Genins Girls of the Nations - Cover

Genins Girls of the Nations

Copyright© 2023 by Broken Gunny

Chapter 106

0630 Friday January 27th Robert

I rose and spoke, people I called an early meeting of the Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation, and Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. Joint Staff to review and further refine the closing of FEMA Operation from our property.

Everyone, we will set a high standard in our request for reimbursement from the Federal, State, and Local Government. I would rather we lose money than give our enemy’s ammunition to use against us. Please keep this in mind when you prepare your request for reimbursement.

All Department will submit requests for FEMA reimbursement to Dennis Simmons MCAS Wolverine Field Director of FEMA Operations by 31 January.

Dennis, I expect that you will present all our requests for reimbursement to Federal and State FEMA by 3 February. He replied I will have it done on time. Then added that Divisions will not receive an extension of the due date.

Robert, Samuel, you lead off.

Samuel Lafayette

All crews are working Twelve On-Six Off with all crews working from 1200 today until 2000 for Wolverine Clan Industries Inc. Personnel and 2300 for the Volunteer and Military crews. The Volunteers will have an Hour to return all our tools. We have visited as of 0500 this morning all homes in our authorized areas and done preliminary surveys. All Sub Stations, Trunk Lines, and Main Transmission Line Local Power have checked, and all are in service. We have replaced all downed power poles, Pot transformers, and service lines in our authorized areas. Eighty-Two percent of the homes have passed temporary occupancy inspections. My crews believe that by 2300 Ninety-Four percent of the homes will pass temporary occupancy inspections in our authorized areas. The rate of occupation in the Cities is between Forty-Four and Forty-Eight Percent and will not get better for a couple of weeks. That is all.


Nation Mother Mrs. Ruth

Mrs. Ruth

We have Eight Hundred and Fifty-Seven guests as of 0500 this morning. Four Hundred and Seventeen are from the City Restricted work areas and we will have to move them to Government run shelters in the cities. The Four Hundred-Forty are from our crew’s work area and Samuel expects to have the homes of Three-Hundred-Seventy-Two passing Temporary Occupancy Inspections. That leaves Sixty-Eight more we will move to Government Shelters. That makes a total of Four-Hundred-Eighty-Five we will move to Government run shelters. I recommend that we feed them a hot lunch and prepare them a box lunch meal and at 1300 load them on buses for transfer. This will allow the State FEMA Seven hours of daylight to find them shelter. We will have our Military drivers move our charter school buses to the front of the State Capitol and leave the buses running and the heat on. It will provide Three hours of idle time for the Government to find shelters for them. Our Military drivers will board empty buses and return here.

We have One Hundred-Thirty-One hospitalized Guests. We have contact area hospitals and use Terrace Brook Medical Transportation people to move them to other medical facilities. Perrysville has contacted Twelve Hospitals within Ninety miles of us, and all the patients will have beds to include our littlest ones in a setting of the proper level of care they need for their current health conditions. If we start at 0900 with confirmation of transfer, we should have all our teams back to Wolverine Field, Wappinger Nation before 1600 this afternoon.

In moving the Guest to the buses after lunch we may need Arthur’s people to assist in moving those, Guests. I have heard the statement they are not cattle, moved from one place to another, just to please the Governors ego. I am through Robert.


Matthew Employee Housing


We have assigned housing to all our new employees, though about One-Hundred-Fifty have yet to move in. This is due to the availability of cargo trucks that can maneuver through uncleared streets to move their furniture. Tomorrow we will have our military trucks from the power teams to use.

My team has assigned housing to all committed employees so when they arrive, they can move right in without having to wait. Done.


Jackson, the back loading the Shelter equipment and supplies? Also, I will expect you to have a detailed inventory of all items used in the Shelters that people consumed. Also, the cost of returning all other items to long term storage for Wolverine Clan Industries Inc.


My people will steam clean all our cots and rewrap them for long term storage. All food transportation and serving equipment we will clean and sanitized. After drying, sealed in containers for long term storage. All cloth materials items we will launder at our commercial facility and vacuum pack for storage. All our non-consumed supplies we will inventory and those that we can store we will. Those that we cannot store we will donate to various charities in the area. We will request that the receiving charities sign for the items without a dollar value attached for inventory purposes only.

The source of this story is Finestories

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