The Blems - Cover

The Blems

Copyright© 2023 by Pars001

Chapter 11

Ray looked up from the Chorton at the form that had arose behind it. A look of concern crossing his face then the Chorton was attacking him, he was managing to keep the first one back, but then the second decided to join in. That’s when Ray watched as the powerful form grabbed the leaping second Chorton and snapped it in half as easily as if it was snapping a pretzel. Immediately the first screamed and flew through the wall, Ray was so tired he had to rest but he felt as if he weighed a ton.

The powerful form tried to reach Ray, but he wasn’t seeing too well and thought it was another attack and kept his protection up. The bad thing was the other being was trying to help him and Ray had exhausted almost all his energy fighting off the Chorton, now he was about to fade and knew he was dead if he failed. Reaching to his body he managed to touch the arm momentarily getting a jolt but not enough to defeat what he was seeing.

[Ray, ] he suddenly heard Nali in his head. [Let go I will help you, but you must let go you will expire if you do not re-enter your corporeal form very soon. Please let go, Elizabeth is with me we will help you.]

Ray was too tired to argue, too tired to fight anymore just too damn tired as he let go and felt his self-scooped up and placed on his body. Slowly very slowly he felt himself slip into it, and then he was all the way in as the sweet darkness took him.

Elizabeth was trembling; Nali had damn near scared the shit out of her when she leapt out of Elizabeth’s body dragging Elizabeth with her. Then they had both almost like melted together and formed a new, much more powerful form. Calming Elizabeth realized why Nali had done it, she would have too had she been able to move as fast as Nali. Now they both were returning to her body but for some reason Elizabeth thought something was different about Nali. Then she remembered something that Nali had said.

(“I have been in contact with you and Ray for so long that I am finally starting to convert to what I want to be, it won’t take much longer now, then I’ll have a real surprise for the both of you!”) Looking hard at the almost human looking Nali, Elizabeth couldn’t imagine what Nali had meant.

Back in the body they both kept a close eye on Ray, they had to make sure he survived; their own lives depended so much on him. As Nali had hinted to, she and Ray were now joined in more ways than one as were he and Elizabeth, also as Nali and Elizabeth were to each other. Their attention snapped back to Ray when they heard him moan slightly.

Ray was having a hard time in his body he was starting to spend more and more time away from it, too much in fact. This time had been the closest he’d been to not be making it in time. Though he was back within it, things didn’t feel right he needed to wake up and start moving around before his body became so rigid, he might never move again.

Clawing his way to the surface, he let out a moan from the supreme effort he was having to make just to reach the surface. Finally, after what felt like years, he managed to open his eyes. “How long?” He heard his slurred words come out.

“From what I saw it has been two days, we have to go back tomorrow to work. Are you starting to feel any better?” Elizabeth asked him as soon as he’d spoken.

“Some,” he slurred out. “I need to get up and start moving again I feel so weak I might need your help.” Ray tried to sit up and fell back becoming dizzier than he had been, as a groan escaping his lips.

“You need to rest and regain your soul energy as you solid forms call it.” Ray heard Nali say funny he thought her voice was becoming more and more distinct from Elizabeth’s, and then he shook his head, he had to be imagining.

“I have to get the physical form of me moving again or I might destroy part of it. I am sure you do not want that,” Ray told both of the females which brought a few gasps. ‘Damn, ‘Ray thought, ‘it still seemed like he was hearing two distinct voices. Plus, the fact he could swear that he’d heard them both at the same time!’

“Ray you still have to be careful pushing, the physical can harm you too!” Elizabeth warned him.

“I know, I know but I have to get the circulation going again soon or I feel this body will die!” Finally in a sitting position Ray felt blood flowing to places it felt like it hadn’t flowed good in a while. ‘Well, ‘he thought, ‘I ought to be good after all the tingles stop!’ He was about to try and get out of bed when he felt his senses snap into place and his whole body was suddenly feeling normal again. Damn forgot I could do that!

Elizabeth could feel the sudden change in Ray, amazing she thought he was already back to normal, she was still fighting to get her energy all the way up. “Ray, I think we need to talk,” Elizabeth started then was suddenly quiet, this whole exchange not lost on Ray at all.

