Upon the Throne of Sacrifice - Cover

Upon the Throne of Sacrifice

Copyright© 2016 by path4334

Chapter 1

Books littered the floor, pages torn, left laying on their faces, wide open. The room was dim, a candle sat on a desk, standing within the solitary confinement of shadows. One individual sat at the desk, his back facing the front of his bed.

It was midnight. Most people were in bed, lying within the comforts of their dreams. However, unlike the average person, scribbling into the morning was an individual who was anything but, ordinary.

The sound of writing filled the air, growing louder as it went on, and on. Written-ramblings were painted upon papers, pinned across walls.

A screeching sound gave through, as a chair was scooted backwards, giving enough leverage needed for someone to move from their chair. Articulated movements were expected, he understood the distance between him and his bookcase.

He moved across his room like a cat – elegant and soft. Each foot was looking for a hole within the pile, an opening for support. He eventually reached his destination, eyeing each shelf with a hunger and passion. Although, he had trouble seeing.

His name is Arthur.

Arthur leered at each shelf, wondering and looking for a specific book. As he searched for the book, he heard his door being opened. He glanced at the door, waiting for the first few steps he would see. He turned back to the bookcase, still searching.

Arthur sighed as he identified the person. '' ... What could you possibly need?'' Arthur said, pinching his nose in mild irritation.

''I see your patience hasn't improved.'' A feminine tinge, shot itself through the air, and into his ear.

Arthur's eye twitched. ''I don't have any time for you, or your idiocy. Do you need something? If you don't – I can show you where the door is.'' Arthur barked, frowning with his back facing her.

The woman ignored him, moving swiftly across the pile of books, finding a good place to sit on his bed.

''Ellen, I'm ... uhhh looking for a book, have you seen it?'' Arthur questioned, an awry expression on his face.

''Arthur, look at the pile behind you, and look at that bookcase, also – most of the shelves are empty, what are you looking at?'' Ellen responded, an expression of deadpan.

''I ... I'm not looking through that wretched pile.'' Arthur spoke, giving an expression of horror. He understood most of his books were lying on the floor, but still, that didn't mean he wanted to go deep-sea-diving in his own room.

''Well ... regardless, I'm here to deliver a parcel.'' Ellen said, her nose crinkled in amusement.

''Haaaaa, what is it?''

''It's just a letter, nothing special.''

Ellen shuffled in her maid outfit, taking the parcel out of her pocket and handing it over to Arthur.

Arthur took the parcel and nonchalantly tossed it into the pile of books. Ellen quirked an eyebrow, now she knew where he put all of his letters.

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