Dead Stick - Cover

Dead Stick

Copyright© 2023 by Pars001

Chapter 2

The sun was rising outside the window a huge fireball of anger, yeah; it was gonna be another scorcher, another day of waiting. Looking at the bed, the raven-haired beauty turned to look at me, her perfect breasts moving in unison with her body. “Tyrome! Come back to bed! You’ve only done me twice this morning!” she cried .2

It was the same every morning, had I not been a mage I know I’d have been dead by now for sure. True she wasn’t the best sex but what she lacked in technique, she more than made up for in enthusiasm.

“I’ll be back,” I said as I pulled my shirt on, “Then we can go at it the rest of the day, you know I have to check, wouldn’t do to piss off your father. Even if he did arrange this.” She pulled a cute pouty face as I leaned down to kiss her um just as good as the first time 4 days ago.

Placing wards around the building I thought a moment and placed a few under it too can’t be too unsure.

Walking down the street I headed to the bar, ‘bout the only place I went these days with the super sex machine in my bed. Walking in I waved to the barkeep just as normal, as were ninety-nine percent of the regulars here in this place. I had just walked to my usual table and sat when a nervous little man walked in the front door. Hmmm not your usual nervous type, not this one could give lessons to a Chihuahua. His eyes were shifting to everything in the room; every sound had him about to flee for his life.

I could tell this was an office type of guy soft, smooth looking hands, an almost alabaster white colored skin, looked more like he belonged in a monastery than on the street. Looking closer I saw it was Ronney, scared little shit why send him? He was terrified at his own shadow let alone anything else. Sighing I got up to meet him and lead him to the back booth, immediately he straightened following me.

“Why they keep sending you boy?” I asked him to try and put him at ease.

“They said it would help me to possibly integrate into the normal world, I don’t know Mr. Greenstick, it’s a scary place out here.” He replied though not shaking anymore, his grey eyes were still darting everywhere.

I grinned a little, Ronney didn’t realize it but he’d already conquered the hardest part, he’d left the magic world sanctuary. Sitting back, I hoped he had news today, not that I minded having sex all damn day, but I was starting to get restless.

“What you got for me today?” I asked. Ronney gave me an incredulous look as I sighed and briefly waved a hand to make us hidden in plain view.

“Ah! Thank you, Mr. Greenstick, the entire council has finally gotten your office ready,” taking out a large manila envelope; he slid it across to me. “Everything is in there, if everything isn’t right, they said you’d know what to do but as I heard them say, they didn’t think you’d have any problems with it.”

Taking out a three-inch stack of papers of all the information, I passed my hand over it hmmm they did cover a lot I would have thought of. Ronney’s eyes were as big as saucers what? Hadn’t he ever seen a palm read before?

“Tell them it is adequate, for now,” I almost growled to get the point across but thought better of it, didn’t want the little guy to pass out, hell he was already ‘bout to piss his pants as it was!

“Thank you, Mr. Greenstick, here is the key,” he slid an odd, shaped chain across the table to me. “The council said that when your office is officially open, they have a big case for you, and your crew.”

With that he got up and left rather in a hurry, hell he couldn’t have moved faster if you’d shot at him.

Well, it was too bad I wasn’t going to have another all-day session with Cynthia. I was finally starting to get used to her soft curves and softer insides, at least her father had everything finally ready. Might as well head back and break the news to her, lord knows she wasn’t going to take it all that well. 30 minutes later I was ducking flying furniture and what few dishes I HAD, talk about your wild cats! Escaping I made my way to the old factory building that served as the front for my new job. Now instead of being the one out there gathering the clues I would be here pulling the strings, trying to get these kids (they were only two or three hundred years old) trained enough that they wouldn’t get killed the first day.

Pulling the chain out of my shirt, the back wall shimmered, and a door appeared. On it were the words: OFFICE OF FIELD INVESTIGATIONS, TYROME GREENSTICK.