Reaching over he could feel Nali restraining Elizabeth though only just, so Elizabeth’s power was growing in leaps and bounds also though his own growth paled in comparison to hers. “What are you afraid of Nali? Let her speak.” Ray told her.

Sighing Nali released Elizabeth expecting her to tell all she felt, and then she was supremely surprised when Elizabeth only smiled. “Sorry Ray I was going to tell you something, but I think you already know, Nali reminded me.”

“Oh? What is that?” Ray asked curious.

“Oh, just that she is seriously in love with you as deeply as I am, maybe more as she was a part of you for a short time. Sadly, she is closer to you than I can ever be though she has offered to share the feelings with me.” Elizabeth said though most of it was a lie she hoped that Nali caught on to what she was hinting at.

“Ok, I thought Nali and you were mad at each other and were hiding secrets, something you both know I dislike greatly. You especially know that, Nali. I think it would be a wonderful idea for you to share with Elizabeth, Nali, clearly you have thought this out.” Ray said happy that they were getting on with each other as well as they were. If they were going to share the body, he damn sure hope they were on good terms.

A new respect for Elizabeth was starting to form in Nali she hadn’t thought of sharing all the feelings that she had when she had been in Ray. Thinking only a moment she could see the wisdom that Elizabeth had just shown. Looking at each other inside, Nali smiled and opened up letting Elizabeth feel all that Nali had during the beautiful though brief partnership she and Ray had shared. The more she felt the more she fell in love with Ray in a way that she never thought possible.

Sighing, Ray had a major decision to make; he had far more money than he’d ever need though for the time being he really didn’t need it. He was tired of the company feeling that he could do far more out there in the world changing the few small things that would lead to a far better world. That was the thing he loved about the company, he loved all the people that worked for him and didn’t want to put them out. There had to be a compromise; walking around Ray had to find a way hell it hadn’t been this hard with the daughter of the queen why was ... Suddenly a smile lit up his face of course!

The next morning Ray and Elizabeth walked into the office, hours ahead of everyone else. Smiling Ray was glad that someone else knew besides his friend John. Looking around Ray advised Elizabeth what they needed to do. “Wait, wait, wait you are actually going to try and alter your friends mind? Can’t that be dangerous? After all human minds are different than alien minds.” Elizabeth told him. “You ... so you have adjusted me before! RAY!” Then Elizabeth thought further of the circumstances involved and smiled. “I didn’t realize, thank you Ray, had you not then we might not be as we are. Be careful though as you discovered the mind can be somewhat tricky at times.”

Ray had listened to all that Elizabeth had said though he was sure he had heard a few undertones of Nali there also. It was perhaps two and a half hours later when his friend John came in. Taking a deep breath Ray tried to calm himself; he had to get this right. Being able to have John run most of the company with these enhancements was paramount.

John entered his office and saw that Ray and Elizabeth were there, “Hello John, close the door please.” John stared at both of them with his mouth agape. “John, I have decided to leave the company,” Ray held up a hand to stop him from commenting. “I know I have well over 95% of the ideas that keeps us at the forefront of the market, but I feel that I might be able to adjust your mind to do this somewhat also.”

“Adjust my MIND! Look Ray I like my mind the way it is if you,” Ray barely touched John effectively shutting of his voice and rendering him unable to move.

“Now then, you won’t really notice the adjustments that much, I’m not going to make you super smart, but I am going to give you a push. You should be able to get enough ideas to keep the company more or less at an even keel. Though from time to time I will throw you an idea to elevate the company for a while. I have to John I love this company a lot more than you do, but I’m tired and there is a lot more I can do out in the world than from just here.” John’s eyes were huge, Ray was going to leave! No! They’d go under in a few months!

“Please Ray,” John begged when Ray let him talk. “You have always been the driving force behind all of this. If you leave I am afraid that it will all die!”

Leaning close Ray told him, “That’s why you might say I am making you smarter than you are, though I am afraid I can’t let you remember except when we are talking on the phone or in here.” Ray said tapping the side of his head.

“I’ll miss you Ray, you are really the only friend I have, never had any other,” looking down John said, “or girlfriend either guess I was a lot like you, too interested in the business of the business.”

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