Genins Girls of the Nations - Cover

Genins Girls of the Nations

Copyright© 2023 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 110

Mrs. Ruth

At 1315 Roberts’ administrative assistant called me and spoke to me. The Governor of New York is on his Fifth try of trying to speak to Robert and he will not take Robert is not available for an answer. Will you take the call, Please. I replied yes, I will take the call.

A gruff voice came over the phone saying, pretending to be Chief Pierce or whatever your name is. If you surrender to the State of New York now, I will allow you to walk away with whatever money you can carry and not prosecute you. If you refuse, when I and the Courts of the State of New York finished with you. I will leave you with nothing but legal bills. So, surrender the property to the New York National Guard by Midnight tonight.

I replied that Wappinger Nation Principle Chief Currahee Nations-”He who stands alone for the Nations.” Robert Hayowentha Pierce Senior is not available to take your call. He is spending time with his family and has ordered that no one interrupts them, no person for any reason. So, you will have to talk to me, Mrs. Ruth Ann Harper Jackson Wappinger Nation Mother and the Third in command.

He replied with foul language and demanded that Robert Pierce, whatever he called himself, get on the phone now.

I replied to him no. Then added, I nor anyone else on Wolverine Field Wappinger Nation would talk to him until he took a Five-minute time out and remembered how to talk as an educated person talks. Then I hung up, and then called our reception desk and said we will not take a call from any State Official Phone Numbers for five minutes as I have put them in a timeout.

After Five minutes, and I counted them to the second. I received The Governors call. He again used foul language and I said you did not learn. Now it would be Fifteen minutes. Then I hung up.

After Fifteen minutes, and I counted them again to the second. I received The Governors call and sad if you do not talk like an educated adult to me, you will not ever get through to Wappinger Nation Principle Chief Currahee Nations. I used my teacher you have your last warning voice.

He stopped talking for a minute and then politely asked Mrs. Jackson when can I talk to Wappinger Nation Principle Chief Currahee Nations? I replied that was better. He will be available at 2100 this evening and if you call and politely ask to speak to him at that time, I will ensure he will talk to you. Said goodbye and hung up.

There was an ovation from the hallway as people applauded me for my handling of the Governor. I heard one of the senior military duties say, I wonder when the last time that a person put the Governor into a timeout. Another replied I will bet you this was his First and Second time.

This Governor is becoming a real problem and I need to put him into his place. I need to talk to Judge Antonio Gerado in charge of Senator Jackson’s Consumer Electric Corporation File Investigations that I serve on. I called his clerk and asked if the Judge was free to see me in his chambers in Fifteen Minutes for a discussion on a file in the Senator Jackson’s Consumer Electric Corporation File collection. She asked me to hold and in less than a minute said the Judge would meet me but would have Federal Prosecutor Edmond Dewitt Raintree present also. I replied that would be verry good and added Fifteen Minutes. I then called for Kelson my Chauffeur.

Arriving at the Court Facilities a Federal Marshal led me straight to the Judges Office, both men stood as I entered. Excepting a glass of water from the Judges Clerk before she left the room and excepting the seat, the Judge offered me, I started.

Gentlemen, the reason for our review committee of the illegally obtained video from inside the Longhouse is to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, correct. Both replied yes. I continued, Two days ago we reviewed a video where the late Senator Jackson passed out cash to New York State Officials The Governor, Lt Governor, President of the New York State Senate, Three other State Senators The Late Speaker of the Assemblymen and, Three other Assemblymen. He required them to count out what they received and explained it was their share of Funds from the Renewable Energy Projects the State Legislature had put into law. The late Senator Jackson promised more after they passed the next round of Renewable Energy Projects. You both stated yesterday the funds had ended up as contributions to all their reelection campaigns.

I propose to give this video and the supporting documents to the current Speaker of the Assemblymen. This person who got the office when Two of the Governors Associates fought for the job and lost to Jonathan Michael O’Tool Junior. Speaker O’Tool was a former student of mine, and I wrote one of the letters recommending him for admission to Columbia University Law School. He has always fought corruption in the government. I would appreciate Federal Arrest Warrants from you as leverage or if they needed to arrest the people involved.

I will suggest that he show the video to those viewed in it and he suggest to them: Resign immediately or Federal Agents will arrest them. The person in charge, me, of the video and supporting documents would release them to the press and post them on various Computer Information Sights. They will then face a Bill of Impeachment. This I know will tip our hand to them and others that we may have other incriminating evidence on them. If those on the video resign, we will not use it in future prosecution.

This Governor must go now, and this is the best way of making it happen. I will request that Jonathan does not allow anyone to keep any of the information but after Jonathan allows them to see it. He will return it to me, and I will return it to you. I know Robert would not approve of this method, but sometimes methods like this The Government does need to use. What is your answer?

Judge Gerado

I am a defender of using the courts in all cases, but yes, the Governor must go now, this is the most efficient way, and on the level of a plea bargain. I will allow you to present Speaker O’Tool the information. The information in the end you must return it to the vault. I will sign the Federal Warrants and do the arraignments if it goes that far, but I do not think it will.

Federal Prosecutor Raintree

The Federal Court System needs to oversee the matter, but I will also allow you to present Speaker O’Tool with the information but in the end, you must return it to the vault. The people involved assured if they resign, The Federal Court System will not use it in their Federal Corruption, Misappropriation of Government Funds and Campaign Financing Violation Trial. If they do not resign, I will be using it in their trial. I will not mention your involvement with Robert even if asked. The Judge replied I will not either.

Mrs. Ruth

Edmond, could you arrange for a couple of your agents to accompany me out our gate as Robert would really be mad if I went out without an escort. He looked at the Judge and said this One is on you, with your permission, to which the Judge yes, it is, and yes you will.

I gathered the information on the table and put it into an attached case, and the Gentleman arose as I did. As I exited the door a Gentleman and Two Ladies joined me. Edmond introduced them to me as Federal Marshal in charge Terance Marcus, Marshals Athena Towson and Willima Fortain.

Terance Marcus

I took the case from Mrs. Ruth and said it was a matter of Chain of Custody. You never had this information to remove it from the security area. I will hand it to the person you asked me to. Since you are a member of the review committee, we can expect your fingerprints and DNA to be on the items.

Officially, to the courts you are to be a go between. You are to introduce members of the Federal Courts to an Interested party. You will have no part in the process after you introduce me to him.

Mrs. Ruth

On entering the Car, I said Kelson we are going off station, but I am requesting you do not inform the Longhouse until our return. As you see I have the necessary escort and protection. He replied, Yes Mam.

Picking up my phone I called a number I had the girls look up for me and dialed it. On the Third ring a voice said this is a restricted line and to avoid prosecution I suggest you hang up and delete it. I replied to Jonathan, you had better phone manners than that in high school now speak like the gentleman your parents taught you to be.

The source of this story is Finestories

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