Boots and Saddles - Cover

Boots and Saddles

Copyright© 2022 by UtIdArWa

Chapter 1

Breaking off from the group that rescued Billy Jackson, Sun Hair headed for the Shoshone lands. He took a circuitous route. Checking his backtrail frequently and doubling back if something didn’t feel right.

He was heading to the main village of his tribe. He was the only white man ever to set foot in the area. Others that were observed approaching were stopped and turned away. If they persisted, they disappeared.

Entering the mountain country, he started following valleys and washes. He was aware when the guardians had spotted him. He had stood watch in those same locations. At the waiting place, he stopped and dismounted. After about 30 minutes, a Whippoorwill called. He remounted and continued.

He had been recognized, and his backtrail checked and erased.

When he arrived at the village, all of the familiar sounds, smells, and sights burst on him. He may have been white, but this was his home.

Riding calmly through the center of the village, he was recognized and welcomed. Eventually, he arrived at the Bear clan lodge. Sitting at the entrance was a group of senior warriors eating their noon meal. Swift Horse called out, “Welcome, brother. It has been long since you left us.”

As Sun Hair dismounted, a junior warrior came forward and took his horse, leading it to the clan corral. “Thank you, brother. It lifts my heart to come home. But I bring news for Red Hawk and the council. There may be war on the horizon.”

“You may have to wait, Sun Hair. Red Hawk and the council are taking their noon meal at Red Hawks lodge. I would avoid talk of war until after their siesta. Older men’s stomachs are easily upset. Tell me of this news of war. Have the Pony Riders proven themselves false? Are the long knifes searching for us again?”

Sun Hair sat at a space made for him next to Swift Horse. They had grown up together and were friends. One of the junior warriors handed him a bowl of stew, and he started eating. Between mouthfuls, he continued. “No, brother, the danger comes from elsewhere this time.” He then spent the next hour telling of his adventures to the west with the Pony Riders. Tales of their skill and bravery. Of how they were worthy warriors. Swift Horse, in turn, spoke of the tribal events since Sun Hair had left them. Of course, mixed in with those tales, Swift Horse boasted of his own adventures and the honors he had won. When he finished his meal, he leaned back and gave a satisfied belch.

Soon they were approached by a junior warrior. “Sun Hair Red Hawk and the council wish to speak to you.” Standing, he told the others, “I cannot delay any longer. I will speak to the council now.” Sun Hair stood and followed the junior warrior to Red Hawks lodge.

Seated around the cooking fire were the seven members of the tribe’s council. These were the warriors tested by time, battle, and wisdom for their positions on the council. Sun Hair walked up to 10 feet of the circle and waited.

The old men on the council were aware of his presence. They had been informed of his approach long before when he crossed into Shoshone lands. But as was customary, He was ignored while they finished their noon meal. When Sun Hair arrived, Red Hawk filled his pipe and lit it. The pipe was passed from member to member until the tobacco was gone.

Red Hawk refilled the pipe and relit it. This time, Brown Fox, the Bear clan leader, moved slightly to his left. Sun Hair stepped forward.

“Sun Hair, my son,” Red Hawk started. “What news do you bring to the council?”

“Grandfather, I have just come from the west. The pony riders and I have righted a wrong at the foothills of the big snow mountains.”

“I have heard of this. Did you find and return the evil one’s child?”

“Yes, he sits in the white man’s jail in Wilcox. Their chiefs will pass judgment on him soon.”

“I see that you carry new scalps on your belt.”

“It is so grandfather.”

“So, Sun Hair, what news have you brought to us? What has happened that we need to hear about?”

“Grandfather, While I was with the Pony Riders to the west, we met a party of Piute warriors.” Sun Hair then told the story of the meeting.

When he was done, the council sat silent for a moment. Then Red Hawk spoke up. “My son, you must be tired from your long trail. Rest, and when the council has need for you, we will call for you.”

Sun Hair bowed his head in acknowledgment, then turned and walked away.

Sun Hair returned to the Bear Clan’s lodge. In the bachelor warriors lodge, he stripped off his clothing and bundled it together. Looking at his moccasins, he knew that he needed a new pair. He had tried to wear the white man’s boots, but they were stiff and uncomfortable.

Taking his dirty clothing with him, he went to the stream that the tribe used. Working his way downriver, he was greeted by the wives and mothers working on their various chores.

The source of this story is Finestories

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