Know Your Enemy - Cover

Know Your Enemy

Copyright© 2023 by Lapi

Chapter 1

Walking off the field Pete felt like the loser today. Wait, his part of the team was the loser, ‘D’ was supposed to be better than ‘O’ this early in the pre-season. The pre-season scrimmage left quite a bit to be desired. 3 to 0, on a 59 yard FG was not the makings for an exciting sports event, especially if your half of the team is on the losing side of that score. There did not seem to be much to cheer about except it was only a scrimmage. In the distance one could still see someone cheering though. They were jumping up and down in the stands. Reminded me of some previous girlfriends who dumped me when I was only a reserve early that first year(about $16,000 a week) When I became an active starter as a player, that changed along with my pay.

Pete looked around and saw many of the team also walking along. From the look on their faces they saw not much to cheer about either. The further he went he saw her better, she was a pretty girl, he could see that even from a distance. No longer on rookie pay he remembered. ‘Might as well start again’ he thought. Pete dropped his bags, went over to the stands, hopped up and started walking to her. As he got closer still he thought he recognized her. Even closer now, he called out a name; “Mollie?” he said; shaking his head a bit.

She nodded and started to cry, now really crying. He held out his arms to her and started towards her again. Almost there, she ran and jumped into his outstretched arms.

“Mollie, little Mollie! It’s been years. Where’s Sean, don’t tell me he let ‘our’ little sister go out alone?”

It was the wrong thing to ask. Where tears now were beginning to stream down her face like twin rivers coming from. Pete and Sean had been best friends since, well forever it seemed. When they graduated high school Pete went to the Eagles after college, got signed as a reserve first while Sean entered the USMC. (Marines) That was years ago it seemed. Her crying was not normal, not for her, not for anyone.

Mollie Doyle was nearly six years younger than them and for all the years he knew her, she was their rock. Whenever either was down, for whatever reason, a girl, a bad grade, the wrong play on the field, whatever, she always had a good thing to say to cheer them up.

“Mollie, what’s wrong? What’s the matter? Is there anything I...?”

“He is not coming back Pete! He got himself killed, he did! He is dead! Oh Pete!” She fell into his arms shaking! “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now?”

It took only a few seconds to formulate the next steps. That was supposed to be a strength of his after-all; access the situation, determine a plan of action and quickly make it happen it was why he was now the captain on ‘Defence’.

“I do though! You come take care of me and I’ll take care of you now. A bit of a role-reversal. Once we take care of everything about Sean, you finish high school, then you can decide what you want to do but you’ll do it with a clear head. Meanwhile you’ve got to keep me on the straight and narrow like you did before. Believe me, it will be a lot harder now; only a cutie like you will be able to keep those female sharks away now that I’ll be getting some better pay.”(Until you sign a real 4 or 5 year contract in the NFL, many players do not make the ‘Big Bucks’)

Pete was not kidding when he told her that he ‘could take care of her’. He had just signed a 5 year near hundred-million dollar contract and received a large signing bonus for that extension. “Taking care of my little sister would be no burden” he told her. She gave him a strange look, opened her mouth but said nothing. “Let’s visit ‘Mom and Dad Doyle’. I don’t want them to worry about anything, this is already enough for them.”

He took Mollie’s hand and with one arm around her walked out to her car after picking up his bag.

At the Doyle house just like his role in the game, he seemed to take charge of everything. “For right now Mollie and I are going to handle everything. She will be living with me, I need the help. Anyone calling you about Sean, lawyers, scammers, long lost family, whomever have them call me or my attorney at these numbers. Also, when she is ready for college, I’ll take care of expenses so don’t you worry about money. Here is a check to get you over the next few months until we make a better plan, you know how great I am with plans, right? Cry, grieve, kick the cat, blame me even, whatever, there is nothing anyone can do to bring Sean back. Life for all of us has to go-on, he would want that.”

Mollie was listening to this but not really understanding much other than her ‘other Big Brother’ was back again to take care of things now.

“Is the car yours? Mollie shook her head no. He called the ‘Inn at Penn’; where he was staying and changed rooms to a suite while Mollie was told to pack some clothes and personal things. One of the boys, Patrick would take them back to get Pete’s car. Pete had a talk with Patrick and handed him another check. “See if you can ... do whatever you think can ... Hell, just ... you’ll know what to do.”

