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Once more unto the breach…

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Again. Yet again.

My hometown has had entirely too many Line of Duty Deaths since I started in EMS, that being more than zero. For a city the size of Worcester there has been entirely too much heartache.

December 3, 1999:
Lt Tom Spencer, FF Paul Brotherton, LT Timothy Jackson, FF Jeremiah Lucey, Lt Jay Lyons, FF Joseph McGuirk

December 8, 2011:
FF Jon Davies

December 5, 2016:
Paramedic John Lynch

December 9, 2018:
FF Christopher Roy

November 18, 2019:
Lt Jason Menard

June 4, 2021:
Officer Enmanuel "Manny" Familia

All of these men died while they tried to help their community. Manny died today while trying to rescue a drowning teen from a city pond; that teenager also perished.

It is often said that Worcester is a big small town. The city will once again prove that as it rallies around its police department.