War Maidens - Cover

War Maidens

Copyright© 2023 by Lapi

Chapter 2

We never got to the camp. Three hundred or so of my men left at camp came creeping, crawling or slowly walking from behind bushes and trees into where we were at.

Glaion, one of my commanders approached. He was bloodied and did not look well.

“Just after you left with that girl, we were attacked. Many of our men joined with them and killed, captured or ran off many of the men. We had traitors in our ranks. I don’t know about those who attacked however it looked like it was the men took the other route. Four or five thousand of our men were taken prisoner or killed that day.”

I was shaken by this news. My thoughts turned to my men, those captured and then those we had separated from. I could not fathom, if it was them, why did it happen.

Before I could say more, little Diana started to chant something, began moving her hands about and as my men approached they lay down asleep. Sigrid knelt down by each then, touched them and a sort of healing process began then I too fell to her spell.

For some it was too late, they never awoke from that sleep. Diana drew nearer, I can still remember the smile on her face as I joined my men in some dream perhaps.

When I woke and heard from a half dozen reports I learned more of what had happened. These reports seemed meaningless to me. What I had seen of hundreds of beaten and bedraggled men was no more. In their place troops, rested and healthy began to form in some semblance of order.

What also was of significant change was the look and reaction each gave Diana and Sigrid. No order or command from me might be acted upon with a greater sense of urgency than what they showed for their words. I saw commanders approach them, receive instructions and proceed directly to see those things done. It would seem I had two new generals taking up a war, a war of retribution I found out later for invading ‘OUR’ territory.

Hearing the word ‘OUR’ left a strange and wonderful feeling in me for one could not ask for more capable or more beautiful allies as I now apparently had found myself with.

Ego aside I only could watch as men who just recently might barely be able to walk now took on the semblance of a confident and well-seasoned fighting force. Hearing somethings said to them by the girls and the men’s obvious rapid attempts at compliance made me wonder if they were perhaps bewitched, for I was seeing, what to me was the impossible happen. Then again, recounting my own feelings and reaction to these two, perhaps I should better understand the effect they were having on my troops.

If I had any doubts about them the next few minutes put them to rest. Diana and Sigrid came up to me last. Being informed that we had been asleep for three days became the least of the surprises in store for me. First Diana informed me our count was just over 300, the rest having never awakened. Sigrid then told me of the proposed battle plan.

A nearby open field was being prepared. We would occupy the high ground with trees and small mountains protecting our rear and both flanks. Horses would await us there. The Queen was sending weapons and more supplies. Ingrid would arrive there to turn our apparent defense into one of offense. I wish I knew who or what an Ingrid was that could do this.

“The enemy were being watched” she said, several thousand were encamped along with 2-3,000 of my troops as slaves. My men’s part was two-fold. First several dozen of my men who knew how to ride should attack the sentries there, then fallback to lead those in pursuit to the open field. Secondly, upon on our arrival there several works were to be constructed. That was all. Ingrid would handle phase three. “With Ingrid with us victory was assured” both rang out.

The source of this story is Finestories

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