Troubled Times - Cover

Troubled Times

Copyright© 2020 by Wendell Jackson

Chapter 8

“Everything is rotten in there. It’ll stink to high heaven. Weren’t you paying attention in class?” they charged. The girl, showing some reddening around her mask came back to the group.

Nora came up to me, and said we might as well head on to the drug store and see if anything is left. A question came from the group of girls as we picked our way along the side walk. She wondered where the people were that had broken into the store. Pointing out that they were alive after the attack, then there should be some evidence of them. No one had an answer, so we kept making our way to the drug store.

Once there, we found the outside much like every other building. The Glass was all shattered, and the painted walls faded and covered with a grey sticky grime. Inside they found some of the items they’d been hoping to find. Nora came away with a basket full of birth control devices and pills. Grabbing up several back packs, the girls began filling them with their loot. Nora reminded them, that every item had to be washed and cleaned before using. In the back room they found cartons that were never opened. Looking for first aid items, such as salves and ointments was disappointing. Someone had gotten there before us and nothing was left. Bandages, and gauze wrappings were all gone too. Nothing not even a cotton swab was left.

“That means there’s others alive.” the girls exclaimed. I didn’t have to say anything, Nora did it for me, pointing out that they had been alive at one time. There was no guaranty that they still were. The fact that only the birth control devices and pills were the only things left in the store, meant that they were in need of other things like all the drugs they took. Pain killers, and all kinds of cleansing items were gone. The girls did find some soaps they liked, along with shaving stuffs. As they put them in the back packs, they gave me a knowing look. I couldn’t help but lift a hand to my growth covered chin. Like everyone of us men, I had neglected to remove my whiskers, and had a good growth of beard. Shaving equipment was the one thing that the bunker had been short of. Oh there was some, but not enough. We left it alone, in case a medical problem should arise and somebody shaving was needed. That was my excuse and I was sticking to it.

Marla was moving along with the girls as they worked their way into the back of the store. I watched her as she moved. Keeping her eyes on the surroundings rather than watching the girls. I was glad to see she was paying attention to duty rather than shopping.

I was watching the street outside, for any movement. Even though the jump suits were bulky and misshapen, it was still quite possible to tell I was with a group of females. I figured that there had to be eyes watching us from somewhere and seeing the women, they might just take it upon themselves to relieve me of a few.

After a bit, Nora came and told me they wanted to explore the other stores. She could tell by my concerned look that she needed to assure me it would not be a window shopping trip. That had been my fear. Walking around town, so the girls could look in the shattered windows was not what I was about. So being assured that it wasn’t like that, I let Nora lead the way to the next store.

We walked several blocks, passed buildings that had been burnt out. Others stood almost untouched except for the lack of glass windows. Still there was that coating of dirty grime that was on everything. It must have come from all the fallout, and other debris flying through the air. The dirty wet smell of burnt garbage assailed our nostrils. It was a sickening smell that turned our stomachs. The Geiger counters were a steady stream of clicks, but well within the normal range. We weren’t being over exposed, yet there was an air of uneasiness. I didn’t like the fact that we were taking so long in going to this next store and told Nora we had to hurry up. We were spending way to much time out in the open.

Finally Nora turned and motioned the girls and Marla into a small building. I had dropped back some and was bringing up the rear. Worried that we might be followed. When I saw the sign on the building it was a shock. Nora had taken them to a porno shop. For the life of me, I didn’t know what to say. I had never expected this. Standing outside the door, I could hear them laughing and making remarks inside, but couldn’t make out what they were saying or laughing about. I thought of videos and magazines, but that was all. I just couldn’t figure it out. Later I learned that the bulky items they had in the back packs were Dildos and other attachments. That was something that just never crossed my mind.

No one said a word when they exited the building. Several smiled smugly as they passed, like they had scored a big one over me as a man. Okay, I learned something today, but now it was time to go home. I chose another route back to the Bank, and led the way down a couple of alleys. It was a shorter route and I wanted to get back as fast as I could. Marla was bringing up the rear this time, and I made a point to look back and check on her often. I remembered my hunting days when looking back, I often seen game sneaking away, having waited for me to pass by before moving even a hair. I just didn’t want to be surprised by anything.

A murmur from the girls got my attention and I turned to see what the bother was. We had passed the back of a building, part of which had crumbled down. Now inside there was a sign by some stairs leading down. The sign marked the presents of bomb shelter. The girls pointed it out to Nora who also took an interest. Coming to me, Nora nodded toward the Sign.

“That’s the sign for a fallout shelter.” Her voice came through the mask excited. “The girls want to see if there’s any one there.”

My answer was short, “No.” I pointed the way home and told them, “Lets Go.”

Even with only looking at their eyes, I could tell they were angry. “It’s only right that we should try to help them if we can. Yes, it’s the right thing to do.” was what I heard.

