'Tinker' Taylor: Spy & Soldier - Cover

'Tinker' Taylor: Spy & Soldier

[default] Copyright© 2017 to Ernest Bywater

Chapter 07


Lee’s work crew are all hard workers who are careful in their work. The lunch breaks are short each day as Lee has Faith or Hope cook lunch for them to eat on site each day. However, Saturday morning it looks like they’ll be finished with the preliminary work on the main building about the time they usually break for lunch, so he decides to buy lunch at the fast food franchise where they first met, thus he doesn’t send anyone out to buy food.

It’s a little after the time they usually break for lunch when the last of the carpets are pulled up and in the garage with the wall and ceiling drywall stacked on the floor in each room of the main building. Thus every wall is open for inspection.

Lee gathers his crew together and says, “Clean up, put your gear and the tools on the bench in the garage and let’s go out to lunch, then we’ll call it a day. Everyone to be back here at the usual time on Monday.” Twenty minutes later they’re at the counter placing their lunch orders.

After they eat everyone goes home for the day.

On Sunday morning Lee arrives at the Community Meeting House at ten minutes prior to when the morning service is due to start. His work crew and Brother Jacob recognize Lee while most of the people don’t know him. However, they all make him feel welcome.

Every member of the community has their own copy of the hymn book, but Lee doesn’t have one. However, when they sing the first hymn the man in the pew beside Lee opens the hymn book and holds it toward Lee so he can read the hymn and join in the singing. As they start to sing Lee smiles and nods his thanks to the man.

At the end of the service Brother Jacob stands and says, “I know you’ve all seen we have another person in our services today. Lee Taylor is employing a number of our teens to work for him. He’s also the person who put us in contact with the people who enabled us to buy most of the farm Mister Schneider was selling and loaned us the money to buy it.”

Most of the people turn to look at Lee for a moment and smile at him. He nods as he returns their smiles. That’s followed by another brother giving a closing prayer.

As they stand to leave the building the man beside Lee turns to him and says, “Brother Lee, I’m Brother Joseph. In a little while we’ll have a community meal. Please join us.”

“Thank you for the invitation, Brother Joseph. I’ll be happy to join you as long I’m not putting you out.”

“All are welcome at our tables. Especially one who has helped us. My eldest son has been waiting to be able to build a house before he asks Mary to be his wife. But we had no more land to build houses on until you made it possible for us to expand our land holding. Thank you.”

“I saw an opportunity to help some people, so I did. I’m glad to have been of service to your community.” Then they continue chatting as they leave the meeting hall for the building they use for communal meals. While they walk Lee is told how they usually eat in their homes as families while many of the single adults eat in the communal eating house, and how the whole community gathers for a joint meal after services and on other special occasions, such as the weddings that are now being planned due to having the space for building of more houses.

Brother Joseph explains how they could’ve built more houses on their existing land but they don’t like building houses on fertile fields, so they usually build the houses on the rockier parts of their lands so they can make the most of the fields.

When they enter the eating house Brother Joseph shows Lee to the tables where the single adults sit for meals so they can talk and get to know each other better. Lee takes the seat he’s directed to while the rest move to tables in family groups. Lee notices the single men at the table all have a vacant seat beside them, and this makes him wonder about that. On looking around he also notices only the men and children are in the hall at the moment. He starts speaking to the two young men diagonally opposite him as he’s facing a vacant seat. They discuss the farm work.

Several minutes after Lee sits down there’s a long procession of the women, both old and young, from the back of the building as they bring in plates, cutlery, glasses, platters of food, jugs of water, and jugs of juice which they spread out along the tables. For a few minutes it’s very busy as they distribute the food, then the women move to seats and sit down. Lee is surprised to have Hope and Faith sit on each side of him, to the smiles of many of the people near them.

One of the Brothers at the head table stands and he blesses the food. When he sits down there’s a lot of movement as people reach to move food from the platters to their plates. Lee reaches toward a platter of food then he stops when both Faith and Hope touch his arms and shake their heads no. So he pulls his arms back and turns to ask them why, but he doesn’t get to say a word as in the seat opposite him is Anna Schmidt and she says, “Both Faith and Hope wish to serve you, so sit there and let them fill your plate for you.”

