Troubled Times - Cover

Troubled Times

Copyright© 2020 by Wendell Jackson

Chapter 5

I was standing there watching all this unfold, thinking I was aloft from all this, as I hadn’t been on the planning and the idea of female sex enslavement. However, both women pointedly told me that as far as they were concerned I was part of the problem. That hit me from out of no where. I had refrained from any actions that could be mistaken for lurid behavior or any sort of come on with the girls. It had taken me by surprise and I had no response. Carl having had a moment out of the line of fire, finally came up with the idea of Anna and Violet gathering the other women together so they could all meet in the council room to discuss and go over their entire situation.

The idea mollified the two women for a moment as they considered the proposal. Violet nodded her agreement to “nna and both agreed. AWe’ll meet back here in half an hour. That will give us time to get the girls to a secure location where they will be safe while we go over the plans for everyone’s future.”

Carl muttered something about why the need for a so called secure area for the girls. Violet pointed out, that there were two men not present, whose agenda for the women was evident by their actions and words said to the young ladies. I was glad that someone besides myself could see the real threat those two men presented. Carl and the others knew it too, but were not thinking ahead of the danger of not doing anything about it. Once the women left, Carl told the other three men, that they didn’t have much time to decide what they were going to do.

“Do?” Dave asked, like he couldn’t understand the question. “ Our aim was to save and protect the future generation. Where’s the wrong in that? That is what we should stress.”

“What about the whole idea of having these girls down here in the first place. It wasn’t just to protect and keep them safe. We were to have several for our own pleasures.” Bill wasn’t about to give up that idea. “Are we to just forget about that?”

“Don’t panic.” Dave swung around, glaring with anger. “Use your head. There are twenty some young females just down the hall. No men other then ourselves, no one to woo them, but us. We don’t have to have a plan or agenda. Those girls are young, growing, with raging hormones. They will come looking for us.”

“He’s right.” Carl breathed with relief. “So we go along with whatever Violet and the rest of the women want. We just let nature take it’s course.” he was smiling now, glad that he didn’t have to explain their original plan.

It was some fifteen minutes later when Violet led the rest of the women into council room. Carl stepped up and offered the ladies seats around the table. Carl looked over at me, and indicated that I should also take a seat, like everyone else was. What followed was hard to believe. After Carl opened up their meeting, by assuring Violet and the others, the girls would be safe and no one was going to pressure any one into doing something unsavory. Looking around at the table, he extracted affirmation from the other men. I just shrugged my shoulders, as I was completely awed by the act Carl and the others, including Greg were putting on. I had thought Greg to be a notch higher on the moral ladder, but I was learning different.

Why didn’t I say something? Like expose these men and their intentions toward the girls. Well the reason I didn’t say anything, is that I wasn’t sure that what they had in mind wasn’t what the girls would want. Before they were thinking of taking the girls, any way they could. By force if needed. Oh they didn’t come out and say it, but it was there. Heck, Jim and Martin both expressed that view every time the subject of the girls came up. Though they hadn’t said much lately, and that was probably because no one hardly saw them except for meal times. So now they were going to let the girls come on to them. They didn’t tell Violet and the women that, but it was their outlook.

The talk around the table changed, I noticed that they were now discussing classes and having the girls finish school. They were going over which of their number were best suited for teaching the different subjects. What I was learning, was that none of the men could be trusted. Jim and Martin in their evil, dark ways, were more honest then these men sitting before me.

While all this talking was going on, I noticed that several of the women were stealing glances at me. I only caught them as eyes roved over everyone sitting around the conference table. Violet was the only one that met my eyes and seem to be studying me. I had the feeling she was looking me over to see if I was comfortable with the entire episode being played out. Maybe it was because I was so much younger than the others, she thought that I hadn’t developed the thick hide of a liar. By watching me, she could tell the truth of what was going on around the table. At least what I knew of what was going on. I finally excused myself and left the room. I had enough.

Miss Collins came to my room, after the meeting was over. Once in, she reached up and disconnected the PA speaker above the door. Smiling at me, she explained that she didn’t want anyone listening in on what she had to say. I suppose that she thought the speaker might have had a bug or something in it. What followed was Violet questioning me on the real motives of the men. I was honest in my answers, but the jest of it was that the men were not going to force the girls into anything that they didn’t want. That didn’t include Jim and Martin, whom no one had seen in between meal times.

