The Back Forty - Cover

The Back Forty

Copyright© 2021 by Wendell Jackson

Chapter 1

Sam Wilson had been riding fence the past winter. It was a lonely job, but it had to be done. He’d been working the ridge line, where the elk liked to cross. They’d managed to tear out several places, in their migratory runs back and forth. The alpha fields were their favorite grazing spots, especially in the summer months when the irrigation sprinklers were working. They often ruined a large section of crops, soaking and rolling in the mud. He expected to see the same destruction when he finally rode home.

The one thing he couldn’t count on, was any help from his brothers. Both of them were probably off spending the wages from the last round up. Dad Wilson, as he was called by their friends, paid his son’s a small wage to keep them in spending money. Chad and Buck liked to drink, and that was what they were probably doing at this moment. They certainly weren’t at home fixing the broken irrigation pipe that was spewing water uselessly on the ground.

For the time being, Sam closed the valve, shutting the water off. He’d come back later and fix it, if he could find some help. The only one left was Dad Wilson, and he was too unstable on his legs to be much help these days. He would just have to wait for his brothers to get back, to work on the broken lines. He didn’t like it much, that he was the only one that apparently cared if the ranch made money or not. The only reason he hadn’t set out on his own, was that he was part owner of the Broken Bar. That was the name Dad Wilson had put on the place, years ago when he bought the land off a dying old man.

Clay Philips didn’t have a son to inherit the land, and so he sold it to Dad Wilson. There was a daughter that had gone back east, and wasn’t heard from for years. A small section was kept out of the sale, and that was Indian Creek. It wasn’t much, just a trickle of a stream running down the length of the side canyon. The Wilson’s didn’t pay much attention to the owner ship, and used it at their convenience.

Today the Broken Bar ranch was owned by Dad Wilson and Sam. Putting Sam’s name on the deed, was the only way Dad Wilson could get him to stay and work the ranch. He certainly couldn’t depend on his other two sons. Chad and Buck both loved to drink and carouse at the one saloon in Evansville. A one-horse town, where the two brothers felt like they owned the place. Both of them could give a good account of themselves in a bar fight, and they looked forward to such events.

Sam’s life was about to get a lot more interesting. Coming into the corral, he noted a strange Car parked Infront of the house. He went about his business, unsaddling the horse and tending to its needs. He spent a few minutes rubbing the animal down, before heading to the house. He was curious about the Car, but tending to his horse came first.

In the kitchen he found his parents sitting at the breakfast table with a very attractive young woman. Looking up at his entrance, His mother, Ruth smiled and with an open hand gesture said. “This in Miss Philips. The daughter of Clay Philips. The man Dad bought the ranch from.” Sam didn’t need all the information; he knew very well who Clay Philip was. Miss Philips gave him a polite smile as Ruth Wilson explained her being there.

Sam took a seat at the other end of the table, with his dad and mother to either side. He was facing the attractive woman. Her smile faded as Sam remained silent, wondering the reason for the visit.

“Seems Miss Philips wants to build a summer home on Indian Creek.” Dad Wilson commented.

Indian Creek was that small section which was over looked during the purchase of the Ranch. Legally it still belonged to the Philips. Over the years, it was used by the Broken Bar to graze cattle without regard as to who owned it. The small side canyon holding on Indian Creek, had an easement across the Broken Bar to access the property. There was already a line shack there, and Sam had spent the winter there. It was okay for a line rider but for a woman to spend time in it, a lot of work and clean up was needed.

“It’s her property, she can build what she wants.” Was Sam’s assessment on the topic.

“She also wants to improve the road to the property.” Dad added.

“We can grade the ruts out, but that’s as far as I’ll go.” Sam was talking about the easement. “Can’t lose any pasture to a hard packed road.”

“Well, I want to be able to access the property, even in foul weather. I’m told that it can get so muddy, no vehicle can use it.” Her voice was pleasant sounding, as she explained her reasons for up grading the road.

