Details for ‘Dissonance’ by Lumpy

Size: 1038 KB
Word Count: 210,049
Downloads: 9880
Weekly: 0
Votes: 98
Score: 8.05
Voted: No
Country Roads (3)
Everything is going Charlie's way. He's survived his first year at public high school, has made lifelong friends, and has a brand new record deal that will, hopefully, launch his music career for real. As always seems the case, misfortune strikes whenever things are going too well. Charlie’s life is turned upside down and his future plans are put in to jeopardy when a problem from his past returns. Can Charlie keep his life together or will it all come falling down around him?
(premier members only)

Genre: Drama
Tags: Coming of Age, School, Rags to Riches, Young Adult
Age Rating: Older than 13
Concluded: (Added Chapter 51 (final))