A Return to Greatness - Cover

A Return to Greatness

Copyright© 2023 by Lapi

Chapter 9

Did you ever wonder just what really happened in the past? I mean really far back in the past.

One piece of past history had left me a little curious about things. In the 1600’s a map was found showing the world. A bit of concern though was Antarctica was shown ice-free and an accurate portrayal of the land underneath.

It was not that the last time that there was no ice was 600,000 years ago, or that just recently, after 15 years, the Russians had drilled through, the layer of ice, it was that the continent had not even been discovered until the 19th century.

Although there are many, many myths and legends, one of the most common is that Columbus discovered America in 1492. Wow, guess those land claims and wooden buildings left in both Canada and North America can’t be real, or that Oak Island never existed, or that Columbus was a Freemason and related to Templar Knights and followed their map to America.

Of course we all know that no prehistoric animals still exist, right. The fact that ancient fish are yet, today caught deep in the ocean can’t be true, it is just a legend. It is pretty common knowledge that all life on earth is carbon based, right. Those pesky silicone based things at the deep sea vents could not possibly exist, nor could the things without light inside the earth. They must be myths.

What always amazed me though was how we put a man on the moon. How ingenious to figure out how to get a Lander launched. Even more amazing how a flag of the old USA could wave around in Zero Gravity where there could be no wind; a real feat. Of course it was on TV, we all saw it, if it was on TV it must be real. They even have moon rocks.

Try getting a patent on solar energy conversion, or ion propulsion or hydrogen as a fuel, you may be surprised by what you find. Poor Nick Tesla, all his papers just vanished, maybe J Edgar caught him in one of those bureau dresses, probably used as a disguise.

But I digress! I read today that a wooly mammoth was to be cloned soon, now if they could do that to a T Rex; it might make for a good movie.

You know it seems so easy to make fun of all the really bad things that have taken place in the world. Many people have been killed in the name of saving their souls so I guess it was OK. Let’s take some time to mention some of the good things in the world. Ready?

Ice crème, Christmas, ahhh..., mmmm, did I mention Ice Crème. Well enough of all those great, wonderful things.

Speaking of those, did know that the Mayan’s were really into time? In addition to that prediction for 21 December 2012, they had estimated that the Universe was about 15 billion years old. How silly right? And that the real time as they counted it did not agree with what we compute today on the Atomic clock (it is really off a bit). What you say, the Atomic clock is wrong, the Mayans were right, but how could that be, they did not even have the sundial.

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