Money does not automatically bring happiness.(Right, why do so many want it though) Some Billionaires are the most unhappy folks I ever met, the only worse are those greedy ones who try to take what the wealthy ones have. On second thought ... OH, never mind.

When they got to the hotel, Pete added Mollie to the account as his sister. He had known her and treated her like it all her life anyway, She gave him that look again, this time holding back tears.

From some personal experience he knew when something bad happened to you the best thing was to keep busy. Time really could heal most wounds. He would be keeping Mollie busy, quite busy. Mollie came in through from the other room beaming about her part of the suite. “Just a bit more room here and you will need it for all the things that need to be done.” She had a questioning look now.

“We not only need to do some things about Sean’s death but you my dear need to help make certain the family gets over this, and me too. Oh! In all your free-time coming up when school lets out you need to find us a place around here to live and a few other things.”

“School is out this month(May) and Kathleen (her younger sister) said she would help us with things.” Kathleen was also a pretty red-head and a bit of a scamp, at least around him she was. “That’s good. She drives now, right.” A head nod. “Put getting another car or SUV for you two to use on your to do list; then lease or buy it. I have a signing bonus so go shopping, get the family involved in something too; maybe a trip somewhere nice for everyone, Mickey Mouse may be lonely.”

“Are you daft Pete!”

“Shrimp(If 38-40 D was a shrimp size), I got a bonus that is a few Million, even you and Kathleen together(Maybe but never say can’t where shopping and women are involved) would have difficulty spending it all.(Poor, dumb Pete was never married I guess.) Tax on my bonus has already been withheld; plus I’ll be getting a lot more now as salary with my new contract. No Ferrari though love and keep where we will live about $3 or so Million(Cheap for the area) if you would. OH! Check out U of Penn right here by the hotel for yourself also, it’s a good school or Bryn Mawr(Great school, but an average crime area per the recent FBI report, of 73 incidents per 1,000 people) even though you may need to convert a bit if you go there but a great women’s school.”(Nice cheer also: ‘Anassa kata, kalo kale, Ia ia ia Nike, Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr, Bryn Mawr!’ Only if you are a Senior) Helps to know Ancient Greek and Welsh too.

‘Ha, ha! “You really are daft, we can’t afford those places.”

“I can! Remember I am taking care of you from now on, Kathleen too, you’re both cuties, the boys nah.”

That look again but no tears.

“Today rest up, order room service for breakfast too. I’ll be back before 1 so we will have lunch together then get you a few things at the mall. I’ll call my lawyers to start things about Sean and he will re-confirm things with your Mom and Dad. I don’t want to remind them but I also want to do things the way they want for Sean.” She nodded. “Now go to your room, order some food, use the bath in my room which has air jets, use them and sleep a bit more. “Aye, Aye Sir!”(Her much older brother was a JAG-Navy Lawyer) ‘What to do?’ he thought as he called his lawyers.

The next morning was films of the scrimmages, an ass-kicking from coach and some details on the next steps in pre-season. Two hopeful players were let go. Coach spent 20 minutes on replacement names and possible trades, only one of which got an immediate ‘thumbs down’ as a team response. On the way out, Pete spotted Maddie, one of the team’s girl helpers and asked for some real home and away jerseys for Mollie and Kat and 2 tickets in the player section for the next game billed to him. As for sizes, better call the Inn, suite 1233 he told her, and to ask for Mollie. He handed her some $100 bills, figuring she could use any extra money. Pete ordered two more cell phones and laptops, then, upon reflection, then went back and bought a cell and laptop for Maddie. He stopped at the local Bank of America branch for some cash also. Shopping was not his forte after-all and none of them were on his cards and able to sign, so cash was in-order today.

When he got back to the hotel, the: “Your girlfriend called earlier and we had a interesting little chat. You know she is not much older than me you dog.” A pause, look, then a smile. “I gave her our sizes, Thank you Pete, that was very nice of you to do. I’m still bigger on top than Kat. Naa!”(She stuck out her tongue)

“Only more for you to do love and a word of advice, be careful, you may lose it.(The tongue I think Pete meant) Stop in the BOA(Bank of America) bank branch down the way and sign some stuff for the joint account I will open for us; see Wendy; Kat needs to go and sign too. Food and shopping are next. Here is a phone for you both and a laptop.” Mollie acted like she cherished the phones, hugging them to her: “Ohhh! A girl’s best friends, food and a phone now we only need...”

