The Magic Box - Cover

The Magic Box

Copyright© 2010 by Uncle Sky

Chapter 3

It is with heavy heart that I write this next chapter for I must tell of sadness. This story I have told has reached it's end. There will be no small drops of warm water that will not be seen.

After much celebrating and joy, Small and She finally made plans to meet in person. They kept the meeting secret since there were those who might object. It seems that She was joined with another at that time. It was not a permanent bond but it was thought to be by some.

And so after much planning Small traveled across the great land to see his lover. They met and for a short time enjoyed one another. They shared that which makes a man and a woman become one. It seemed that they were on the way to the future they had planned. But it was not to be.

In all the time these two spent sharing their hopes and dreams through the magic boxes, Small had made promises. It seems that She had three little ones that were not seen. And Small knew of this. He promised She that he would love and care for her and her small ones for ever and ever. She was happy that Small was willing to take on this duty.

Then when they met, Small made a confession. He was poor and did not have the means to care for She and her little ones as he had promised. He wanted to but was not able. He told She that he would find a way. That he would work hard and save for the future. But he had lied.

She Who Is Not Seen was unable to risk the future of her little ones on the promises of Small. She wished it were possible but she needed help and support then and not later.

And so it came to pass that She Who Is Not Seen told Small Hot Water that they could not be together. She told him that they must go their separate ways. She told him this with great sadness.

Small Hot Water was crushed. He blamed himself as was proper. But he could not face life in the family room without She Who Is Not Seen. He said goodbye to all his friends. He told them that he and She were no longer to be wed. He said he could not stand to be in the place where they had been so happy. And so he left. The people were saddened to hear what had happened and were sorry to see him go.

She who Is Not Seen continued to visit the family room. She was popular and fun to be around. She found others to care for who also cared for her. She changed from She Who Is Not Seen and became Young Lady Who Rides The Waves. She slowly reduced her visits. After a time she stopped visiting at all. She too had left the family room.

It is known that Young Lady Who Rides The Waves moved across the great land and joined with another from the family room. They and her little ones lived by the sea. They were not joined for life but simply shared a life.

Small Hot Water has gone on with his life. Not much is known except that he is working hard. Perhaps once a year he stops by the family room to greet those he knew. But that is all. He does not stay.

Now you ask. Are they happy? I can not answer. I have my feelings but do not know for certain. I think not. And that saddens me. These two had been my friends. I wanted them to be happy but it was not to be.

Much time and many things have gone by since this story started. The family room is almost deserted now. Very few that were there in the days of love are there any more. Life has moved them on. It has changed many of us. Some for the good and some not. I am sad that I must tell of this unhappy ending but I owed it to those who read my tale.

Is there a moral to this story? I think perhaps there is. Remember at all times that what you see and hear on your magic box is but a fantasy. Enjoy it while you can but do not expect it to be real or to last.

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