Still my answer was no. I told them we needed to get back before sun down, as it would get damn cold real fast. The girls all wanted to go see if there was anyone there, and they were not ready to listen to me. I tried to tell them, that we should discuss it with everyone when we got back, but we had no right to make any contact without the consent of the rest of our people. I wasn’t convincing them. They remarked that I was just jealous and afraid that we would find men, and I didn’t want the competition. Suddenly Marla joined in the melee, and growled with venom at the girls.

“You want another blood bath? You want some more killing. You want a repeat of what happen in the cafeteria? Well, that’s what you’ll get if there’s men in there. Doesn’t matter if they don’t come back to the bunker. You want Robert killed. What the hell did he do to you?” She streamed it all off before anyone could answer.

“You bring more men into this and sure they will want you. Just the same as those we have in the bunker. You want some new meat? Well sure go ahead, but know this, there will be more killing.” Marla could see that she made her point and nodded in the direction of the Bunker. “Lets get going before the sun sets. We can talk it over with the others and come back later if that’s what everyone wants.”

Nora looked at the four girls that for the first time were thinking of the consequences of their actions. “Come on,” She told them, then led the way home.

I watched as they headed out, carrying their back packs and looking somewhat remorseful. Marla nudged by me, and with a growl like comment, said she didn’t do it for me. She was afraid if there was some hostile people in that shelter, the girls might get caught in a cross fire.

Heading along after them, I watched Marla go. She moved like a woman alright, a woman with strength. Something told me, that she would never find a man that measured up to her standards. Then the thought occurred, maybe she didn’t want a man. Not every woman had the need for a man, and it could be, she was one of them. Too bad, cause she was one fine looking woman.

Having returned to the bunker without incident, the girls held a meeting all their own, and showed off their booty. The excited laughter could be heard in the Communication room, and brought a questioning look from the guys. I just told them, the girls were showing them their loot from the shopping spree. There was no need to inform them, that to a certain degree they had been replaced, or maybe supplemented is a better word.

Later after the excitement died down, the men asked about the Fallout shelter we found. For several reason’s they wanted to find out more about it and whether it contained any survivors. There wasn’t much I could tell them, as I had never known about it. How big or how it was equipped, nobody knew. I remember seeing them just about every place I went, but I never was inside one.

Carl, went to the computers and tried to find out something about it there, but came up empty. The mumble from the men, was that we needed to know if there were any survivors in there, and how many. I didn’t realize their interests were solely sparked by fear.

The fact that the stores we had seen were pretty well looted, was a strong indicator that people were alive after the big attack. Just how long they lived, was another question, and were they still alive? Dave and Carl seemed to be more concerned that there was potential competition nearby. Marla’s admonishment to the girls, was still fresh in my mind, and it made sense to me. Not just that the girls were potential sex slaves, and another round of killing would ensue over the women. No, I thought that the fight would be over food, and shelter. We had plenty of food, limited yes, but enough to see us through another year at least. I was pretty sure that a public fallout shelter didn’t provide much of anything. If there was anyone living in that shelter, they had to be foraging for food and anything else they needed.

When Violet and the other women found us in the communication room, they voiced the same need to find out who and how many there were in that shelter. Course I don’t think they were looking on it as a defensive need. No, they were more concerned with helping the less fortunate. Survivors that may be out there, struggling for existence. Marla didn’t agree, voiced her opinion then stood silent. Just looking at her face, one could tell how dead set against it she was.

It was agreed that we should find out if anyone was using the shelter. It was clear to anyone paying attention, that the women’s reasons for finding out, were different than the men’s. Whereas the women wanted to give aid, and help, the men wanted to rid the area of a potential threat. Even Greg was going along with Carl and Dave on the idea of ridding themselves of competition. Perhaps Greg was not so sure of Anna’s love for him. Bill on the other hand, said he didn’t want any part of going outside. His idea was to maintain the security of the Bunker and make sure no one got in.

Carl summed it up for everyone when he said that we needed to know just who was out there. For if any organized group of people found out that the bunker existed, they would find a way to break through all the security and enter. Now was the time to find out and either take them in, or remove a threat. Violet asked if they would consider removing perceived threats from other communities. She didn’t like the idea of Carl or the rest of the men, wanting to remove a threat. That was just plain killing.

“Well, we don’t know if there is anyone out there.” Carl reasoned. “So the removing of a possible threat, is mute at this point.” Carl still thought of himself as being somewhat in charge. He did represent the views of the male population, outside of me.

“Oh, there’s survivors out there.”Marla said from the back of the crowd. Immediately Carl and several others wanted to know how she could be so sure. “Because I saw their tracks in the snow.”

“I thought you guys only saw patches of snow pack, old snow.” Violet questioned. AAny tracks in them could be months old.

“We did, and old melting snow doesn’t keep discernible tracks. They melt and lose shape. What I saw was fresh clear foot prints. The tracks didn’t break through, they were in the grey film that covers everything out there.” Marla was somewhat uppity in her answer, showing a lack of respect for the rest of us.