Pete handed her an envelope with some cash in it. “She grabbed it. You sure your girlfriend will not mind?” She stuck her tongue out at him again. “Behave! Jealous are we? Maddie is one of our helpers, she is a nice girl.”

After food, Pete dropped Mollie off at the Doyle house to pick up more clothes and would take her and Kat shopping and out to dinner later. His agent had a check for him after holding back estimated taxes; it was for $15,679,000 a bit more than he thought it would be. Back to the bank. $10 Millions went into his personal account; it now topped over $58 Millions with the stock account value at Merrill Lynch factored to it, ‘nice savings’ he thought. He took $179,000 in cash and $5,500,000 was put into the new joint account. He told Wendy, a manager, that Mollie and Kat Doyle would be in later this week to sign stuff and approved debit cards for them on the joint account. He also explained a formal address was forthcoming, soon no longer the hotel.

On the way to give Maddie her new phone and laptop he had a thought that what he was going through was akin to getting a new girlfriend or wife only without the ‘Yes Dear’ needed. Another call was made to AMEX, adding both girls to his account profile and to allow them to arrange travel and things for him with the concierge. Back at the NovaCare Complex again when he gave the third phone, Maddie began to cry, more now with getting the envelope with much more cash in it. HR had told him on the QT she was, what did they say, not wealthy and had no one that they knew of to help her out. The hug was the reason his shirt was wet, at least he was sticking to that reason.

At the Mall, both girls, Mollie and Kat, each got $50,000 and after feeding and watering they were limited to 3 hours to shop. Ha, Pete did not know about girls and shopping when someone else is paying. “Make certain you have enough room in the new car, use the new checks so stop and see Wendy; on second thought better get a SUV and an extra large size one at that.” He indicated their purchases. “Now we go back to the hotel, freshen up and change for a good dinner.” He meant steak, they had other ideas about what was meant by what he said.

At the Hotel after shopping. He had a sports coat on however when they came out in matching ‘Little Black Dresses’ and little was not an adequate adjective to describe the inches of cloth and yards of bare flesh; Pete had to take a deep breath. ‘They will keep the sharks away, sure’ he thought as he changed to another suit and made a reservation at Vernick’s.(A very nice dinner club). Dinner and dancing went without a hitch. One would expect that of a place that offered $2,000 bottles of wine, not some drink that was common fare at a bar. Only Pete was 21 or over so no drinks were ordered. He did get recognized and signed four autographs. The girls both smirked at him since his fans were all females, one looked like she was only 11 or 12. The suite had three occupants that night, a call was made back home for permission for the 16 year-old Kat to stay-over.

The next day. “Get something nice!” That was the last thing I said to them; then remembered how Kat was. “Not Pink or Purple either.” The “Awww!” came in reply. I went in, they were still waiting near the Complex’s gate. Maddie was coming out, I got a slight nudge from her and a big smile as she joined them in my car to become the ‘Terrible Trio’ now. I pitied the car sales rep. When they returned no new car but like with a thousand questions for me. Besides no Pink or Purple my main issues were to get large and nice and I already had a car so a SUV maybe. Wednesday was a repeat of the other day’s trip, only Maddie was dressed nicer today. Yes, I noticed.

The Silver Mercedes SUV with Mollie standing next to it, beaming like a lottery winner gave me the clue. I went to the car, Kat driver side and Maddie shotgun at the SUV and yelled over: “Good choice, Mollie, lease or buy?” as I motioned to the MB SUV.(not the AMG model, she was frugal I guessed) “Three years old, 27,000 miles and ... a good price ... maybe ... we hope?” “OK! Get in your new car Mollie and lead on for food.” “Ahh, and we got Maddie a 6 year old Toyota small car too, 4 years left to pay it off, .9 percent interest and we all put money down on it to lower the balance due, used up all the money we had left from shopping, hint, hint, is that OK Pete? Maddie has been taking buses to work, when there is work for her that is, so...”

“Is she house broken and can you use her in your next few quests? Might even be useful to motivate ‘someone’ to finally get us a place to live? Its been ages you have been looking for a home for ‘us’.” “See, I told you he would not get upset!” “You might as well get a 5 or 6 bedroom house now, my bonus was a few dollars more than I thought so we need a live-in maid, know of anyone looking for work and a place to live? Maddie, perhaps? Your budget is higher now. Get us a nice house, near where we are at the Hotel and $ 5 millions or so out the door. Pool even and you all need to learn to cook, including Maddie.”

