Dead Stick - Cover

Dead Stick

Copyright© 2023 by Pars001

Chapter 7

I rolled as the entire class fired at me; I saw them all smiling they all were loving this. “Alright, as you can see sometimes the best thing to do is not be there.” I started to pair the students up with comparable power level partners. Shit! There was no one to pair the elder’s son with but me and I knew if I didn’t pull my punches, I’d fry his ass for sure.

As I walked to him, I saw he too was thinking along the same lines. “I know but remember I have had a lot of time to practice pulling my punches, ask your old man some time.” I said as the memory made me smile. The rest I’d had last night had sufficiently healed the beginning of the tear in my power, but I knew not to push too hard, I also knew that the elder’s son could tell my power was higher.

We started blasting away at each other, damn the pup had been doing his exercises, he’d risen his levels a few also good I wasn’t AS worried about killing him, but I still could if I wasn’t careful. I’d taken my mind off the exercise at hand and let lose a fully charged blast, realizing my mistake I wrapped the boy and yanked him out of the way as the blast took out the entire back wall. ‘Ah crap,’ I thought, ‘this wasn’t going to sit well with the owner and the boss.’ Shaking my head, I realized that that hadn’t come from me.

Looking around I asked, “Alright, who is the empathic? I heard that, I usually don’t but this time I did.” I was still searching when I heard it again this time it was more female sounding, <I hope he doesn’t find me, I’d be so embarrassed, plus he’s so handsome!> Smirking I looked over the class then I noticed a young teen girl in the back eighteen by the look of her, but I knew she was at least a hundred.

“Alright I know who it is I’ll see that student after class today,” Looking in her general direction I nodded damn! She really was embarrassed what a shade of pink she turned! I ordered the class to repair the wall I wanted to see if their animating skills were improved yet. As I watched they actually got over half the wall up before they all gave out except for the elder’s son.

Though I could see that he was fading fast also. The one thing none of them realized was that this one exercise had increased their power almost a whole level, it was shocking that they had all grown at least ten levels. Laughing, I remember the old standard of power levels let’s see. As I recall there were forty levels of sub-mages, then there were twenty levels of mages, then there were the old clan leaders (not many of those now) there were five levels of those then the counsel.

Laughing he remembered the case of the Timmins clan, the untamed wild magic, crap now that was power. Thinking a moment damn, wish I could get Johnathon to help but he was more or less retired now working on that third child with Lana. Sighing, too bad I never got into vampires Tyrome thought, there were actually some good-looking women among what was left of the clans.

He’d estimate that when they started almost all of his students were level thirty-eight or thirty-nine sub-mage. He’d have to say that all had increased to twenty-eight or twenty-nine sub-mage level. Another two weeks they should move into the mage levels then at least they’d have a chance. All that is except for the elder’s son he’d started at twenty-nine had progressed almost to sub-mage two yeah; he was going to have power I just had to make sure he used it right. Finally, all of them sweating I called a halt to the class for the day.

“You have done well so far, this is the end of the first week, tomorrow we start on increasing your knowledge, in everything,” hearing them groan I continued on. “I know, I know but believe me I also thought it was a waste of time but remember the creeping arbor spell I used earlier this week. Had you known the counter you could have performed it and been out of it a lot sooner, don’t all of you agree?” I watched them all nod vigorously especially the blond elder’s son. God I was glad he was on board now; hell hadn’t thought that the same tactics I used on the street would work with them.

I guess it just went to show that everyone has a dealing point, well almost everyone thinking of my ex and Cloe. I still hadn’t figured out yet why she was so dead set against saying the safe phrase. I would though I wasn’t about to release her ‘til I did and find out why she loved to torture men so much especially me. Looking at the young woman from before I concentrated, <I know you can hear me, your empathic power isn’t that strong yet, you need to keep it inside more, and though I enjoyed the compliments I am way too old for you.> I saw her turn another shade of pink nod then leave with the class.

I headed home and was maybe a block from there when another of the low lives of the underworld again tried to put a pinch on me. I felt him long before I reached where he was actually hiding, reaching out I grabbed the snitch from his hiding place.

“Uh huh,” I said as I looked at Tommy twenty toes. “Bad move Tommy, I don’t know what you’ve heard but I am several levels higher than I was. Now unless you want to die spill it. Who’s put out the bounty? That way I can take this to him or her.”