Lee looks around the tables and he notices the married women are serving their husbands while many of the single women are serving single men, and he smiles to see Mary Schmidt place food on the plate in front of a young man that looks so much like Brother Joseph that Lee is sure that’s his son. He also notices many of the young men are not being served food by young women and are getting the food themselves, as are many young women serving themselves. He also notices the single men at his table all have large grins. Lee turns to one of the young single men sitting beside Anna and asks, “Please enlighten me as to what being served by the single women means, Brother James?”

Brother James says, “Brother Lee, like many Mennonite communities we have local rules. One of ours is to have the single men and women sit together to speak with each other and get to know each other during the communal meals. Another is that at such meals the single women declare an interest in establishing a more solid relationship with a single male by serving them their meals. It’s not common for two single women to serve the same single man, but it is allowed as long as the women have reached an agreement in advance. Hope and Faith are indicating their joint wish for you to get to know them better with the aim of courting them.”

“I see. Is it common for women in this community to show an interest in younger men?”

“No, it’s uncommon, but not objected to. The reverse is more often the case. While we don’t object to a man having more than one wife, it is very rare and seen as unusual. I’m sure there will be many people talking of this meal during the week due to both Faith and Hope serving you. It’s a bit late now, but if you’d refused their service you would have been saying you didn’t want to expand on your relationship with them.”

“Thank you, Brother James.” Lee turns to see worried looks on both of the girls, then says, “While I think you’re both rushing things, let’s get to know each other a lot more first. Faith, may I please have a glass of the orange juice? Hope, may I please have two slices of the buttered bread?”

While the girls smile and move to carryout Lee’s requests all the people around them smile at Lee’s acceptance of the situation and their rules. The meal carries on and they all discuss many things.

After the meal Brother Jacob walks Lee back to his pickup. On the way he says, “I’m sure some of the older women will be talking about how you were served during the meal. I saw the situation was explained to you and you accepted it. However, you should know within our community the serving of a man is the start of the path to marriage.”

“I gathered that much from what I was told at the meal, Brother Jacob. I’m not against such a long term aim. I’m just not sure about how long that aim is from where we are today, as there is much about my past they’ll need to know after I get to know them well enough to tell them.”

“Yes. I know there is a lot in your past, despite your young age. While he fails to see how it could be so, Brother Lucas says to those who know them you have all the signs of a soldier who has been to war and killed enemies. Brother Lucas came to us after he retired from a SEAL Team, so he knows what combat is like and what it does to a man. He says you’re a very dangerous person, but he sees no danger in you. When you wish to talk of those things I’m available to listen.” Lee nods in reply and leaves.

The Refurbishment

It’s mid-afternoon when Lee gets back to the sorority after spending much of the day at the Mennonite farming community. He smiles as he turns into the street as he can see a bunch of trucks and buses parked along the street. He pulls into the garage, parks, and walks out to greet a dozen people. Seeing the woman he knows is in charge of this work crew he says, “Good afternoon, Sergeant. I see you made it here OK.”

She smiles as she replies, “Most of us did, Sir. However, Jack and his bus seems to have got lost as we went through the last city. I’m sure he’ll be here before we start work in the morning.”

“Please confirm your work orders cover the extension between the two existing buildings, all of the exterior walls and roofs, the fences, the wind turbines, and the covers for the parking lot, pool, and garden.”

She smiles as she says, “Yes, Sir. The roofs are a late inclusion. We’re also to check the plumbing and do any work you agree to. There’s also a plan for a patio area with an outdoor cooking area if you approve it. I also have some special items to be included in your new office.”

“Well, let’s go look at those plans you need me to approve. Also, I had a look at the plumbing yesterday. I think we better replace it all, but I’ll let Jim and Harry have the final decision on what to do there.” They walk over to an old school bus which is done out like a construction site office as the on-site control point and look at the plans, which Lee approves.

Several minutes later Lee is leading a group of several team leaders through the main building while they talk about the details of the work to be done. At one point while the two plumbers are having a close look at the plumbing work he says, “I’ve got a group of local teens doing the unskilled work for me. Tomorrow we’ll start putting in new power and control runs, but I’ll keep the old ones in use until the new ones are all working. My plan is for all of the wiring to be in the interior walls and ceilings, so don’t worry about the need to cut any of the old lines in the outside walls. Just make sure the power is off before you touch the lines.”