“It’s your property, and you can do with it as you please, but I can’t have a paved road across my land. And that’s what it will turn out to be.”

“What makes you think you know what I’ll do that with the road?”

“I know that you filed for a permit to build more housing on Indian Creek. Without a surfaced road, the county won’t sign off on it. I got a letter from them asking for information. Far as I’m concerned, you can build whatever you want, but I’m not changing the Easement. Once you build your dude ranch or whatever. There will be a lot of traffic crossing my land and causing problems.

“You’re not worried about water rights, are you? I mean, you have plenty of water. I saw the irrigation system on my way in.”

“No, that’s not it. I have over a thousand acres of unfenced land. We’ve added a few more since the purchase from your father. Plus, we have Soda creek for our water.” Sam rose up out of the chair and got a cup down out of the cupboard. Pouring coffee from the pot still sitting on the stove, he sat back down. Then he thought to offer Miss Philips one. She shook her head no.

“I can move our whole herd from one end of our land to the other, without cutting wire.” He paused, hopefully to let his words sink in. Then he realized that Miss Philips couldn’t have cared less. “I suppose you want our cattle off Indian Creek too.” Sam surmised.

“Yes, at the earliest. And I will be fencing Indian Creek off from your land.” Now there was a bit of an edge to her voice.

Well, there it was. He wouldn’t be using the line shack again, so he had to think about building one for the northern section. “I’ll ride up there tomorrow and start removing our things from the cabin.”

“I’ve already tried the road; it needs to be graded. I want to be there when you start packing up.” It was obvious the lady didn’t trust his honesty.

“Anything of ours can be brought out on pack horses. If you want to be there, you’ll do it on horseback, or grade the road yourself.” He showed her he could be stubborn too.

“Well, Mister Wilson, you leave me no choice. I trust you will have a horse saddled for me?” Miss Philips rose from the table, collecting her purse. “What time in the morning?”

“Just after dawn. Be on time, cleaning out that cabin is just the start of my work day.”

Later that day, when the family sat down to the evening meal, including Chad and Buck, both who were good as showing up at meal time. Ruth Wilson commented, that Jennifer Philips was a very pretty young woman. “It might be nice having her as a neighbor?”

“What neighbor?” Chad perked up, at the worlds, pretty young woman. Next to drinking, he liked carousing with the ladies. Buck paused in his chewing a mouthful, waiting for more information on the new neighbor.

“Miss Philips, she’s claiming Indian Creek. Wants to take up residence there.” Ruth explained. “I might get to see some new faces. Lord knows, I see you boys often enough.”

“We’ve run cattle there for as long as I can remember. Don’t that make it ourn?” Buck, spooned another mouth full, talking in between chews.

Dad Wilson shook his head. “No, it doesn’t.” Letting out half a sigh, he explained that it was left out of the deed, when he bought the land years ago. “It was an over sight on my part. A Separate parcel. I guess old man Philips didn’t buy it at the same time he bought up Elk Valley. Had a separate deed.”

“It should be ours. Were the ones taking care of it.” Buck could only see it all one way.

“Well, if you’re going by how you’re taking care of this place, you ain’t done much.” Sam spoke up. “I could use some help repairing a broken section of irrigation pipe.”

“I’ve done a good deal a work around here.” Buck bristled up. He didn’t care for his younger brother pointing out his lack of help. “You didn’t have to drop out of school, like me and Chad. Weren’t no buddy giving out helping hands back then.”

“You quit school on your own, and it wasn’t to work the ranch.” Ruth snapped at her son. “You’ve help out, that’s true. But you sure haven’t helped lately.”

“Maybe I should go over and take a look at this nice-looking woman.” Chad grinned. “Maybe she just needs a little sparking?”

“No, you guys stay away from her.” Sam told them both.

“Why, you think you’ve got the inside track on her?” The grin became wicked.

“No, you’ll just screw up negotiations. Right now, She’s content with a dirt road easement. I won’t sign off on any improvement that involves paving or laying gravel. Right now, I’m the one she has to deal with, You two show up, and that just might put a hitch in things.” Sam put his fork down, he was through eating. Sharing a table with his brothers took away his appetite.

