Dead Stick - Cover

Dead Stick

Copyright© 2023 by Pars001

Chapter 13

I stood there for the longest time feeling like an idiot, it was the first time in quite a while I felt completely at a loss. Still almost unable to move I just stared at the spot where Celina had been. My sister had just told me that she would be back, after I revealed the fact that I had the soul of my sister within my body. Smirking I felt an almost sense of loss pass over me. Who was I kidding? I’d be lucky if the council didn’t lock me up, even with Cloe knowing almost all of the story.

Then there was Johnathon, with his wild magic he was far stronger than I was to a point. His father had said I did have quite a few tricks that I could take him down with though I wasn’t all that sure I could keep him down that long. Sighing remembering Tom’s words I knew that sooner or later Johnathon would be involved, it was just when I wasn’t sure. Flashing out to my apartment I was walking up the last flight of stairs when I felt a strange energy.

“I suggest if you wish to continue as a semi - living being, you leave now, I’m in the foulest of moods right now!” I snapped as I targeted an area of the wall. That’s when I heard the low laughing, then I felt the energy spike upwards, holy crap this was an old power, I might have more but the age of this left me no doubt that whomever this was, had far more tricks than I’d possess for quite some time.

“For one as young as you, your confidence is something to admire.” I heard the thick old, very old accent of the ... whatever this being was. Suddenly he stepped out of the shadows as if he were a part of them, “So you are the mage I have heard so much about.” Rushing at me he stopped three feet in front of me having hit my shields and passed through most of them. “Very good young mage, very good indeed.” Bowing low he stood erect in front of me. “I am Lord Vidon.”

Again he started to laugh as the realization of who he was hit me, “Lana’s father,” I managed to get out.

Nodding he pointed a finger at me, “I know of your trouble with this Cedric being, I am here to warn you to stay out of the clan’s way. He destroyed a part of our clan centuries ago; we are within our blood right to take his life should he return. We also know that he is your brother, do not interfere.”

Sighing I could see Tom and Ben’s hand in this, knowing the vampire clan’s code I was sure I could keep them out of it. “Lord Vidon,” I started trying to formulate the correct words, “I realize that your clan has a blood right but so do I, as with you I claim the right to destroy him. He wiped out my entire family, so you see it is far more a blood right of mine than any other.” Bowing low I told him, “I am honored that you have come to me with this warning but I must now tell you my quest far outweighs yours.”

Nodding Lord Vidon bowed again, “It is refreshing to know that some of the youth of today still honor the old ways. Know this though, if you are unable to carry the fight, the entire clan will step in to finish it.”

Bowing low to Vidon I told the Lord, “I would expect no less. Upon my honor I will do all that I can to destroy this blight on our world.” This brought a wide smile to Lord Vidon’s face then like a light being shut off he vanished.

I was about to turn around when I heard a clapping, “I thought you’d be nearby, I could feel yours and Tom’s hand in on this,” I told Ben as he emerged from behind a wall.

“And why not? You were the best that has been in a very long time, you have come a long way in a very short time.” Ben told me as he walked up the stairs. “I had no choice Ben, Cedric is, was a hell of a lot higher than I was. The only thing is he is so damn cocky about something I feel as if he has a spell, I know nothing about. I was warned he has a plan to overpower me, though at this point I am at a loss.” I told Ben who had a strange look on his face.

“It feels almost as if no matter what you do, Cedric acts as if he can’t lose.” Here I stared at Ben he’d almost spoken word for word my thoughts. “I have seen this before I have to check something then I’ll return.” with a flourish Ben was gone, now what in the hell was that about?

I figured I wouldn’t see Ben for quite a while, so I trudged into my apartment. Collapsing into a chair near the door I knew that I needed to work my levels but the weariness I was feeling was also warring against me. A moment later Cloe sat next to me with a plate of food.

“I take it didn’t go that well?” She asked, shyly looking at me from eyes partially concealed by her lashes.

“If you consider I have been visited by the leader of the Timmings clan, his wife, their daughter and the son of the Vidon clan, then yeah you could say that. Oh yeah Lord Vidon appeared also I had to deny his claim to this fight.” I told Cloe as if this was an everyday occurrence, her eyes wide as each name was said.

“You denied Lord Vidon!? How in the hell did you do that!!! No one denies that Vampire anything!” Here she backed away from me giving me the oddest of looks. Reaching out I could feel her scanning me shit! She was far stronger than I thought!

