Know Your Enemy - Cover

Know Your Enemy

Copyright© 2023 by Lapi


Things can be good or bad, timely or inopportune and sometimes, simply be a pain in the ass or change one’s life for the better. Just a note or three, Mollie is the Northern Irish spelling for Molly. I know many of you feel you know ‘so much’ about American Football so if my story does not meet your delusions; sorry. TC is used for Training Camp and the Eagles now train at the NovaCare Complex.

The first 4 year or longer extension a player signs(Not that a player will get one but the per year rate is higher than a 1-3 year one) usually for $12-30 Millions plus bonus, depending on position, rep; being a franchise player or a good QB can make you a lot more. In 2023 things have changed but as usual, the gods are laughing at many stupid things a team does. A Rook($700,000 plus(Per year in 2022) plus bonus, a minimum fee and with a cap), has a 4-year wait before he can change salary on his own request. The team can cut, trade, offer a new contract option, more money, let them go elsewhere on their own or franchise them any time. Pete was not a rookie but an Eagle regular for 4 years already and had proven himself to be good and not have to play out any option year.

A Maybach Mercedes-Benz S class(long base one) sedan can cost over $200,000, especially an AMG. Young ladies do act as helpers, stat keepers, provide water/drinks, cleanup and errand runners, even bringing towels, meds and things in and out of the locker room in the NFL.(Usually not half-time encouragement though or a prize at the end of winning big games. What happens in the locker room, stays there.)

The stadium where the Eagles play is near the airport and an Interstate highway. Bryn Mawr and University of Pennsylvania are real, quite good and are as expensive as stated. All this is before the various virus crisis so give me a break, the story was started several years ago; things change. Wives, mistresses, girl/boy friends and others(Sometimes all of them) of the players can sit in the Player’s reserved section and yes, we pay for the tickets.

A further aside(IMHO): after a Multi Hundreds of Millions contract is executed, at its end most players elect to retire, buy into the team or marry a rich wife.(Not talking about you Tommy, just jealous) Once hurt, stay hurt and find a warm climate to go to I always say. 2020 may have put a damper on that relo though. “Pools that can soft boil an egg are not cool, lack of water is too; like out West USA, the Covid things, travel bans, smoke, fires, volcanoes, floods, heavy rain, black masks even on the so-called ‘good guys’ puts a need to know where to not go, not to mention Random Shootings by the migrants and other crazies out there, and those cash needy INS enforcers, although baseball and hockey players worry more about this than football ones; ever try shaking down a 350 pound lineman.

The source of this story is Finestories

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