus Hoth had dressed some of his troops in uniforms of the City Watch, and equipped them with non-functioning fusils, and truncheons that were quite effective. They had dragged some of the magical wagons out to block the highway. The refugees became willing captives when offered food, blankets, and especially water.

Drax Ulrich ordered Tacticus Hoth to focus upon the deliberate reduction of the various Mexican factions occupying the ruins with minimum casualties, and destruction of property. The Magi were eager to investigate as much of the artifacts of these barbarians as possible. Although losses were comparatively light, the exchange ratio was unfavorable, so patience was prudent.

As far as Drax Ulrich was concerned, driving the Sicario savages in the direction the sun goes down, caused them to become the problem of Drax Sesklos.

The morning was overcast, the intermittent rain had ended with the dawn. Unfortunately, the muddy ground had delayed the transportation of the stone throwers and bolt throwers Drax Ulrich wanted to have concealed in redoubts north of the ruins of Kow-tee-mock. He had ordered Tacticus Aubrey to bring his forces up to secure the lands of the Mennonites, he also wanted them to defend against any attack upon the flank of Tacticus Hoth’s forces. Even with his binoculars, Drax Ulrich could barely detect the formations of Tacticus Aubrey marching in open order, nearly a league in the direction the sun comes up.

The troops had been marching all night long. According to Tacticus Aubrey’s plan they would be wielding spades, picks, and axes all day long preparing positions for themselves and the stone throwers and bolt throwers. His forces had captured numerous horseless wagons, but only a few were in operation. Each required a Trustee, with family members as hostages to operate them, and at least two guards to ensure they did not steal the precious vehicles. They had brought up a few of the small siege engines, as well as a crafty surprise devised by the Magi.

Drax Ulrich dispatched several elements of cavalry in the direction of the sun comes up with orders to observe, but not attack. He wanted information, preferably without his enemies being aware they were being watched. He was concerned about another helicopter, or other aircraft snooping upon his forces. He had only seen the one, however, he heard that some had flown over the forces of Drax Sesklos. According to rumors, several of those had been shot out of the sky. If the Mexicans had many more of those it could become a serious problem.

Office of the Commanding Officer 27th Special Operations Wing and Cannon Air Force Base, near Clovis, New Mexico
1000 Hours (10:00 AM) MST Monday March 26th 2018

Colonel Wojciechowski, Lieutenant Colonel Martinez, Lieutenant Commander Ellis, Lieutenant Commander Marshal, and Lieutenant Washington arrived ten minutes early for their meeting with the commander of the 27th Special Operations Wing and Cannon Air Force Base, and his several key staff officers he wanted to be present. The Master Sergeant in the outer office offered them coffee, which they accepted, and had mostly consumed by the time the Master Sergeant opened the door to the Commander’s Office at precisely ten-hundred hours.

“Welcome back to Cannon Air Force Base Colonel Wojciechowski. It’s your dime, but My People’s Time! One question before you tell me what you want. If you are with USSOCOM, then why did the letter directing me to enthusiastically provide for you any reasonable request come from the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and if I mistakenly thought you were making an Unreasonable request, I am to call the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force?” Asked Colonel “Smiling” Jack Smith, except he was not smiling now.

The source of this story is Finestories

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