Sighing I allowed her to opening up to allow her further in. Then I started to regret it, I could see the tears starting to fall I had opened all the way, she wanted to know fine! I let her have it all not realizing that the pain I had learned to deal with over the centuries might be too much for her.

I thought she could take it all, in my arrogance and a flash of anger I let her have it all. It wasn’t ‘til she started to shake I knew that I had gone too far. Closing everything like a steel door her eyes went wide then she was on her knees weeping uncontrollably. “I’m...” hanging my head I tried again, “I’m sorry Cloe no one has tried to do that to me in a long time. I’ll be in the other room I know you don’t want me too near right now.”

I flashed out still hearing her whimpering; now I felt like a complete ass. There was a knock at the door, getting up I saw that it was Celina. “That was a hideous thing you did Tyrome,” she hissed.

My faced screwed into a mask of anger I told her, “Considering that you were a part of that pain you don’t have that much room to talk. Or would you like to experience the hell that I have for well over four hundred years!? Why are you here?” I said dropping my voice and emotions.

“I came to continue the discussion, things were said that need to be cleared up, don’t you think?” she said a little smirk on her lips. What in the hell was going on? Was the damn world descending on me tonight? Shit!

“Fine after I do my exercises I should pass him tonight; I only need three to equal four to pass shouldn’t be too hard.” I told her a smirk now on my lips. “Might take a few hours though get comfortable.” I started to concentrate as I felt her move toward the front room. I had obviously been at it for a while when I felt a disturbance on the dreamscape.

“Ah! Your power has finally passed mine excellent! When I drain you here, I will burst forth and drain this world of ALL magic, then I will be a god!” Cedric’s hideous laughter ringing in my ears I felt him reach toward me, this time though it wasn’t an attack, I could feel the energy he was expanding it was more of a vacuum. Changing my energy, I quickly erected a shield I hadn’t used in over one hundred fifty years. Hitting it he was stunned at first that I knew what he was about.

“I told you ass hole I am a master of counter spells!” I sneered at him.

“True but can you handle both?” With those words he started to fire at me, holding both shields weren’t easy but somehow, I did. Pissed off he started to retreat when I reached out grasping near his heart, strange but I felt this wasn’t really him. Cursing he began to throw even more at me, smiling I just relaxed more feeling my shields flair stronger. Laughing he again reached for my power. Snapping a shield, I had only used once he hit it with a shock. “So, bastard, you know of that also, good when I drain you it will be sweeter.”

He was withdrawing again, I held fast maybe I could rip something else lose and seriously weaken him. Screaming, I felt him pull with a strength I didn’t think he had left in him. Still, I held on to what I felt near his heart. Finally, he turned firing at me, “Let me go you slimy, nasty, filthy, human!” With those words he again wrenched as hard as he could screaming as another huge section of his power ripped loose. “Fine! You can have the human WHORE!” Laughing he withdrew again, human whore? What in the hell was he talking about?

Suddenly I was exhausted I needed to leave though that was easier said than done, I could see the surface I just couldn’t get to it. That’s when I felt a hand push me up, ah! Elura was helping me thank God she was still safe, then I felt another hand guiding me up huh? Looking back I saw not only Elura but another older woman smiling at me, I tried to open my mouth to ask her who she was when I opened my eyes. Immediately I closed them again, Christ the light was so powerful.

I heard several gasps trying to turn my head I could barely make out Ben, trying to talk to him I finally got a thought to him. [Ben, I did it I passed him I fought him the power resisting shields worked but I think he has more. I also ripped more from him, but I don’t recognize her.]

[Another soul? I thought only family could add to power. Let me see her.] He told me I was barely able to bring up her face when I heard him gasp.

[Lillian!] Finally I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

“You should be fine soon Tyrome,” I heard Evelyn Timmings say, “Oh great” I thought though if I had to be healed, she was the best.

I didn’t know how long I was out; all I knew was my head felt as if it had been stepped on a few thousand times. Finally, I managed to get my eyes open though they felt like they weighed a ton. Scanning the room, I saw that both the Timmings were there though asleep on a near king size bed. Suddenly alert I could see that there were several more than just a few people in my now apparently three times as large apartment. Trying to rise off the floor I groaned as a huge wave of nausea swept over me. Nearly falling, I felt a strong arm around me as I emptied the contents of my stomach; yup Ben was here to shit that was all I needed.

