A Jade Force of Misera Story (2) Ten years have passed since the orphans arrived at the Jade Academy. There's a civil war brewing in Inra and the military thinks it can conscript a couple cadets to help out in the war effort.
Mike lives through "interesting times" that follow when terrorists bring the 'War On Terror' to the United States. "This was what he was fighting to preserve — mothers taking their children to the park where they could play without fearing for their lives. {[I hate the fact that I can find no way to deal honorably with dishonorable people. I find it disgusting that in order to save what I value most, I must lower myself to their level.]}"
Four people are drowning their sorrows in a downtown bar. Two robbers choose the wrong place to rob. All hell breaks loose, and that's only the beginning!
Science is killing magic. The last of the magical beings decide that it is time for the return of a Merlin-like person to bring back the magic. The job requirements are: he's got to be an unlikely hero type that is lucky; he's got to own silver and be willing to trade it for a gift of magic; and he's got to be a horny guy with a bad fashion sense. / (Reviews)
If happiness was measured in money there would be very few millionaires. This is a story about Dan Parker, a young man who starts his life as an adult with the odds stacked against him. Follow his journey of self discovery as he tries to achieve happiness. His story might make you wonder if you live next door to a millionaire. {Edit cleaned and reposted by TeNderLoin}
A lot of parents tell their children, "I hope you have a child who is just like you." What's worse than having a child just like yourself? Maybe it is having a daughter who is just like your mother!
A Jade Force of Misera Story (4) There have been a rash of kidnappings of businessmen visiting the country of Teal. Jade Force, seeing an opportunity to replenish the war chest, takes on the gang of kidnappers.