After getting the cleaned-up car for Maddie from the dealer, a visit to Wendy at the bank got them all cards to sign. Pete had earlier ordered from AMEX Gold cards for them on his account. A voice message on his cell from the dealer to say a clear title for Maddie’s now paid-up car was at the dealership along with the title for the SUV. Pete smiled at that call. The already paid for insurance cards on both cars came that Friday. Maddie got more than a little excited and attacked Pete. Did I mention that none of them were small girls. Kat frowned a bit with Maddie’s hugs and also needed hugs and kisses to feel better. I took a ribbing that Friday as four of my almost buddies had to remind me ‘my harem’ was in the stands all wearing number 56, my number. Two of them wanting know if ‘I shared’. My comeback: “Go to Hell, you Infidels you” I added: “If you played better you could maybe get your own groupies, but a harem, never; your wives would object.” The important thing was that we did good today. The first regular season game in September would be against the Ravens. Dinner that night was for pizza, chicken wings and ribs, a fine and tasty offering it was too, John, not me, paid.

Saturday Ms J Silverstein showed up at the Hotel to show us homes. I went back to bed, pointing to the girls I said; “They are in-charge, make them happy, all I want is a great house, a good location and something with a resale value in five or six years if we have to move.” She seemed prissy: “I thought you asked for a $1-2 Million homes to see, so why can your girls...” I stopped her rant.(She looked even more pissed now.) I pointed, “I did, we want a better one now. Mollie knows what we want, so ‘they’ can pick one out, how hard could that be for you? Right?” Mollie batted her eyes, Kat just smirked again and Ms Silverstein had her mouth wide open. Mollie took her by the hand and began asking if Bryn Mawr was a good school for her to go to. “The nice house we will get should be an easy drive to the airport for Pete, he travels a lot you see. We’ll be paying cash, is that OK?” Ms Silverstein’s mouth was still open but her head was turned looking at me in a near panic as they left. A bit uppity for a High School girl, maybe, but I said I was going to keep her busy.

The “Your car is out front already Miss Mollie, we took out the Mercedes-Benz S-680 instead of the SUV, more room for you.” did a couple of things. Ms Silverstein’s mouth was opened wider this time and she had her phone out getting other houses for the girls to review. One afternoon was all it took. The girls came back smiling like the other cat that ate the canary.(Kat, cat, get it) Ms Silverstein just pushed the contract out to me, her hands shaking. “We need you to sign the offer sheet and place a de...” I looked at Mollie who nodded. I signed it without any hesitation. “Mollie can write you a check for the deposit. How much do you need now?” She replied: “Can you do $10 or $20,000 for...” Mollie just raised her brows, and tossed back her head. She mouthed: ‘$10 or $20,000, gee I wonder if I can do that’. Yep, she was getting uppity all right.

Mollie filled out a script from our joint account for $1,000,000 as a deposit, smiled and on another paper wrote the bank and contact(Wendy) information with the larger balance BOA account number on it. Kat said: “If you need more let me know but this should easily cover everything for now, then sweetly smiled; I’ll transfer the rest to ‘my’ household account later.(She was having fun) “The new house is vacant Pete and the owner said we could move in and start cleaning everything up if we were sure, we get it furnished too. It only needs that inspection and some newer appliances that match; I’ll order everything today. Everything in it is included in the price; we said ‘our maid’ can get rid of anything we don’t want.” They wanted $7.85 Million. When Jen spurted out to them $5.5 Million cash within 3 days after the inspection report, they countered it. An even $6.5 Million was agreed upon. “I think she became a believer in us, well in you mostly. Guess what else?”

“What else Miss Wheeler Dealer?” “ The owner is, Ta-Da, President of Bryn Mawr College, the house was from the death of his wife’s parents, he was glad to sell so quickly. So when ‘Moi’ goes there in September, if Daddy Warbucks is still paying; he said I’m in with my 4.0 GPA already. I think he likes me. A normal application had been due in this past January, this was May.(So special for her or was it that she is cute?)

Kat had her hand up waving saying: “ I think he liked me too. I’ll have a 4.2 GPA for sure with all my honors courses ‘Daddy Dear’ can I go too”. Maddie just looked at me. Jen spoke up, “Rubin said something about a ‘special’ program if you got more like Mollie to go there, if that matters much to you ‘Daddy Dearest’.” Kat nodded, I said she was a scamp.

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