Finally, over my bout of sickness I could swear that Ben was laughing at me. Turning I saw that though he was trying not to he was indeed laughing. “Alright asshole,” I gasp at him, “I can let you see how it feels to have the shit beat out of you!”

Smiling even bigger he said, “It’s good to see that you are almost back to normal with that attitude!”

Shaking my head, I looked at him like he was crazy, “I’m serious damn it, I haven’t taken a beating like this in several hundred years, just to rip part of him loose! Now maybe you can tell me what you meant when you said that name. As far as I know I never knew a Lillian. Father never went with any females,” here I hung my head whispering, “I never knew my mother, nor did father ever tell me who she was.”

Ben’s face suddenly took a serious look to it, “I cannot tell you then, I made a promise to him and her centuries ago. A promise that even I cannot break; though if she is where she can, she can tell you.” Looking directly into my eyes Ben said, “That is if you can Lillian, I know things were never well in the family, but does he not deserve to know?”

Suddenly I felt a presence within me that I hadn’t before then an older woman’s voice came out of my mouth. “Don’t push it, Ben! You as well as I, know the consequences of that knowledge, leave it alone!”

“I can’t Lillian he deserves to know, I am the closest to family he has ever had. Don’t you think it is time?” Ben asked almost begging, shit who was this Lillian that she could almost frighten Ben like that?

“Uh excuse me but I am right here, just f•©king tell me!” I told both of them.

“You stay out of this!” Ben hissed at me.

“That’s enough damn it!” I heard the female voice say. “You’re right he deserves to know but not now, soon but not now.” With that the presence was gone as was the voice, holy crap I felt nothing of the woman at all. Search as hard as I could I felt nothing, this had to be an extremely powerful being if I couldn’t feel her within me.

Ben was shaking his head as he moved away, I also noticed that he was trembling who in the hell had this much power over Ben?

Finally, off the floor I saw that the entire council was there, glancing up I couldn’t even look at Cloe. I was already enough of a freak as it was, but this had to have her looking at me even harder, plus after what I did, I wasn’t sure if she wouldn’t be trying to kill me again. Yup I thought about a normal month for me everything all screwed up and falling apart.

Then I noticed that there were several Vampires in the room, as well as Timmings clan mages, thing is, they all felt human. What in the hell was going on? I get the shit kicked out of me and everyone shows up to cheer him on? As my face twisted into rage, Celina touched me on the shoulder. “We still have to finish our discussion.” Sighing I nodded as we moved into the only empty room in the house, I guessed it was going to be like this the rest of the day.

“Look Celina,” I started when I turned back toward her. Launching herself at me she met my lips with her own. Sliding my arms around her I let my hands drift lower to her firm backside.

Breaking the kiss she smiled at me seductively, “There discussion over, I may not remember all that happened back then, but I do remember how much I loved you.” Here she lowered her eyes, “I find that I still do, please Tyrome don’t answer now, just,” taking a gulp she went on, “just know that I love you, ok?” Celina walked out leaving me standing there like a stunned idiot, I remember the Doctor telling me it was all her, but I thought it was another of his lies.

Ok, this was another shock, walking out I saw that Ben was smiling weird, as were a few others, “Shut up all of you. Thank you all of you that came, I fought Cedric again, it was different, but I weakened him again though I am afraid that this next battle will be here. I need everyone safe; I am suspending the school ‘til it is over.” I looked at Tom and Ben, “If I don’t make it, I trust that you and your clan,” I turned toward Lord Vidon, “and your clan will finish this.” They all nodded, “If you’ll excuse me I need to rest before he breaks free.” Again, all nodded then they all started to flash out, finally I was alone, well with Cloe and Celina.

“I am glad that you finally told him,” Cloe told Celina who held a huge grin on her face as the two women embraced.

Shocked I must have looked ridiculous as they both were smiling at me, “Wait when did ... how did you ... what are you,” I sat with a thud on the couch really confused apparently, they both had known about each other and were fine with it. Damn I thought, go figure and the simple fact that they wanted me was an even bigger shock. Feeling the fatigue though not that tired after being out so long, I decided to just talk to the two of them. It was a good few hours we had talking about everything under the sun.

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