The Lords of the Wild - Cover

The Lords of the Wild

Copyright© 2023 by Joseph A. Altsheler

Chapter 5: Tayoga’s Skill

They still had food left in their knapsacks, and they ate a portion, drinking afterward from the creek. Then they resumed their places in the dense undergrowth, where they could watch well and yet remain hidden. They could also see from where they lay the shimmering waters of Andiatarocte, and the lake seemed to be once more at peace. They felt satisfaction that they had completed their part of the great enterprise, but their anxiety nevertheless was intense. As Willet had truly said, Tayoga’s share was the more dangerous and delicate by far.

“Do you think he will come?” Robert asked after a long silence.

“If any human being could come under such circumstances and bring Grosvenor with him, it is Tayoga,” replied the hunter. “I think sometimes that the Onondaga is superhuman in the forest.”

“Then he will come,” said Robert hopefully.

“Best not place our hopes too high. The hours alone will tell. It’s hard work waiting, but that’s our task.”

The morning drew on. Another beautiful day had dawned, but Robert scarcely noticed its character. He was thinking with all his soul of Tayoga and Grosvenor. Would they come? Willet was able to read his mind. He was intensely anxious himself, but he knew that the strain of waiting upon Robert, with his youthful and imaginative mind, was greater. He was bound to be suffering cruelly.

“We must give them time,” he said. “Remember that Grosvenor is not used to the woods, and can’t go through them as fast as we can. We must have confidence too. We both know what a wonder Tayoga is.”

Robert sprang suddenly to his feet.

“What was that!” he exclaimed.

A sound had come out of the north, just a breath, but it was not the wind among the leaves, nor yet the distant song of a bird. It was the faint howl of a wolf, and yet Robert believed that it was not a wolf that made it.

“Did you hear it?” he repeated.

“Aye, lad, I heard it,” replied the hunter. “‘Tis a signal, and ‘tis Tayoga too who comes. But whether he comes alone, or with a friend, I know not. To tell that we must bide here and see.”

“Should not we send our answer?”

“Nay, lad. He knows where we are. This is the appointed place, and the fewer signals we give the less likely the enemy is to get a hint we’re here. I don’t think we will hear from Tayoga again until he shows in person.”

Robert said no more, knowing full well the truth of the hunter’s words, but his heart was beating hard, and he stirred nervously. He had been drawn strongly to Grosvenor, and he knew what a horrible fate awaited him at the hands of Tandakora, unless the Onondaga saved him. Nor would there be another chance for interruption by Tayoga or anybody else. But the minutes passed and he took courage. Tayoga had not yet come. If alone he would have arrived by this time. His slowness must be due to the fact that he had Grosvenor with him. More minutes passed and he heard steps in the undergrowth. Now he was sure.

Tayoga was not alone. His moccasins never left any sound. He stood up expectant, and two figures appeared among the bushes. They were Tayoga, calm, his breath unhurried, a faint smile in his dark eyes, and Grosvenor, exhausted, reeling, his clothing worse torn than ever, but the light of hope on his face. Robert uttered a cry of joy and grasped the young Englishman’s hand.

“Thank God, you are here!” he exclaimed.

“I thank God and I thank this wonderful young Indian too,” panted Grosvenor. “It was a miracle! I had given up hope when he dropped from the skies and saved me!”

“Sit down and get your breath, man,” said Willet. “Then you can tell us about it.”

Grosvenor sank upon the ground, and did not speak again until the pain in his laboring chest was gone. Tayoga leaned against a tree, and Robert noticed then that he carried an extra rifle and ammunition. The Onondaga thought of everything. Willet filled his cap with water at the creek, and brought it to Grosvenor, who drank long and deeply.

“Tastes good!” said the hunter, smiling.

“Like nectar,” said the Englishman, “but it’s nectar to me too to see both of you, Mr. Willet and Mr. Lennox. I don’t understand yet how it happened. It’s really and truly a miracle.”

“A miracle mostly of Tayoga’s working,” said the hunter.

“I thought the end of everything for me had come,” said Grosvenor,

“and I was only praying that it might not be harder for me than I could stand, when the alarm was heard in the forest, and nearly all the Indians ran off in pursuit of something or other. Only two were left with me. There was a shot from the woods, one of them fell, this wonderful friend of yours appeared from the forest, wounded the other, who took to his heels, then we started running in the other direction, and here we are. It’s a marvel and I don’t yet see how it was done.”