Violet was satisfied with Marla’s answer and turned to look at us men. “Well what do you suggest. How shall we go about determining if we have a potential threat to our lively hood.”

“We need to send a team to investigate. And if these people are hostile, take the proper action” Carl said with a shrug as if it was the obvious procedure.

It was time I spoke up. So I said to Carl and everyone else, that we were not going to send out an armed fire team to wipe out anyone. “dding, AI won’t be giving a rifle to you Carl or anyone else. If you want to go and find out for yourself, feel free. But you will do it without a weapon.”

“Who are you to make that decision?” Carl sneered at me.

“You forget Carl, I’m the head man around here.” I pulled my shirt aside to show my shoulder holster with the 357mag. “And I’m not about letting anyone jeopardize our existence here.”

“Having that gun, Doesn’t make you right!!” It was a statement, that Carl almost shouted.

“You tried to have me killed.” I spoke evenly. “I could have killed you, but in fact as it turned out I saved your life. But don’t you doubt for one second, that if you try anything, I’ll do what maybe I should have done all along.” My meaning was clear, and I swung my glare to take in the other men standing with him. “Your all still alive ... Let’s keep it that way.”

“Well, now that we have cleared the air.” Violet perked up cheerfully. “I think we should ask for a volunteer. Who wants to go and snoop out our neighbors?”

Even with Carl still smoldering under his collar, the rest of the meeting went smooth. There was no more talk about getting rid of a threat, but more of finding out if there was anyone out there, and what condition they were in. Violet pointed out that we did have plenty of room for a lot more people and we should consider whether to take others in. It was pointed out that there were very good reasons not to admit more people to our group. Disease being the number one reason, and as Marla had warned the girls, more men might lead to killings. What was finally concluded was that we would send a volunteer team out to scout the town. The team would have at least one armed person with them, but anyone approaching the presumed survivors in the fallout shelter would go unarmed. Carl would not be one of the team. My offer that he could go by himself still stood, but he didn’t seem eager to snap it up.

Next came the choosing of who would go on the scouting trip. Marla was everyone’s first choice, though I didn’t understand why. Okay she appeared to be familiar with firearms, and that would mean she’d be the one packing the rifle. It must be from prior knowledge, that they also wanted her to be their leader. When I grumbled about it later when we were alone, Violet explained to me that being a leader on the scouting party, did not mean that they wanted her to be the Head Man. That was my status and everyone was happy with it. The reason I wasn’t picked to go on the mission was that they all felt my presents was needed here in the bunker. My presents would mean that everything would continue to go smoothly and the men would not attempt to take over in my absence. That made me feel better, but I was still feeling a little left out. I wanted to be in on the Scouting party.

The other person going with Marla, was Bill. They picked Bill because they didn’t want to risk Greg outside, as he had the most knowledge of the Bunker and it’s systems. If something happened to him, his skills of repairing and keeping things running would be sorely missed. Carl and Dave seemed to have their heads together too much. We didn’t want Outsiders meeting them for our first contact. We didn’t trust their judgment, nor any assessment they’d make. So it came down to Bill, mostly because he was all that was left.

Carl did do one thing that surprised us all. He brought out a video camera and handed it over to Bill. Since he couldn’t go himself, he wanted Bill to video as much of the mission as he could. It was a surprise to me, because I didn’t know we had a camera. I suppose it was listed somewhere in the Supply lists, but I’d never found it. Talking to Violet, revealed she hadn’t either. I wondered how many other things Carl knew about, that the rest of us didn’t. His knowledge of the Bunker, was my biggest worry. I felt that there might be more firearms locked away and hidden from us. If there were and Carl knew about them, well that was the reason I was always on my toes around him. Whenever we were in the same room, I kept an eye on his hands. Ready to respond if he should pull out a gun and attempt to shoot me. He never did, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

It was just the two of them going, Bill and Marla. We outfitted them with one Geiger Counter and one rifle. Marla carried the rifle and Bill had the camera, along with a package of fruit bars as a gift to any one they met. I wanted to go, but managed to contain myself and wished them a speedy return.

Once out the main entrance, we closed the door and then tried to go about doing other things besides waiting for their return. I went back to my quarters and with the door securely locked, began going over the Bunkers Manifests. I wanted to know what else there was that I didn’t know about. It was pretty dry reading, and damn boring. I saw that there was fuel listed, but it’s storage was in a separate location away from the bunker. Checking the numbers I saw that it was in the same place as the farm equipment, and the military vehicles. Okay, I remembered that they were down one of those small tunnels that Greg and I took to repair the Satellite dishes. What I couldn’t find was the manifest for the storage area where it was all kept. With the military type vehicles, I was leery that there might be some arms stored with them. If so, I would have to make sure that Carl was not the first one to enter that area.

The source of this story is Finestories

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