One of Violets questions to me, was why wasn’t I more instep with Carl and the rest? Was I interested in girls? “Just because I haven’t tried to get one in my bed, doesn’t mean that I don’t want one for myself. I want it all, not just the sex. I want everything that goes with loving someone.” I was trying to say the words my mother would have wanted to hear.

“And just what does everything mean?” was the next question.

I had to pause and think for a moment, before answering. “I really don’t know, but I’m sure I will know what it is when I find it.” That was the truth. I had no idea what I wanted, but it wasn’t some faceless body for sex.

The answer seemed to please Miss Collins and she told me to keep myself honest, as there were things to come where she would be depending heavily on me. Of course I wasn’t sure I would be looking forward to that. One thing she did say that was nice, was that everyone appreciated my work with the girls and my help with the basket ball games. Before she left, Violet mentioned that it would be good thing if I joined in with a few classes, and extended my studies. At that time, I really didn’t understand what she was getting at, and mentally put what she said on a back burner.

The next day, the games continued with vigor. The confrontation in the council room seemingly to have solved all problems and misconceptions. I learned later that under the surface, there was a lot of mistrust and deception on both sides. I didn’t think that the wool could be pulled over Violets eyes so easily, and I was right. For the time being, everyone’s attention shifted to the games.

A great deal of effort was put into the different teams. Now Carl and the other three men had a team, though it wasn’t one that counted in the outcome of who was to be champion, it still played against the women’s team on a regular schedule. Not all gym activities were scheduled games. Some mornings after breakfast, the whole Bunker assemble and did warm ups. The basketballs came out and everyone lined up for doing lay ups. Everyone participated, even Violet. There was a line where the ball wasn’t passed with so much vigor, and the pace was much kinder to an older person.

The girls had taken to naming their teams, one was the Tigers, another called it’s self the Lions, and there was also the Wolf Pack. It was a good idea, and it made keeping track of the results easier. I noticed that emblems started appearing on their uniforms, along with the numbers of their jerseys. Not only that, I noticed that the girls were mature in many ways. The jerseys were filling out, and jiggling as the girls ran up and down the court. I found myself staring at their numbers more often than needed. I mean, I had to call out the number of the girl committing the foul, and in reading it, I couldn’t help but see that some girls were really well proportioned.

During a warm up session while watching the girls do lay ups from the side line, Nora Whitehall who was sitting near me, pointed out how mature some of the girls were becoming. I just nodded and agreed. Nora went on to mentioned that I should sometimes be more understanding of their problems. Now that got my attention, which produced a question of what was she talking about. I found out that she was referring to my chiding one of the girls for not turning out for a scheduled game, which forced her team to play with a member short. Which led to her team losing, and dropping down a notch in standings.

Explaining to Nora that these games were important to most of the girls and having one decide for some reason she didn’t want to play that day was not fair to the others. My explanation just brought a knowing smile to Nora’s lips. Her look was saying to me, that I was woefully ignorant of the ways of the world.

“You know of course that women have a problem at least once a month, that men do not have.” She was speaking to me like I had the understanding of a toddler. Suddenly it dawned on me, what she was referring too. By my expression, she saw that her words struck home. “Some girls suffer cramps and other discomforts. Many to the extent that they need to be excused from physical activities.”

My face had to be as red as a Beet. I nodded that now, I understood and promised that I would be more understanding in the future. What really bothered me, was that I should have been aware of a girls menstrual cycle from the start. But since I never suffered from the condition, it just wasn’t something I gave a lot of thought too.

Now the games were important for many reasons, but they were just a part of our everyday life. Most mornings shortly after breakfast, I checked in with Dave in the communication room to see if there was any more news of the outside world. Mostly it was military transitions, in code so were had no way of knowing what was being sent. A few radio transitions were coming over the air waves now, and those were people seeking other survivors and wanting to know the same things we were trying to find out. Dave wouldn’t reply to any calls, as it had been decided by Carl, and the others to adhere to the instructions in the procedure book. Number one item in the contact list, was not to give away the location of the bunker. There was the great fear, that if they knew our location, vast hordes of contaminated people would storm the bunker and in time would find a way to breach our security and over run us.

There were other things to check on, besides the radio and computer messages. The internet was down, and it didn’t look like it would be getting back up, but there was the connection through the relay stations, and those were all government connections. They did know that our Bunker did survive, but they also had no idea that we had existed in the first place. At least that was my impression. I know there was nothing in their replies to Carl or Dave’s signals, to indicate that they were interested in us. Using the code book, and going over what signals that the book covered, we slowly learned that they were gathering information from some civil defense bunkers, and were going to move survivors to area’s in the mid west. That would be done when and if radiation levels back east subsided.

