Vampire City - Cover

Vampire City

Copyright© 2014 by Piggzz Stories

Chapter 1

Hi, I'm Lizzy Quarle. I'm here to tell you about Vampire City. I like to call it Vampire Empire. It's my kingdom, sorta. I'm the vampire princess and heir to the throne. I always have to describe myself in these stories so I have, brown hair, blue eyes, and I don't wear a dress. I refuse to wear a dress, I always have. Anyway I was born a vampire. So let me explain how this works. Vampires who are bitten stay the age they were when they were bitten like, Sally Xma. She was bitten at, 10 years, 11 months, 1 week, 3 days, 4 hours, 43 minutes, and 57 seconds.

Vampires that were born just stop growing and aging at a random time in their life. I stopped growing and aging at, 11 years, 2 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, 9 hours, 12 minutes, and 29 seconds. Anyway Right now I'm 12. So are all of my friends. I am practicing but, if I practice to much I'll turn into The Beast. I guess I have to explain this too. There are 4 types of vampires. Passafists, they can't drink human blood, they can't hunt for themselfs either, they have to have someone hunt for them and hunt for animals. Normal, the regular kind of vampire.

By the way if you are a bitten vampire you can only be a Normal or Passafist. Hunter, can turn into The Beast, loves to hunt, second most powerful vampire. Tracker, can turn into The Beast, most powerful of all vampires, rare to find, only a born vampire can be a Tracker. I'm a Tracker. Now that I'm done explaing everything the chapter is over.

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