One of the things going through Sam’s thought process, was how he was going to buy out his brothers shares. Dad Wilson, wasn’t doing him any favors by handing out money to them. If that money source dried up, and they had to put some effort into earning money, then he’d have an edge to work on.

The potential of the ranch to make him a rich man, was all there. He just needed some help doing repairs. If he could get his father to make the handouts coincide with helping on the ranch, then he might be able to work a deal with his older brothers. As it was, there was hardly enough money to run the ranch. Sam spoke to his father often about ending the handouts. The money would be better spent on hired help that would get something done.

Before turning in that evening, Sam went through the tool shed and found a section of pipe to repair the broken irrigation section. That had to be done soon, or he might lose the whole crop. He needed the alpha crop to feed the cattle this coming winter. Somehow, he was going to make the repairs, even if he had to get Dads help. His mother didn’t want Dad working on the ranch. He had health problems, and no amount of medication could overcome undo strain.

Morning found Miss Philips coming up the drive as Sam finished lining up the pack string. He had a horse saddled for the her, and the rest with empty packs for bringing out his gear from the Indian Creek cabin. Assuring her that the horse was gentle, he offered to help her into the saddle. She declined, saying that it wasn’t her first time on a horse.

Soon as Miss Philips swung up into the saddle, Sam started out. The Pack String following in line. She was riding at the rear, but spurred her horse and came up beside Sam.

“My names Jennifer.” She announced. “Just in case you get tired of calling me Miss Philips.”

“Mines Sam, in case you want my attention.”

“How long will it take to get there?” Jennifer said as she took in the beauty of the open country that surrounded them.

“Well, from the ranch, maybe three hours. If we came in from the highway, on the road you’ll be using, maybe an hour.” He was basing his estimates on good weather. A muddy road like Jennifer was concerned about, would take a lot longer.

The coupler for the irrigation pipe, got her attention. “What’s that for?”

“For a section of water pipe. The coupler may be worn. So, I’m bringing it and swing by on the way back. It needs to be fixed today. The Alpha needs water, if I’m to have feed for this winter.”

“How many cows do you have?” Jennifer looked over the herd, as the cattle slowly moved out of the way.

“Something like two thousand. Can’t be sure until the roundup.” Sam pointed to a cow limping on a bad hind leg. “a cougar or wolf made a try for that one. There’re other things that take a toll on the herd. Even rustlers.”

“There aren’t any wolves in the lower forty-eight. Alaska maybe.” Jennifer corrected.

“Yeah, well you can believe the crap the government puts out, or you can believe your own eyes.” Sam reached back and patted the butt of his Henry rifle. “I’ve had to shoot a couple of those nonexistent wolves.”

“It’s against the law to shoot an endangered species.” She was shocked, and didn’t really believe him.

“That’s why I buried them. Some call them timber wolves, but were better off without them no matter what their called.” Sam waited for her reaction, and then it came.

“Where did you bury them?” She doubted Sam had really shot a wolf.

Sam looked at her with knowing smile. “You’d be the last person I’d ever tell.”

“I don’t think there’s any reason to shoot any animal, be it a wolf or cayote. Most likely you shot a cayote.” Jennifer nodded her head, agreeing with her assumption.

“Damn big Cayote, and I know the difference.”

“German shepherd then.” She was sure Sam was pulling her leg.

“Damn big dog then.” Was Sam’s last comment on the subject.

Arriving at the cabin, Sam went right to work. He began packing all his personal gear outside, and placing it on the ground. Later he would divide it all up in the pack saddles, but first he wanted to even the loads. Jennifer was taken back by the mess the interior of the cabin was in. Sam pointed out that the line rider, wasn’t there to keep house.

As Sam continued packing his personal items out, and all the supplies left over from the winter, Jennifer was trying to clean up the mess that was left.

