Ghost Whisperer - Cover

Ghost Whisperer

Copyright© 2023 by Duncan7

Chapter 33: Rescue

Ed sat in the front seat of the SUV while the security guard drove at speed. They were trying to locate the dark van that left the parking lot of the Duwamish longhouse.

He hoped to see the ghost of his recent victim flying above traffic, but he saw none. Perhaps the ghost was inside the van.

After about ten minutes, Ed realized the van had eluded them.

“Please, can you drive me to police headquarters,” Ed said to the security guard.

The guard nodded and changed direction. Ed tried to recall the details of the white man, the one he believed adducted Ellie. He’d need to describe him to Sara.

Meanwhile, Ellen was consoling Kate.

“Ed is great at finding lost or abducted children. He has lots of spirits that help him.”

“I shouldn’t have brought her here. I don’t know anyone...”

“They’re good people. Once you know them, you’ll agree with me. You know me and Ed already,” said Ellen.

Kate sobbed.

“All the able-bodied members are out searching for the van. They didn’t cause this, but they’re working to find your daughter.”

Kate stopped her sobbing and looked around the longhouse. It was mostly empty, except for a few who were cleaning up.

“Kate, I think he took Ellie as a hostage to ensure his safety. Once he feels safe, he might let her go.”

“Maybe. You don’t know that for certain.”

“We won’t rest until she’s recovered. Why don’t you come to my place while we wait for news?”

“Okay, I guess.”

Ellen held Kate’s hand in hers and led her outside. Another SUV was waiting with two more security guards standing ready.

“Kate, please hand your car keys to this security guard. He’ll drive your car and follow us home.”

Kate handed over her keys. She wasn’t in a fit state to drive. Ellen and Kate got into the SUV.

Soon, the first SUV arrived outside police headquarters. As it was evening, they parked on the street. Once the car stopped, Ed was running to the usual place where he might find Sara.

The security guard ran after Ed, yelling. “Mr. Tanner, I need to keep you in my sights!”

Ed sighed as he waited for him to catch up.

“I’m sorry. I know you’re doing your job,” said Ed.

“Thank you, Sir.”

They resumed at a brisk walk.

Soon, Ed saw a ghost floating above them. He waved and called out to it. The ghost descended.

“Hello, Ed. What’s up?” asked Sara.

“A villain turned up at our gathering at the Duwamish longhouse. He kidnapped my niece, Ellie.”

“Oh wow! Are the police involved already?”

“Yes, but I’d appreciate any help you can bring to bear on this issue.”

“What intel do you have for me?”

“White male, about 6 foot, short dark hair. He drove off in a dark-colored van. I can show you a photo of Ellie on my phone. She’s four years old.”

Ed pulled out his phone and showed a photo to Sara. Sara looked at it carefully.

“Oh, one more thing. There was a ghost of his previous victim. He followed the villain into the longhouse. I talked briefly to the ghost. I think he left following the villain.”

“That could be helpful. I’ll gather the troops and start the search.”

“Thank you, Sara. Ellie means a lot to us.”

“Remember that next time I need your help, Ed.” Sara ascended and zoomed away.

Ed turned around to find the security guard standing nearby.

“Mr. Tanner, you talked to a spirit?” he asked.

“Yes. They’re going to help us find my niece.”

“Yes, Sir. I believe you. I’ve got a text that says Miss Morgan and your sister are returning to the mansion.”

“We’d better go join them.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The henchman drove for a long while, making turns to shake off any followers. He knew how to avoid a tail. Meanwhile, Ellie was unconscious on the back seat.

Unknown to the henchman, a ghost was inside the van with him. This was the ghost of his recent victim, intent on getting revenge.

The henchman pulled into a warehouse after driving back roads and alleys to avoid as many traffic cameras as possible. This was one of his hideouts. He parked the van inside, closed the door, and walked to an office. He left Ellie inside the van.

The ghost floated out of the van and followed the henchman. He watched him collapse onto a cot and waited until the henchman was asleep.

“This is my chance,” thought the ghost. He floated out through the roof and high into the air. If he could reach that guy who saw him at that gathering...

