Misguided Child: Blog


31 – The Bluff is posted.

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Thanks for your patience. Just so you know, I have the best editors on the planet, and this story wouldn't be nearly as good without them.
Let me know if you spot inconsistencies. Most of my writing time is taken ensuring what I'm writing matches what was previously written. Please let me know.

Chapter 30 - Convergence is posted.

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The next chapter is in the works, but it will be a few weeks before it's ready. When writing a story, early chapters are quick and easy. Consistency is easy. The more chapters, the more difficult that consistency is to maintain, at least for me. I'm reaching the end of this trilogy, which means there is a lot more to check and verify to pull all the pieces of the story together.
If anyone spots any inconsistencies, please let me know.
Thanks for all the kind words, and the urgent ones wanting the next chapter quicker. :)

Chapter 29 - Chrysalis is posted.

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Computer crashes are a hassle. Thanks everyone for their suggestions, and to Mojo_Jojo for exporting my character file of onepain … excuse me, OneNote, to a word document.

I lost my contact list, too. Anyone that wants to stay in touch, that I haven't emailed in the last week, please send me an email. That will add you back to the contact list.

The next chapter is underway, and probably about a quarter way through. I'll try to have it ready in two weeks. That is about the writing pace I've been maintaining.
Thanks again to everyone for your encouragement the last couple of weeks.


Chapter 28-Metamorphis is posted.

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I tried to restrict my changes, after the editing was finished. I wasn't successful. Hopefully there won't be too many errors.
Chapter 29 is nearly finished. I'll try to get it to the editors in time for posting next weekend. Maybe, with that information, you won't shoot me for having another cliff hanger. :)

Chapter 27-First Contact is posted.

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I only added a paragraph here and there, after the editing was finished. Hopefully there won't be too many errors.
On a side note, Caleb gives Kim a perception exercise in this chapter. You'll know what it is, when you see it. The exercise is one of a set of Zen exercises I learned in my misspent youth. A variation on the exercise is looking at a tree, and trying to count the shades of green you see. Try it. You'll like it! :)