Genins Girls of the Nations - Cover

Genins Girls of the Nations

Copyright© 2023 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 89

2230 Sunday 22 January Kariwase

We were woken from our sleep by Tim who then handed Robert a message. The nor’easter had intensified after being blocked from moving north by a ridge of high artic air and had been pushed South where it was picking up warm moisture from the Gulf Stream. Our snow totals were going to Double or Triple, Wind would exceed Hurricane Speed and Strength, and Temperatures were to drop to wind chills of Forty below Zero Fahrenheit.


Tim, call the duty and asked the whereabouts of the Canadian Rangers. I was told all were now at base camp having seen the weather change and knew from experience what was coming. All were safe. Call Brigadier General Gray Fox and cancel all arriving and departing air operations until further notice. Then call Brigadier General Johnston to have all sentries pulled from there gate posts and to report to the Guard Officer.

I am issuing an order for all personnel to shelter in place and not to leave the building they are currently in. I want a roll call of all military and civilian personnel on Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation. With special emphasis on all children to include the activation of the tracking devise in the children’s credentials. After Twenty minutes I was told all children were accounted for. Their location recorded to include the nearest adult who were ordered to take the responsibility for any children not with their family.

There were nineteen from Ten to Eighteen-year-old who were out sliding. All were now the responsibility of Janice and Wilber who got them into the Ultra-Light Hangar and safety. Tim told them to break out the emergency MREs and feed them. Keep them all together until we can move them to a safer location. Make sure all of them contact their parents.

Tim handed me another message. The Colonel in charge of the local area State Police Barracks called and asked if our armor vehicle could manage the snow and the drifts to aid in the search for trapped motorists and others caught out unprepared. He had Six troopers hold up at Six different not verry safe locations with a total of Thirty-One Civilians. Robert Asked is this an official request for assistance? The State Trooper Colonel replied yes, it is an official request for assistance to rescue trapped motorist and other civilians.

I said I will get back with you as soon as we can get mobilized. Tim handed me a snow emergency SOP that came from a Fort Drum unit. He had the page open to the capabilities of the vehicles we had in response to an artic environment.

Tim, order all Bradlees to load a double driving crew and include a medic, Ten Cases of MRE’s, Ten cases of water, and spare wintry weather gear. No vehicles will leave our property that does not have a working GPS. All vehicles will work in pairs and have a SNCO in One and an Officer in the other.

Tim, I will meet all Officers Lt Col and above in the Command Bunker in Thirty Minutes. Insure all travel in a group and follow all winter safety guidelines. Ask the Judges and all Command Federal Officers to join us at that time also.

I turned to K and said I need you and Mrs. Ruth in this meeting to ensure we do not miss anyone that needs watching or help. We will bring all the people we rescue to our base and use the Medical Center as a clearing station and the Recreation Center as the main holding area.


Robert, I will contact Perrysville and Martha to arrange for the health checks and Mrs. Ruth and John Boy to set up the Recreation Center to meet our guests. Dennis and Baker to keep an eye on our people and their homes. Art and Doral to provide additional security at the Medical Center and Recreation Center. I will get Dennis to clear a path to the Ultra-Light Hangar and rescues Janice and Wilber with their charges and move them to the Medical Center and then the Recreation Center. We will not return them to their family until after the storm.

No personnel will be allowed outside except for duty requirements. Outside tasks will be done in pairs and all personnel will have a working GPS attached to each person. All personnel found outside not involving duty requirements will be detained and required to explain their bad judgment call.

People, please keep an eye on each other if you see signs of weather injuries with dehydration being a major cause of wintry weather Injuries and Death.


Let us move this operation to the command center. I will see everyone at 0800 and want to know at that time: One, Three, Six, Twelve, Eighteen, and Twenty-Four hour forecast from NOAA; How many Rescue Teams we have ready to go, none will leave until I say so; Our Auxiliary Emergency Power Generating abilities; The ability of our utilities to continue functioning under Artic Conditions; and what help or equipment can we send to the Armory if they ask for help. Also, what support local hospitals might need or are needing now. If Rensselaer, Troy, Schenectady, or Albany need our Airfield Rough Terrain Fire Equipment Dennis will release them on a case-by-case basis.

Martinez, Roseland, and Aleshia Jasmin will remain on the Public Health and Utilities infrastructure. Jackson, Johanna, and Sandra Lee will remain on their Logistic issues not rescuing the quad city area. Jefferson, Janice, and Elizabeth Anne will remain on their Fifty-Three Project reviews preparations. Alexander, Eloise, and April Joy on our factory Manufacturing Operations and Quality Control problems. Marcus, Christine, and Jennifer May Silver Wolverine Cyber Security ensure our entire system and all our associated systems are secure. Hamilton, Cassidy, and Wynette Lee Silver make our entire Computer Controlled Manufacturing and Operations totally integrated and productive.

Again, none of them will be associated with current military operations between Wolverine Clan Industries Inc ... This is for your protection and the isolation will make it harder for our enemies to find a gap or crack to exploit.

The source of this story is Finestories

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