After about an hour of looking over the building the work crews leave to set up their dorm buses for the night. Lee hands Master Sergeant Jo Lancing a remote control for the garage along with the keys to the other minibuses and the older pickup truck so they have vehicles to get about the local area without having to move the big buses they came down in.

It’s late in the afternoon when Lee goes to the Mennonite community to speak to Brother Jacob about a thought he just had. Once there he has to wander around a few buildings before he can catch up with Brother Jacob. Despite it being a Sunday and a day on which they don’t work, they do still have to take care of the animals and they visit people as well.

On finally finding him Lee says, “Brother Jacob, this afternoon the crew of construction workers who’ll be doing the main work arrived at the sorority. As they were setting up their vehicles I realized I need to have some support people to cook meals. I don’t like the idea of people having to drive between here and there in the dark. If I offer to pay Hope and Faith for the extra hours to cook all of the meals each day will there be a problem with them staying at the sorority all of the time?”

“A lot will depend on the circumstance. Let me get Sister Heidi and we can go look at the facilities before we make a decision.” Ten minutes later Lee is driving back to the sorority with Brother Jacob in the front passenger seat while Sisters, Heidi, Hope, and Faith are sitting in the back seat.

When Lee parks in the sorority’s driveway he calls out to the man sitting on a chair at the side of the driveway, “Hans, tell Jo to come and see me, please.”

Private Hans Wagner waves to Lee while he talks into a radio he has clipped to his vest before going back to his task of being the night watch for this part of their camp area.

Before going into the apartment Lee leads a tour of the main building so Brother Jacob and Sister Heidi can see the work the teens have been doing, and Lee also explains what else he plans to have them do for him. As they walk back down the stairs to the ground floor Jo joins them and Lee makes the introductions before saying, “Sergeant Lancing, earlier I forgot to give you an access card to the apartment which has the spare bedroom you’ll be using while here. So let’s get that done now.”

She grins as she salutes Lee while saying, “Yes, Sir.” While Lee knows the retired military people like to maintain their military structure as it makes them feel more at home with what they’re used to, he doesn’t like being included in it as an officer, but he plays along with them, so he returns the salute. His guests are a surprised at this interaction.

As they walk up the apartment stairs Lee says, “The construction crew are all retired military members who worked in military construction units and are very good. They like to maintain their military structure as it’s what they’re used to. Because I have some management involvement in their senior company they treat me as an officer. I’ve not yet decided if they’re doing that to honor me or to subtly abuse me as I’ve heard what they have to say about officers in general, and it’s not nice.” All of the others have a chuckle about that.

On entering the apartment Lee says, “The work being done also has to be done to this building.” He points to his right, “That’s my bedroom with an en suite bathroom,” points in front of them, “That’s the two bedrooms and bathroom for the support staff I’m allowed to employ. For the long term work I need to employ someone to look after the grounds and someone to assist me in looking after the buildings.”

By this time they’re at the two staff bedrooms and everyone is looking them over, both are large rooms with twin beds in them. Sister Heidi asks, “Brother Lee, have you been told that Sister Hope is a very good gardener and wishes to learn more in that field?”

Lee replies, “No, I’d not been told that. Now I know I’ll have her work with the crew who do the landscaping when we get to that work. That way she can learn about it. Right now I need two cooks prepared to work long hours to prepare simple meals for the work crews. I know both Faith and Hope are good cooks from them preparing our lunches this week, so I hope they’ll do the extra work. However, that will require them to live here so they don’t get overtired from traveling between the community and here.” The two girls glance at each other before they move aside to talk with Sister Heidi.

While the women talk Brother Jacob asks, “Sister Jo, were you staying in this apartment as of half an hour ago?”

“No, Brother Jacob, I wasn’t. I had set up my bunk in one of the bunk buses. Is the change important?”

“Yes, it is important. It shows me Brother Lee has thought of how the presence of Faith and Hope in his apartment will look to the others in our community. By having you here as a chaperone he’s ensuring it’s seen that there is no appearance of impropriety. This shows a very mature outlook and forward planning on Brother Lee’s part.”