“You can have the pots and pans, along with the tin ware.” Sam offered; he didn’t want to pack everything out. Just supplies and blankets. “Or you can toss them over the bank.” He pointed to a drop some fifty feet from the cabin. “Might throw some dirt over all of it.” Seeing the disagreeable look on her face, Sam added. “Clay threw his trash over there too.”

“I can hire a contractor to fix the place up. I do intend to build bungalows.” She gave the surrounding area a good looking over. “Spread out along the creek, I can charge a good amount, even rent some to hunters in the fall.”

“It’s your land. I can tell you this though, the first cow I find shot, you’ll be paying for it.”

“I’m sure my clients will know the difference between a cow and an elk.”

“Do you?” Sam meant the question as a dig.

“Yes, matter of fact, I saw plenty of them on my way to your place. They were collected around a large mud hole, by that broken irrigation pipe.”

“Yeah, that’s my next stop. Have to get that fixed.”

The next hour, Sam began loading the pack bags on the horses and filling them with his supplies and some belongings. The Stove in the Cabin, was Sam’s. He offered to leave it, but Jennifer didn’t want it. She would be bringing a more modern one in, and asked Sam to remove the old one. She added that she didn’t want it thrown over with the rest of the trash. It would take another trip, this time in a pickup over the rutted road.

Sam wasn’t very happy about having to go get the stove. It meant he would have to grade the road after all. There was no way he would drive his pickup in over that rutted dried out mess. He was pretty disgruntled at how Jennifer maneuvered him into grading the road. His thoughts on her lighten up, when he stopped by the disconnected irrigation pipe.

“How are you going to fix that.” Jennifer looked at the loose section.

“Looks like I’ll have to get Dad out here. It needs fixed now. The crop has to be watered.” Sam pointed to the open end that had separated from the valve. “Pull that back in, and then tighten down the collar, snug and it will hold.” He described the work it would take to fix it. With water still in the irrigation pipes, it would be a hard pull.

“I’m here now, what can I do to help.” She offered.

It was an offer Sam couldn’t refuse. The pipe need connecting, and she was offering. It would take using a rope and pulling the pipe into place with horse power, and then using the tools in the saddle bag to wrench the connector tight. He couldn’t pass up the offer of help, and so they worked together. Jennifer sat on the horse, keeping it still once the pipe was pulled into place. Sam secured the section, and soon had water flowing.

Jennifer was all smiles after Sam turned the valve and the connection held. The big sprinklers were again sending their jets of water high in the air over the alpha field. “How soon can I get the road graded.” She asked, knowing He was obligated now.

“I’ll be there Monday next week, if that will do?” Sam nodded. She had won this round, but he still wasn’t going to let her gravel or pave the damn road.

Ruth was expecting them, and had a meal ready, knowing they’d be hungry. The rest were already seated around the table, Chad and Buck always managed to arrive home around supper time. They sat feeding their faces, while Dad waited for Ruth to come back in with Sam and Jennifer.

Dad wasn’t happy with his two oldest sons. He was losing patients with them, and could see that they would never take on their share of running the ranch. With his health declining, and he could feel it. He decided to make a few changes in his will. Number one change would be Sam getting the whole ranch, with two small sections along the highway left to Chad and Buck. Each one of the two sections were large enough for each to run a hundred head of cattle. He assumed they would end up selling the land, and blowing the money. There was also the possibility that they would have to sell it to Sam. As the sections didn’t have water, the cattle couldn’t drink unless they headed north on Broken Bar land.

There wasn’t anything, Dad could do about their behavior now. They would have to take care of themselves. He did plan on giving them a warning on how the land would be distributed, so they would know what was coming. Until then, Dad would keep paying them, even though they did nothing to earn it.

Dad could see by Ruth’s expression, that she liked Jennifer. Especially seeing Sam and the girl together. She wasn’t very happy when Buck and Chad both began offering to show her the bright lights in town. Jennifer didn’t turn them down flat, but put off any such offers by explaining that she would be busy, turning Indian Creek into a paying retreat for well paying customers. Sam helped with the comment that there was a lot of work to be done at Indian Creek. That would stifle any thoughts they had of cozying up to the woman.

