Who's There, Zaya? - Cover

Who's There, Zaya?

Copyright© 2014 by Piggzz Stories

Chapter 1

Hi, my name is Zaya. I'm a water fairy, I've got blonde hair, green eyes, and I have a blue dress with a blue headband. So this is my story, enjoy!

"Hey! Zaya, wait for me!" My friend Riliey, another water fairy.

"I'm waiting," I said slowing down so Riliey could catch up.

"Y-y-you're a breath fast flier," Riliey said out of breathe.

"Yeah, I know." I said only half paying attention.

Today was the fairy feastival. All of Pixie Hollow looked like they were there. I couldn't believe that so many fairies were there.

"Welcome!" said Fairy Dianna, "I welcome you all here, to the Fairy Festival! I have chosen a very, very special fairy to go to the mainland today. Zaya, the water fairy."

"W-w-w me?" I asked slightly disagreing.

"Yes, you." Said Fairy Dianna very softly.

"Thank you!" I yelled. I flew over and gave Fairy Dianna a big hug.

I then flew over to my house and started packing for my journey. I packed, 1 tube a fairy toothpaste, 1 fairy toothbrush, 5 pieces of mouse cheese, 6 loafs of fairy bread, and some mint fairy cream. Then I looked through my closet to see what clothes I needed. I brought, 1 extra dress, 1 extra pair of shoes, 2 more headbands, and my sweater. I was ready for an adventure!

I flew in my pixie dust balloon and went past the second star and to the mainland. It was the middle of the night when I got there and I saw a old human car. I was curious so I landed my balloon and went to explore it.

I flew into it and onto the seats. Then I heard something. "Hello?" I said.

"Hello?" Someone answered.

"Who's there?" I replied.

"I'm Kayla, who are you?" The voice answered.

"I'm Zaya," I told her, "I'm a water fairy."

"I'm a fast-flying fairy," Kayla said.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm down here," Kayla replied.

"Can you fly up here?" I asked.

"No pixie dust," Kayla told me.

So I flew down to her and gave her some. To be continued

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