He descended to the street corner and studied the names of the streets. Then he rose and flew to find the one person who could see him.

Sara flew above the cemetery and gathered up as many ghosts as she could cajole into joining her.

Fortunately, she was known for fun expeditions, and several ghosts joined the group. Most were clanking their chains and grinning.

They spread out and begun searching though many places. As her group moved along, Sara noticed another ghost flying nearby.

Sara flew off to intercept. “Hello, we’re looking for a little girl who was kidnapped. Can you help us?”

The ghost stopped and faced Sara in mid-air.

“If I tell you where, can you get the kidnapper arrested or killed?”

“Arrested, yes! I know someone among the living who can see ghosts. We can relay a message through to the police.”

The other ghosts saw Sara and the other ghost talking in mid-air. They stopped their search and floated up to join them.

“Then we have an understanding. Take me to the person who sees ghosts and I will share the location.”

“I have a better suggestion. Tell me the address, and you go back and keep watch in case he moves. You can take these other ghosts and they’ll guard the perimeter.”

“Done.” The ghost shared the location with Sara. She flew off. The ghost returned to the warehouse, with all the other ghosts following.

Soon, they had the warehouse surrounded.

Ed and his driver/security guard drove back to the mansion. They went through the main gate and pulled up out front.

“Thank you for all your help. We might need you again soon,” said Ed.

“Sure thing, Mr. Tanner.”

Ed swiftly exited the SUV and ran in through the main entrance. He didn’t stop running until he reached the family room.

Ellen and Kate stood to meet him.

“What news?” asked Ellen.

“We lost the van. I went to police headquarters and told Sara. She is organizing a search posse.”

“Kate, that’s good. Sara is the ghost of a former police detective. We often work with her on recovery operations,” said Ellen.

“This is so weird. My little brother talks to ghosts and he works to find and rescue people...”

“I’m sorry this happened to Ellie, sis. I promise we’re doing everything we can.”

“Ed, I assigned my private detectives to the case. Officer Ouray has the police searching. You have ghosts. So that’s three paths to a successful rescue,” said Ellen.

“Good. Now we wait.”

They didn’t have to wait long. About half an hour later, Sara floated into the family room.

“Ed, I have an address!” she said.

Ed took out his phone and dialed Officer Ouray. “Just a moment.”

“Ed, I half expected your call!”

“I have an address.”

Sara shared the address with Ed and he repeated it to Officer Ouray.

“Okay, I’m sending our people there now. You stay where you are and I’ll call you once I have news.”

“Okay.” The call ended.

Ed turned to Sara. “The police are on it. Sara, meet my sister, Kate.”

“I’m pleased to meet her, although I wish it was under better circumstances.”

“Kate, Sara is pleased to meet you. She just brought us the address of the kidnapper. I passed it on to the police.”

“There’s a ghost in the room? I can’t see her,” said Kate.

“Ed, ask her to hold out her hand,” said Sara.

“Sis, she asks you to hold out your hand.”

Kate held out her hand. Sara floated close and touched Kate’s hand with hers.

“Ouch, That was cold!” said Kate.

“That’s something I’ve been working on. It shows her I’m here.”

“Sis, that was Sara touching your hand. Convinced?”

“Wow, I sure am! Can you thank her for locating the kidnapper?” asked Kate.

“I got that. Ed, I have to go. I want to be there for the take-down...”

Sara zoomed out through the wall.

“She’s gone. I owe her some big favors for this one,” said Ed.

“Huh? Like what?” asked Kate.

“Well, sometimes I’ve been reluctant to work on cases. Now, if she says jump, I jump.”

“It’s for Ellie.”


They embraced in a three-way hug.

The henchman awoke to the sound of chains clanking. Normally, this warehouse was quiet. No business had operated here for years.

He got up and considered moving on. If someone discovered him, he couldn’t stay here any longer.

He walked to the van and checked on the little girl. She was still asleep, still breathing.

The henchman heard another clanking noise. The sound came from inside the empty warehouse, but he saw no one.

That settled it. It was time to move on. The henchman opened the large warehouse door that he had previously driven in through. Outside, he saw no one, but he had the feeling he was being watched.

The source of this story is Finestories

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