Every state had been hit with a nuke, but some suffered far less then New York or California. It wasn’t just New York that was wiped out on the east coast. Most of the Northern Cities were not being heard from. So we were determining by the lack of any news from a city, that it probably didn’t exist anymore.

Another problem besides radiation for the survivors, those that didn’t have a secure shelter like what we were living in, was that the weather was turning very cold. Checking the outside temps by the gauges and read outs from the instruments in the broken Dome gave a very chilling view of our weather. At first the rain came in with a strong storm. There were high winds of one hundred miles per hour, that blew over trees and other structures weaken by the bomb blasts. According to some messages that were in the clear, not being encoded, flooding was occurring everywhere. Then even before the flood waters could recede, it started snowing, turning freezing cold.

In the weeks that followed, less and less was heard over the air waves. Information coming in vie computer, told us that even some government base’s were having problems from the cold. It was then, when everything was freezing up, that the earth began to shake again. Some of the women knew what it was right at the start, but it took me a few moments to comprehend what was happening. We were in the middle of another ball game, and were setting up for a foul shot when the ground started rolling. My legs seem to turn to jelly and I felt the need to sit down. The rolling lasted several minutes, long enough for it to seem like it would never stop.

That was the first one, the second shaking happened not even fifteen minutes later. To me it seemed just as strong, but Violet and several of the women said it wasn’t, so it must have been an aftershock. Several more quakes were felt later in the day, maybe several hours apart. After it was all over, we discovered that we no longer were connected by computer to the outside world. Everything was down, except our power. Only what was self contained, continued operating. Our systems were secure, but I sure didn’t feel the same way.

We formed teams and went about the bunker system, checking for cracks and other damage. It was hard to believe that all the shaking had not ruptured something. It was while we were checking for damage, that we found Jim and Martins hang out. I realized at once what it was, when we found it. The two men had taken over a storage locker near the power reactor. It was safe, no radiation leakage, but an area most of us were uncomfortable visiting because of the Reactor.

When we entered the Locker, which was in fact a large room filled with rows of shelves. One area had been cleared and a living space set up. We didn’t get far into the room when Jim and Martin both confronted us, Myself, Greg and Bill with rifles aimed at our mid sections. For me that answered the question of whether or not, guns had been removed from the Arms locker. There wasn’t much time to look around as we were ordered to leave. The clicking of the safeties going off, helped in our decision to leave as we had been told. In my quick glance around, I noted that there two large padded areas on the floor, covered with pillows and blankets. I also noted that there was a couple of TV’s and other devices, along with several computers rigged up with wires leading somewhere.

Bill was the only one that tried to talk to them, but they made it plain they didn’t want to talk or have anything to do with us. So we left, thinking we were lucky if we didn’t get shot in the back. I remarked after the door was slammed shut behind us, that now they all knew that it wasn’t me that broke into the Arms locker. I was still peeved over how I was treated about that ordeal.

Going back the way we had come, I paid some attention to the floor as we walked. There was some dust but a path was pretty well cleared through it and not much could be told. However I saw where someone had stepped out of the usual walking tail and left a few foot prints in the otherwise undisturbed dust. I just noted the size of the shoe print, and said nothing to Bill or Greg. The print was small, small like a woman’s shoe, or a girls. The two padded areas in the store room, and the small shoe print was a good indication to me, that Jim and Martin were being visited by at least one of the women, probably two, since women liked to walk together. Walking beside each other, would put one of them outside the trail and thus the reason for the tracks in the undisturbed dust.

I took a good look at the shoe print and made a point to note the design of the tread. If all the women wore the same shoe, then it was of no use. But if all the shoes were different, then I would know who the person was that made at least one visit to the den of our two outlaws. I felt a little left out. I mean, here I was part of an effort to keep the girls minds on other things besides sex, not having any relations myself, with the women or the older lady, and those two S.O.B.s were getting laid.

The news of our discovery didn’t go well with any of the women. It was assumed that we were in immediate danger. Violet was the first to shake her head no, and go on to explain, that if there was any real danger, we would have been suffering from it long before now. “Were performing a task that those two don’t want. Were taking care of the girls, feeding them, training them, occupying their days with activities. Jim and Martin don’t want to be bothered with that.” Taking a deep breath she expressed a worry. “ When the time is right, they will either entice what girls they can to join them, or they will just take them anyway.”

The source of this story is Finestories

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