“Tinker here is one of the best planners I’ve ever met. I’m sure the only reason my brother was able to survive a particular mission was due to the detail of the planning, especially the contingency planning, Tinker did for that mission.”

Brother Jacob’s eyes go a little wide at that, and he asks, “Tinker?”

“That’s his nickname in the company, Tinker Taylor. He’s had it since he was a small boy working in his father’s workshop while his mother was still serving in the Eighty-second Airborne.” Brother Jacob simply nods in reply while he glances at Lee.

A few minutes later it’s agreed Faith and Hope can stay there and work longer hours as Lee’s cooks on the same rate of pay. Lee goes to the office where he prepares access cards for all five of them.

While handing out the cards Lee says, “Brother Jacob, Sister Heidi, I’m giving both of you cards with access to the apartment itself so you can call in and check on how things are going whenever you wish to.” They thank him for the courtesy while thinking they need not visit often.

Lee drives them back to the farm in time for everyone to go have their evening meal with Lee joining Brother Jacob at his home. After eating he goes to the home of Faith and Hope where he helps them load up their things to go and live in the apartment with him and Jo for the next few weeks.

Then it’s back to the sorority for the girls to unpack. When they get there they find Jo has already moved in and is sitting in the lounge room with her senior staff while they discuss the work to be done. She introduces everyone before they all help unload the pickup.

Back at the Mennonite community Brother Jacob visits Brother Lucas and asks him, “Have you heard of a woman officer by the name of Taylor in the Eighty-second Airborne or a person called Tinker Taylor?”

He thinks for a moment before saying, “I was in the Navy, but I did hear of a Colonel Taylor in the Eighty-second who had a good reputation with carrying out difficult special operations, mostly rescue missions. She married a sergeant whose nickname was Tinker, and their son was also called Tinker. Are they related to Brother Lee?”

“He has a construction crew to work on the building. The signs on the trucks have an Omega symbol and say ORC Construction. The leader is a retired Sergeant who spoke of Brother Lee as ‘Tinker Taylor’ and insisted on calling him Sir.”

“That’s interesting, Brother Jacob. Shortly before I retired there was talk of a private military organization called Omega Recovery Company who specialized in rescue operations. They were being spoken of due to having recently completed an operation everyone said was impossible to do due to the intelligence network of the group concerned. It was a child slavery ring and the Omega people destroyed the compound of the group’s leader when they recovered a group of kidnapped children.”

“Interesting. I wonder if Brother Lee is involved as the sergeant said he was a top planner and had planned missions. She said her brother survived a mission solely due to how well Tinker Taylor had planned it.”

“I’ll ask some people and see what I can find out, Brother Jacob. Is there a special reason for wanting to know more about Brother Lee?”

“Yes. I’ve known him for only a week or so, and he’s already done a lot to help us, and others in the area. However, I have a feeling his future and our future will be close for a long time. I also think he will soon have two wives he wasn’t planning on having a few weeks ago.” Both men laugh at the last comment.

A Week Later

The evening of the Monday eight days after their talk Brother Lucas takes a walk with Brother Jacob where he says, “Brother Jacob, I’ve had a few people confirm what I’ve learned about Brother Lee. His full legal name is Randolph Leyland Taylor and is known as Lee. As a child he was known as Tinker Two because his father was also known as Tinker. After his parents were murdered the nickname was shortened to just Tinker. The company that bought the land and loaned us the money to buy the part of the Schneider farm we now have is part of the family trust he is a main beneficiary of. He also has a large personal trust no one knows the value of. Two incidents of interest are the criminal organization that was responsible for murdering his parents was totally destroyed soon after the murders. The various leaders of the organization were killed and a lot of information on the worst of their operations was given to the police while another organization assimilated some of the less dangerous parts of the now defunct group within days of the leaders being killed. One person said the killings were more like executions than the usual killings within criminal groups. That was a few years ago. However, some years ago Brother Lee was in his mid-teens when he vanished from sight for the summer. He reappeared the same time as a group of kidnapped children were returned to their parents and a major child slave ring was broken up due to its leader and many clients being killed at the leader’s compound in the Middle East. No one knows for sure, but many believe Lee Taylor was the force behind that recovery by the Omega Company.”

The source of this story is Finestories

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