“Tayoga’s marvelous knowledge of the woods, his skill and his quickness made the greater part of the miracle,” said the hunter, “and you see too, Lieutenant Grosvenor, that he even had the forethought to bring away with him the rifle and ammunition of the fallen warrior, that you might have arms now that you are strong enough to bear them again.”

Tayoga without a word handed him the rifle and ammunition, and Grosvenor felt strength flowing back into his body when he took them.

“Could you eat a bite?” asked Willet.

“I think I could now,” replied the Englishman, “although I’ll confess I’ve had no appetite up to the present. My situation didn’t permit hunger.”

Willet handed him a piece of venison and he ate. Meanwhile Tayoga, who seemed to feel no weariness, and the others were watching. In a short time the hunter announced that it was time to go.

“We can’t afford to delay here any longer and have ‘em overtake us!” he said. “We’re out of the ring now, and it’s our affair to keep out.

Lieutenant Grosvenor, you can tell us as we go along how you happened to be the prisoner of Tandakora.”

“It needs only a few words,” said the Englishman as they took their way southward through the woods. “I was at Albany with a body of troops, a vanguard for the force that we mean to march against the French at Ticonderoga. I was sent northward with ten men to scour the country, and in the woods we were set upon suddenly by savage warriors. My troopers were either killed or scattered, and I was taken. That was yesterday morning. Since then I have been hurried through the forest, I know not where, and I have had a most appalling experience. As I have said before, I’d long since given up hope for a miracle like the one that has saved me. What a horrible creature that giant Indian was!”

“Tandakora is all that you think him and more. He’s been hunting us too, and when he comes back to his camp he’ll be after us all four again. So, that’s why we hurry.”

“You’re in no bigger hurry than I am,” said Grosvenor with attempt at a smile. “If I could find the seven-league boots I’d put them on.”

Tayoga once more led the way, and he examined the forest on all sides with eyes that saw everything.

Robert and Willet were greatly refreshed by their rest at the creek, and the promise of life that had been made again so wonderfully put new strength in Grosvenor’s frame. So they were able to travel at a good pace, though the three listened continually for any sound that might indicate pursuit.

Yet as the morning progressed there was no hostile sign and their confidence rose.

Robert hoped most devoutly that they would soon come within the region of friends. While the French and Indians held the whole length of Lake Champlain and it was believed Montcalm would fortify somewhere near Ticonderoga, yet Lake George was debatable. It was generally considered within the British and American sphere, although they were having ample proof that fierce bands of the enemy roved about it at will.

Aside from the danger there was another reason why he wished so earnestly for escape from this tenacious pursuit. They were seeing the bottoms of their knapsacks. One could not live on air and mountain lakes alone, however splendid they might be, and, although the wilderness usually furnished food to three such capable hunters, they could not seek game while Tandakora and his savage warriors were seeking them. So, their problem was, in a sense, economic, and could not be fought with weapons only.

At a signal from Willet, who observed that Grosvenor was somewhat tired, they sank their pace to a slow walk, and in about three hours stopped entirely, sitting down on fallen timber which had been heaped in a windrow by a passing hurricane. They were still in dense forest and had borne away somewhat from Andiatarocte, but, through the foliage, they caught glimpses of the lake rippling peacefully in silver and blue and purple.

“Once more I want to thank you fellows for saving me,” said Grosvenor.

“Don’t mention it again,” said the hunter. “In the wilderness we have to save one another now and then, or none of us would live. Your turn to rescue us may come before you think.”

“I know nothing of the forest. I feel helpless here.”

“Just the same, you don’t know what weapon Tayoga’s Manitou may place in your hands. The border brings strange and unexpected chances. But our present crisis is not over. We’re not saved yet, and we can’t afford to relax our efforts a particle. What is it, Tayoga?”

The Onondaga, rising from the fallen tree, had gone about twenty yards into the forest, where he was examining the ground, obviously with great concentration of both eye and mind. He waited at least a minute before replying. Then he said:

“Our friend, the lone ranger, Black Rifle, has passed here.”

“How can you know that?” asked Grosvenor in surprise.

“Come and look at his traces,” said Tayoga. “See where he has written his name in the earth; that is, he has left what you would call in Europe his visiting card.”

