Hopalong and the Werewolf - Cover

Hopalong and the Werewolf

Copyright© 2022 by GT Dodge

Chapter 1

Hopalong and the Werewolf Story as told by them that aint Skull Train

The moon poked thru the clouds way late on a windy night just long enough for Hopalong to see something moving in the shadows far off, down the train tracks, past the locomotive. Then the clouds closed in and the night was darker than ever.

The clouds blew around and the moon came back out. Full moon.

Suddenly, a fire sprung up near the front of the train.

Hopalong saw lanterns lit and a team beating out the fire and another team with shovels running around to keep the fire from spreading. But when all the noise was over, all the lanterns stayed lit.

The whole train was wide awake.

Hopalong saw something moving down by the rails. Something coming his way.

What was coming this way looked something like a wolf. But with the wind and the shadows as the clouds passed over the full moon, nothing looked exactly right. It turned out to be a wolf dragging a whole shipping container.

Hopalong grabbed up his rifle and was set to shoot the wolf but...

Every night this week, someone on night guard had shot at – and missed – a wolf. Which mean that nobody on the train had gotten a whole night’s sleep all week.

So, Hopalong set down his rifle and pulled out his bowie knife. He jumped in front of the wolf and said...

(Traditionally, Hopalong’s voice is always said as a bass. It makes the story what it is.) “Stop right there, Mister Werewolf! You run off and leave this train alone. “

But the werewolf didn’t say anything, it just growled, and showed its teeth and crouched in front of the shipping container.

Just then a raft of clouds covered the moon entirely and the werewolf rolled around on the ground and stood up. A tall, scarred warrior woman. A were-woman. Nekkid.

She showed her teeth and crouched in front of the shipping container.

(The story doesn’t come out right unless the were-woman speaks in a high squeaky voice), “It’s Miz Werewolf, to you, train man! This is my box of bacon. Get out of my way. I need to feed my puppies.”

But Hopalong couldn’t give away a container of food and anyway he remembered he was on guard duty! “I am warning you, Miz Werewolf, you cannot have our food. You run along now and find your own food.”

The were-woman turned around and jumped right on top of the container and started to chew the straps that held it shut!

Hopalong ran at the were-woman but she drew her own bowie knife.

The source of this story is Finestories

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