Later after Jennifer had gone, Ruth called her youngest son into the den for a talk. She waited while Sam closed the door. She didn’t want the others to hear. Making Sam sit down on the Sofa, Ruth took Dads easy chair. “Look, that girl will make you a good wife. I suggest you start being extra nice to her.”

“Mom,” Sam spoke softly. “Women like her, don’t come without a past. With her looks, she’s had plenty of offers, and most likely has a man waiting for her to say yes. She’s not here to look us country bumpkins over for a husband.”

“Just the same, you be polite and invite her to dinner when you get the chance. I always make extra, especially with those two lazy brothers of yours, always dropping in unexpected.” Ruth shook her head thinking of her other two sons. “They make me sick, coming onto her like that. They know I want her for you.”

“Mom, she isn’t yours to give away.” Sam had to smile. “Like I said, she’s got her own history, and her wanting to make some kind of a community on Indian Creek, is proof of it.”

“Well, try to show her your good side. Keep your gruff manners to yourself.” She closed the discussion.

Buck and Chad had left soon after eating, heading for one of the bright spots they offered to show Jennifer. They were thinking of catching up and making that invite again. However, on the main highway, Jennifer applied the gas and was soon out of sight. She didn’t intend to place herself on the arm of Sam’s brothers. At least not until the road to Indian creek was graded and passable. If she had to string the young Sam, along to get what she wanted, so be it.

The ranch had a drag that was pulled behind the truck. It consisted of several square beams, spiked together with four by fours. A few passes back and forth over a dirt road, would have all the ruts smoothed out, and level. Sam spent a good portion of a day, transporting the drag to the site. Once there he attached a rope to a tree and drove slowly several feet, pulling the drag off the truck. He didn’t bother trying to get one of his brothers to help, thinking he would be better off if they didn’t come around while he was working on the Indian creek road. He didn’t like the way they had come onto the girl.

Once Sam had the road smoothed out, he parked the drag near the cabin. There it would be safe from vandals and he could build a gantry for hoisting it up and loading it on the flatbed truck. At the ranch he’d used the barn hay hoist, which he had to reinforce for the extra weight. The extra work was cutting into his own projects at the ranch, which he wasn’t very happy about. The wind mill was making noise, obviously in need of grease. It was still pumping well water, which his mom insisted on drinking and using in the house. The river crossing the Broken Bar Ranch, was often muddy from cattle wading in the slow-moving water. Even without the fear of cattle polluting the river, the water was full of minerals and was hard to swallow. So, upkeep on the wind mill was important.

The next several days, Sam was busy around the Main house, catching up on projects. Most important was fixing the Wind Mill. It was the water supply to the house, and Ruth loved the sweet water that it produced. It was the only water source that didn’t need boiling to make it safe to drink.

The repairs on the windmill were more extensive than first thought. Sam had to take the buckle box down and replace some worn gears. He was in the shop when his brothers arrived in the farm truck. They wouldn’t use it to do any work, but it came in handy driving to town. Sam was glad to see the truck come back, as he needed it to retrieve the wooden drag, and transport the stove back from the Line Shack. He would have put off working on the windmill, had the truck been parked on the ranch. Instead, his two brothers were using up the ranch’s gas, driving it to town.

Sam continued to work on the gear box, he had to finish the repairs on the windmill first. He could go after the items left on Deer Creek later. He had a few days before making the trip. Meanwhile, he attached a pully at the top of the windmill, to raise and lower the gear box and tools. While he was repairing the gear box, his two brothers sauntered in. Seeing Sam working on the gear box, they exchanged some remarks that Sam couldn’t make out. He knew whatever they were saying wasn’t about his praises. Sam didn’t have time to concern himself with them, and kept working.

Inside the house, Dad was waiting for both of his oldest sons. They came in the house and headed for the kitchen. It was their usual entry. Dad called them both into the den, and bade them take a seat across the desk from him.

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