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Chapter 22 - Condemnation of Convergence is posted.
I reposted Chapter 21 because of minor changes needed to accommodate Chapter 22.
Happy Thanksgiving, for those that celebrate it.
For all you old guys and girls, ask yourselves this question. Looking back at life, did you ever think you would make it this far? :)
Until next time ...
Chapter 19 of Convergence is posted. I would like to thank everyone for their patience.
One of the issues faced when posting chapters as they are finished, is occasionally changes need to be made to earlier chapters to prevent plot holes. Chapter 19 - Sand in the Hourglass required a revision to Chapter 3 - Strike Back. Chapter 3 is being reposted due to that revision.
I would like to thank Manddscott for his review. I liked it because of the nice things he said :), but also because his review gave me information to help me improve the story and my writing. Thank you, Sir.
My goal is still to post a chapter every two or three weeks. That target is very ambitious, with my current schedule. I may often miss that self-imposed deadline, but that is my goal and will reach it as often as possible.
Until next time ...
Chapter 18 of Convergence is posted. I would like to thank everyone for their patience. I've received a bunch of questions that I'll try to answer.
1. Will the story will be completed? Yes! Just not as quickly as you and I would like. I'm only getting 6 to 8 hours a week to work on the story. When posting weekly, I was had about 30 hours a week. Peripheral answers to questions related to completing the story:
1a. No, I do not have canines in my family tree.
1b. I cannot use my cranium as a rectal thermometer.
1c. My 'musculature' is too short to fornicate with myself.
2. Must I make every chapter a cliff hanger? Well ... I would like to, or as nearly as possible. I'm writing this to be a story a person would sit down to read from start to finish ... not as a serial production. When reading the story as a book, I hope it works better. Peripheral answers to questions related to cliff hangers.
2a. See 1a above.
2b. See 1b above.
2c. I am the sum of my parts! I am not simply the anal portion, despite some readers and my wife's opinion.
I will try to get the next chapter out quicker, but I can't promise. I will get it done as quickly as I can. I hope you enjoy 18 - Demon's Trap.
Chapter 16 of Convergence is posted. It has been almost four months since I last posted a chapter. I would like to thank everyone for their patience. A lot has happened in that four months, which brings me to the good news and the bad news.
The good news is that we are moved into our new home and we're settled enough so I can write again. At least, I hope that is good news for most of you. It sure is for me. It is a house with a large workshop on 5 acres with a pond. I love it. I also love the fact that I can get back to writing. The story ideas bouncing around inside my head is distracting.
The bad news is that maintaining the property and the animals we are raising is nearly a full time job. Add the reoccurring eye issues to that mix, and it means I don't have as much time to write so I won't be posting every week. I'm shooting for a couple of postings a month, and more when possible. I'm sure when the weather heats up, I'll be looking for reasons to work inside, in the AC.
Thanks again for all the notes of support, and understanding for my long hiatus.
Chapter 15 of Convergence is in the queue for posting. Another chapter finished and edited.
Thanks guys for the editing response to my sporadic writing. The story still continues and I'll write as I am able. It seems that life has me in its clutches, and is determined to fill every waking hour.
Thanks for your notes and your votes. I'm glad that so many are enjoying the story.
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