Grosvenor looked attentively at the ground, but he saw only a very faint impression, and he never would have noticed that had not the Onondaga pointed it out to him.

“It might have been left by a deer,” he objected.

“Impossible,” said Tayoga. “The entire imprint is not made, but there is enough to indicate very clearly that a human foot and nothing else pressed there. Here is another trace, although lighter, and here another and another. The trail leads southward.”

“But granting it to be that of a man,” Grosvenor again objected, “it might be that of any one of the thousands who roam the wilderness.”

The great red trailer who had inherited the forest lore of countless generations smiled.

“It is not any one of the thousands and it could not be,” he said. “It is easy to tell that. The footsteps are those of a white man, because they turn out, and not in, as do ours of the red race. That is very easy; even Dagaeoga here, the great talker, knows it. The footsteps are far apart, so we are sure that they are those of a tall man; the imprints are deep, proving them to have been made by a heavy man, and at the outer edge of the heel the impression is deeper than on the inner edge. I noticed, when we last saw Black Rifle, which was not long ago, that he wore moccasins of moose hide, that he had turned them outward a little, through wear, and that a small strip of the hardest moose hide had been sewed on the right edge of each heel in order to keep them level. Those strips have made their marks here.”

“Somebody else might have put strips of hide on his moccasin heels!”

“It is so, but Black Rifle is tall and large and heavy, and we know that the man who made this trail is tall, large and heavy. The chances are a hundred to one against the fact that any other man tall, large and heavy with moose hide strips to even the wear of his moccasin heels has passed here, especially as this is within the range of Black Rifle. I know that it is he as truly as I know that I am standing here.”

“Of course,” said Robert, who had never felt the slightest doubt of Tayoga’s knowledge. “What was Black Rifle doing?”

“He was looking for St. Luc or Tandakora, because his trail does not lead straight on. See! here it comes, and here again. If Black Rifle had been on a journey he would have gone straight, but he is seeking something and so he turns about. Ah, he wishes to see if there are any canoes visible on the lake, for lo! the trail now leads toward the water! Here he found that none was to be seen and here he rested.

Black Rifle had been long on his feet, two days and two nights perhaps, because it takes much to make him weary. He sat on this log.

He left a strand from the fringe of his buckskin hunting shirt, caught on a splinter. Do you not see it, Lieutenant Grosvenor?”

“Now that you hold it up before my eyes I notice it But I should never have found it in the wilderness.” “Minute observation is what every trailer has to learn,” said Willet, “else you are no trailer at all, and you’ll learn, Lieutenant, while you are with us, that Tayoga is probably the greatest trailer the world has ever produced.”

“Peace, Great Bear! Peace!” protested the Onondaga.

“It’s so, just the same. Now, what did Black Rifle do after he rested himself on the log?”

“He went back farther into the woods, turning away from the lake,” replied Tayoga, “and he sat down again on another fallen log. Black Rifle was hungry, and he ate. Here is the small bone of a deer, picked quite clean, lying on the ground by the log. Black Rifle was a fortunate man. He had bread, too. See, here is a crumb in this crack in the log too deep down for any bird to reach with his bill. Black Rifle sat here quite a long time. He was thinking hard. He did not need so much time for resting. He remained sitting on the log while he was trying to decide what he would do. It is likely that Black Rifle thought a great force was behind him, and he turned back to see. Had he kept straight on toward the south, as he was going at first, he would not have needed so much time for thinking over his plans. Ah, he has turned! Lo! his trail goes almost directly back on his own course.

It will lead to the top of the hillock there, because he wants to see far, and I think that after seeing he will turn again, and follow his original course.”

“Why do you think that?” asked Grosvenor.

“Because, O Red Coat, it is likely that Black Rifle knew from the first which way he wanted to go and went that way. He has merely turned back, like a wise general, to scout a little, and see that no danger comes from the rear. Yes, he stood here on the hillock from which we can get a good view over the country, and walked to every side of the crest to find where the best view could be obtained. That, Red Coat, is the simplest of all things. Behold the traces of his moccasins as he walked from side to side. Nothing else could have made Black Rifle move about so much in the space of a few square yards. Now he leaves the hillock and goes down its side toward a low valley in which runs a brook. Black Rifle is thirsty and will drink deep.”

The source of this story is Finestories

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