Hmm, did strange things to see one’s name like that, almost felt important, almost. Walking in I saw that everything was keyed to my entrance ‘til I gave the off and on to others, sighing I knew I had a full day ahead interviewing for a staff. Probably in two or three days then the real fun started training the green mages that the council sent to me to train. Sitting at my desk the speaker in front of me buzzed waving my hand I responded, “Yes, I’m ready please send in the first applicant.”

A door on the opposite side of the room opened and a fairly attractive woman walked in. Handing me her file I palm read it and looked at her, “Miss Toxie, there are several requirements for this job. The biggest of which is a somewhat substantial power level, we may have unwelcomed guests from time to time and I want to make sure you will be up to the task.”

She nodded and I powered halfway up and fired a blast at her, poof she was gone!? Great! Snapping my fingers, she was back in a flash, “That’s not what I meant by being up for the task! Good day Miss Troxie!” Sighing I knew this was going to take longer than I wanted, obviously a lot longer. I’d almost given up hope, so far I’d seen thirty women, five men, an ogre, hell even a witch, they all left me more than not impressed. The next that strolled through my door caught my attention immediately, red hair, luscious red lips that seemed to beg to be taken, slender legs and waist and a face that could probably put Cleopatra’s to shame. Hell, even I had to do a double take, oh yeah, I forgot to mention she had a nice tight butt just like I like ‘em.

Sitting down I began to question her as I had the rest, then sighing I powered up again and let loose at her. Though I felt she wasn’t that strong, she managed to deflect several of my blasts, a promising start.

“You understand Celina, you will have to be up on everything in this office, know where everything is, when I need it I need it as fast as you can put it in my hand.” I told her.

She nodded, then proceeded to ask not only excellent questions but extremely intelligent ones. Damn! This woman was almost too good to be true, there was something about her I wasn’t sure but right now she was the closest to what I needed at the front desk. I let her know I’d contact her soon as I had more interviews to go through.

“Thank you, sir,” she replied, “if I am hired, I will endeavor to perform to the best of my abilities.”

Something clicked in my mind, I’d heard this before, this wasn’t good not good at all. Damn it! She had such a damn nice butt too! Sighing I let her out and resigned myself to go through the rest of the applicants before the day was done. Closing the door, I walked down the empty street listening to my echoing footfalls. Well, that had almost been a waste of a day almost every-one of them had flashed out, cowered or tried to run, not exactly what I was looking for.

Thinking of the one bright spot in the day, Celina I felt in my gut it was a made-up name like a lot of her story.

I’d almost reached my apartment building when I felt the watchers on my back, hmmm this wasn’t my guys, definitely wasn’t the council, felt almost like leftovers from my last case. Hell, any first-time mage knew that wasn’t possible, unless she got lose and no one knew it. Thinking it over and remembering my ex’s sneaky ways, yes, it was quite possible she had escaped, damn it! That’s all I needed was that homicidal, blood thirsty, bitch lose again fouling up the works, she’d almost got me last time, I was still wondering who did the face work on her.

I needed to go to the council about this, shit I was tired maybe tomorrow, stopping I shook myself that’s what almost got me killed last time. Calling the council, I wasted no time detailing everything that had gone on and outlining my suspicions. The head of the council laughed and told me I was paranoid, ‘til he called the prison, and they told him that she was indeed gone! Looking at me the elder apologized telling me she was first priority, though not extremely powerful, she did have remarkable suggestive power.

I was making my way up the stairs when Cynthia called me asking if I was home yet, she was anxious for me to fill her again and had missed me all day. When I said I’d be there soon I felt her squeal with delight then break the conversation. I’d just reached my door when I felt a presence I didn’t like; luckily, I was already covered when she tried to shoot me again.

“Hello husband,” she sneered, “we have unfinished business, you owe me a child!”

“You sadistic bitch! I owe you NOTHING! I dissolved the bond and our marriage; you owe me nothing and I want nothing from you!” I shouted across the hallway.

“Bastard! You owe me a damn child!” With that she launched herself at me. Pissed off I waved a hand at her and watched as she froze in place.

“Now then, I want to know who did the face work on you!” I demanded.

The source of this story is Finestories

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