“I don’t know Tyrome, I..., “ he started.

“Alright we go back a ways I owe you a few so I’ll give you one this time, I won’t ask again, next time I take your lizard head and leave the human one.” Leaning close I whispered, “Could get very messy especially around the holidays as I know your kind enjoys humans.”

Sighing he started to spill his guts, hmm interesting, there was more than one that had put one on me, that meant they might try the school next.

Across town not too far from the club I touched a wall in a back alley, opening up I was now in what was called thieves way. Pulling my hood up, I made my way down the street, stopping at an odd restaurant. Sitting down I kept my face hidden no need to start a panic if I could. The lizard waitress came over and I handed her a card, then I waited these damn lizards had more patience than brains.

“Come with me,” a rather large almost ogre looking creature led me to a door in the back taking his place at the door I entered. Though the council didn’t condone this illegal business, they didn’t outlaw it either. I saw my target in the back as I drew my wards in tighter no sense in killing anyone if not necessary.

Jimmy the slot owned half of everything here; it seemed he was trying to get richer with the bounty on me. In my best voice I asked, “I hear tell you got a large one on that ex enforcer Tyrome Greenstick.” Jimmy nodded. “I want in.” I said.

Looking me up and down he laughed, “I’m sorry friend, you can try, but you obviously don’t realize who he is.”

“Enlighten me,” I said.

Jimmy’s eyes got big, “You never had trouble with the law obviously,” as he adjusted his huge belly on the table. “He hasn’t increased in power in a few centuries but he’s still slippery, takes a special breed to take him I suggest...”

Jimmy had stopped as I now held a powerful ward around his neck, not quite choking him but enough to know I meant business. Releasing him he drew in a deep breath then laughed, “Hell; that was a move like his; if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were him but we both know that’s impossible he’d have to...”

Jimmy again stopped as I had removed my hood and was again squeezing though this time, I WAS choking him.

“Ah! I see you really are familiar with my work, ok here’s what’s going to happen,” one of his guards moved toward me and was suddenly in four pieces. “Now then here’s what’s going to happen, I am going to sit here, and you are going to call the other four that have a bounty on me. They are all going to cancel them, or I just might pay them a visit. It won’t be as pleasant as this was, I guarantee there will be many deaths possibly the bosses themselves.”

Jimmy was on the phone calling as fast as he could three of the bosses were scared shitless the fourth well, suffice it to say I didn’t foresee a bright future for him. Thanking Jimmy, I waved a hand over the mess I had made clearing it up then left. Hmmm this was a no brainer, the boss was a huge troll like creature, they were only loyal to their own kind, hardly ever backed down and I sighed, as dumb as a brick.

I made my way to the territory; I was sure they had lookouts now. So, they knew I was coming just not who I was though I’m sure Jimmy had told all after I left.

Carefully I changed my appearance before I even ventured another foot. Thinking back, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gone against a troll, I remembered they were large, brutish, foul-smelling creatures. The smell wouldn’t bother me but the simple fact that the stronger ones of their kind were highly resistant to magic, the bigger and older they were the more power you’d need against them.

Chuckling, it was a good thing I had been increasing my power the last few days. I was up four and a half levels now I might be able to take the leader but still felt it was going to be a fight.

Finally, halfway into the territory I started to notice the stench, ok, still not too bad but I had to watch this was after all, one of their personal weapons. I stopped at the front of a dilapidated building, figures I thought they never went for safe and secure always old and falling down. Stepping to the door I was stopped by two of the leader’s guards each had at least a foot and a half on me. Their legs like tree trunks their arms not any smaller by any means.

“What you want little man,” the first asked, I had to play this carefully, I still wasn’t sure I was strong enough to take them down.

“Heard your leader has a bounty on that asshole Greenstick, I want in,” I told the almost mindless creature.

“I ask, you stay or make dead good dead.” The simpleton laughed at his joke then went inside. His partner eyed me suspiciously, Ha! I thought this brute could hardly think how could he be suspicious? A moment later the first brute lumbered back out, “boss say come do nothing or smash, good smash, break bones make good mess.” Again, the simpleton laughed at his own private joke.

The source of this story is Finestories

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